Successful Rule Breakers: Krysti Turznik Of Powerful Mind Wellness On How To Succeed By Doing Things Differently

An Interview With Chad Silverstein

Chad Silverstein
Authority Magazine
13 min readNov 20, 2023


Give yourself permission to focus inward. So often we’re not clear on what you’d like to accomplish so take the time to identify what you want for yourself and your business. Then, without criticism or judgment, discover where you might be getting in your own way or blocking your success and work to create more aligned behaviors. Tap into what success looks like for you and prioritize those things that will allow you to achieve it.

In the world of business and within every industry, there are forward-thinking leaders who go against the status quo and find success. Their courage to take risks, embrace innovation, and inspire collaboration separates them from the competition. Until 2002, Apple’s famous slogan was “Think Different”. This attitude likely helped them become one of the most successful organizations in history. This interview series aims to showcase visionary leaders and their “status quo-breaking” approach to doing business. As part of this series, I had the pleasure of interviewing Krysti Turznik.

With over 20 years’ experience, Krysti helps successful leaders get their personal lives back on track as they transition into their authentic selves, embrace their power, overcome their subconscious obstacles, and live a soul-led life. She’s the founder and owner of Powerful Mind Wellness, a personal development company helping professionals and entrepreneurs discover success on their terms, fulfill their life’s purpose, and make an impact doing what they love as they leverage the scientific and spiritual modalities and principles that respond to their mindset and step into their fullest potential. Her #1 best-selling book, Mindset Magic: Using Scientific & Spiritual Principles to Create Your Life, has been endorsed by Michael Bernard Beckwith.

Thank you so much for doing this with us! Our readers would love to get to know you a bit better. Can you tell us your “Origin Story”? Can you tell us the story of how you grew up?

I grew up in the Midwest. As a typical Generation X child, the message I learned was to be ‘seen and not heard,’ do what you’re told, and don’t ask questions. I learned you work hard and make the best of what you are given. My family had a mixture of careers as entrepreneurs and employees, so it allowed flexibility in the path I would follow. After many years in corporate, I realized I am better suited to the lifestyle and freedoms offered as a business owner.

Can you give us a glimpse into your journey into this industry and share a story about one of the most significant challenges you faced when you first started out? How did you end up resolving that challenge?

Entrepreneurship is a personal journey. I’ve discovered that my business has experienced stages of expansion and contraction that are directly correlated to my own personal growth and development. As I strengthen and heal my own self-image, worth, and subconscious programming, the successes I experience in my life and business follow. It is a never-ending process of deeper understanding and purpose.

One of those periods occurred when I lost myself and my connection to my deeper purpose during my husband’s drug addiction. I needed to go deeper into the tools that I relied upon in my work with my clients, only this time, I needed to do it for myself and peel back the layers more than ever before.

Through my quest to uncover the profound lessons that experience was teaching me, I dove into a deeper understanding of how to reconnect to my highest Self and to the Universe so I could navigate the best way forward. It was only then that I understood the magnitude of the underlying spiritual purpose and meaning of everything I had gone through so I could use it to learn more about myself and grow into the person I felt called to become.

That journey has transformed not only how I show up professionally but also in the branding and message I convey in my business today. Everything in life is a lesson that guides us to a deeper understanding of how we limit our authentic selves, our impact, and the success we can create when we believe in ourselves fully.

Who has been the most significant influence in your business journey, and what is the most significant lesson or insight you have learned from them?

Both Wayne Dyer and Gabrielle Bernstein have had significant influences in my life and business journey. For so long I had kept my spirituality in the background, believing it was not something to be shared. Through their work and them incorporating spirituality into their teachings, they silently gave me permission to do the same. I learned that my highest Self doesn’t need to be hidden and was reminded that as I honor myself and the Universe, life flows more easily and becomes more fulfilling and meaningful. The greatest gift I can give to the world is to be who I was meant to be.

Can you share a story about something specific that happened early on that you would consider a failure but ended up being a blessing in disguise or ended up being one of the most valuable lessons you had to learn on your own?

When I first started my business, my first mentor told me to beware of my ego and keep myself out of my business. His intention was to guide me from what he called an “ego business” that was all about me and vainly splashed my name everywhere but didn’t speak much to the impact of the service I offered to my clients. It wasn’t about me but rather the results I could provide. It made sense at the time and so I learned to hide in my business.

