Successful Rule Breakers: Orville Wright Of Oh Yeah Beats On How To Succeed By Doing Things Differently

An Interview With Chad Silverstein

Chad Silverstein
Authority Magazine
26 min readDec 26, 2023


Be Relatable

News headlines touch hearts when hitting close to home. Households are impacted when they hear or see a story regarding a family matter that has the possibility of happening to them.

In the world of business and within every industry, there are forward-thinking leaders who go against the status quo and find success. Their courage to take risks, embrace innovation, and inspire collaboration separates them from the competition. Until 2002, Apple’s famous slogan was “Think Different”. This attitude likely helped them become one of the most successful organizations in history. This interview series aims to showcase visionary leaders and their “status quo-breaking” approach to doing business. As part of this series, I had the pleasure of interviewing Orville “OH YEAH” Wright.

“OH YEAH” is a singer, songwriter, and music producer. Wright uses his music to uplift and elevate others across the world. The entire world needs to know that “OH YEAH” is breaking all of the rules when it comes to creating music that leaves great memory and a lifetime of impact.

Thank you so much for doing this with us! Our readers would