For many years, my business struggled to make a connection with people. I didn’t plant my stake in the ground and proclaim who I was or what my business could do or for whom. My marketing fell flat as I was speaking to everyone but stood for nothing, at least outwardly. People couldn’t connect with who I was because I had distanced myself and my authenticity from my business. I wasn’t visible. As a result, I fell deep into imposter syndrome, struggled with low confidence, and wasted way too much time spinning my wheels. I turned inward with self-attack thinking my failures were my own fault and my lack of abilities. It never occurred to me that there could be a different way than what I was taught.

Eventually I sought guidance from new mentors, ones who encouraged me to share myself within my business. They helped me to feel safe enough to put myself out there and infuse my business with my personality and the impact I felt called to make. I cried the day I openly shared my new business messaging with a room full of people for the first time because it felt like I was finally honoring myself and my business in a powerful way.

The lesson I learned from it was that we each have our own paths and our own preferences. When we align with the person we feel inspired to be and tap into the deeper why behind our passions and desires, we are guided to create the life and business where we can fulfill our highest potential.

Leading anything is hard, especially when grappling with a difficult situation where it seems that no matter what you decide, it will have a negative impact on those around you. Can you share a story about a situation you faced that required making a “hard call” or a tough decision between two paths?

The biggest decision I’ve had to make has been whether to end or stay in my marriage. There is a fine line someone walks when they are in a relationship with an addict. It’s a balance between helping a loved one get the support they need and removing oneself from a stressful and toxic situation. The journey I’ve traveled with my husband forced me to learn on a deeply personal level that no matter how much you want to help someone, they must be the one to help themselves first. There is no amount of love, sacrifice, or compassion that will change someone unless they are ready.

I remembered my own self-worth, got clear on the life I wanted to live, and loved myself more deeply. In doing so, I was able to draw a line in the sand that allowed me to make the best choice possible. The process of me choosing my path enabled my husband to choose his path, as well.

Let’s shift our focus to the core of this interview about ‘Successful Rule Breakers’. Why did you decide to “break the rules”? Early on, did you identify a particular problem or issue in how businesses in your industry generally operated? What specifically compelled you to address this and want to do things differently? Please share how you went about implementing those changes and the impact they had.

I saw early on that so many businesses don’t focus on the whole problem of helping someone create transformation in their life. The essence of the person was being overlooked. Often someone will help with mindset, or strategy, or spirituality but there aren’t many coaches that combine the practical applications of both scientific and spiritual understanding and methodology to produce long-term change.

My three-pillar methodology was created to facilitate lasting change by transforming subconscious patterns and programming, utilizing a balance of mindset and strategy as well as a blending of both inner work and outer actions.

As you learn to shine light on your shadows, you can apply strategies to move from hiding and being stuck to embracing your worth and feeling free to be who you’re meant to be. Understanding the power of your mindset enables you to shift from limitations to possibilities, greater certainty, and more peace and fulfillment. When you know you’re a powerful creator, you shift from fear into trust, blocked into alignment, and a deep connection with the divine Source. As your core thoughts and beliefs are enhanced and strengthened, you naturally begin to take greater action towards the outcomes that are meaningful to you.

In the ever-changing business landscape, how exactly do you decide when to adhere to industry norms versus “breaking the rules” and forging your own way? Can you share an example?

There are certain industry standards that are non-negotiable no matter what business you are in. Honesty, integrity, quality service and products, and open communication are critical aspects to uphold. Beyond those, it’s important to be able to create a business that matches the lifestyle you wish to live so that it’s fulfilling as well as sustainable. Anything less than that will eventually lead to burnout, resentment, and disconnection from the underlying reason of why you are in the business you are in. Ideally, your work should inspire you in a way that causes you to strive to break through your inner limitations and negative subconscious programming so that you can achieve your highest potential.

Breaking the rules means moving away from how things are typically done, and relying upon your own inner authority to guide you to what feels correct and appropriate for you and your business. The more you allow your authentic self to come forth, the greater the opportunity for you to tune into what is truly important to you, discover how you want to feel, and the impact you want to create through your business, both personally and professionally.

The hustle can be combined with receptivity and attraction. You don’t always have to be outwardly doing something in order to experience results. Finding a healthy balance of masculine and feminine energy in business not only allows you to utilize your efforts effectively, but it enables you to implement and maintain the strategies aligned with your vision that will produce long-term success.

Your purpose and passions are uniquely your own. Choosing to follow the calling in your heart is the path to deeper meaning and fulfillment, greater abundance and prosperity, stronger relationships, and an overall healthier well-being.

What guidance or insight can you offer to new entrepreneurs trying to follow existing and accepted industry norms while at the same time trying to differentiate themselves in the marketplace?

Stay true to yourself and the vision you hold within yourself. Your skills, abilities, and history are exactly what will make you stand out in the world. Learn the framework and basics of what is considered standard in your industry, then make it your own.

As you embrace the authenticity of what makes you special and valuable, you will no longer compare yourself to others. The clients and customers who resonate with you will feel a connection to your style and offerings and self-select when they are a good match for your business. There is room for everyone because we each bring something different to the world.

To make an impact, you have to champion change, get creative, and take risks. Please think back about the decisions you’ve made that have helped your business get to where it is today, and share your top 5 strategies or decisions that helped you succeed by doing things differently.

1 . Give yourself permission to focus inward. So often we’re not clear on what you’d like to accomplish so take the time to identify what you want for yourself and your business. Then, without criticism or judgment, discover where you might be getting in your own way or blocking your success and work to create more aligned behaviors. Tap into what success looks like for you and prioritize those things that will allow you to achieve it.

2 . Strengthen your mindset. Personal growth and business success are intimately connected. Be willing to transform your limiting thoughts and patterns so that you — more than anyone else — believe in the work you are doing and the value you bring. As you strengthen your confidence and overcome your inner resistance, you will automatically show up more powerfully and authentic in your life and career.

3 . Don’t take failure personally. Everything in life and business is a lesson; you either grow or you learn. If something doesn’t work well, simply adjust and try something new.

4 . Prioritize self-care and wellness. Burnout and overwhelm can be avoided when you prioritize yourself along with everything else. Remember to balance the time, energy, and attention you give to your work as well as your private life. Both are equally important and can fulfill you in different ways.

5. Get support from coaches and mentors. Seek guidance and direction from those who are a few steps ahead of you and have achieved what you desire. They can show you the shortcuts to success and teach you what you don’t know you don’t know. Take what they share with you and implement everything that feels aligned and break the rules with the rest.

As a leader, how do you rally others to align with your vision? Also, how do you identify those who may not be fully committed or even silently sabotaging or undermining your efforts? What steps do you take to address these situations?

As a leader embodies their truth and the message they are sharing, the more it inspires others to align with their vision. Others intuitively sense when someone is being authentic, just as they sense when someone is not fully committed or working against their desires.

Choose to listen to your inner voice as it will guide you in all your interactions. Lean into your own truth and understanding and then openly communicate with others that both connect with your authenticity as well as those who do not resonate with your vision. Transparency and directness are always good strategies to address misalignment or ill intentions.

You are meant to serve those who connect with you on a deeper level. Minimize interactions with people that don’t, and maintain your focus on the ones who love and appreciate your value and contribution.

Imagine we’re sitting down together two years from now, looking back at your company’s last 24 months. What specific accomplishments would have to happen for you to be happy with your progress?

In two years, I’ll be continuing to experience an increasing expansion of impact and personal transformation take place through my work.

My second book, which helps transform heartache into healing using a spouse’s addiction as a catalyst to deeper self-love and purpose, will have been published.

The balance between work and home life flows effortlessly with an outpouring of abundance and blessings everywhere I look. Life is even more aligned and purposeful.

You are a person of enormous influence. If you could inspire a movement that would bring the most amount of good to the most amount of people, what would that be? You never know what your idea can trigger. :-)

My movement is to Return to Self and become the person you were meant to be. By letting your authentic self guide you, you’ll fulfill your deeper purpose and live a soul-led life.

How can our readers continue to follow you or your company online?

To learn more about how to step into your authentic selves, embrace your power, overcome your subconscious obstacles, and live a soul-led life, visit I’m also on Facebook, Instagram, and TikTok. Additional resources can be found at

Thank you so much for sharing all of these insights. We wish you continued success and good health!

Thank you, to you as well.

About the Interviewer: Chad Silverstein is an accomplished entrepreneur and visionary leader. He started his first company, Choice Recovery, Inc., while attending Ohio State University and grew it to become an industry outlier before selling the business after 25 successful years. With the launch of his second venture, [re]start, a career development platform, Chad aimed to help people find meaningful career opportunities. Under his leadership, his team was recognized as a “Top Workplace” award winner for over a decade, twice being ranked the #1 small and medium-sized business to work for in Central Ohio. Chad sold [re]start in 2023, enabling him to focus on building an online community of high-performing leaders and continuing to make a positive impact in people’s lives.



Chad Silverstein
Authority Magazine

Chad Silverstein: 25-years experience as a CEO & Founder, sharing entrepreneurial insights & empowering the next generation of leaders.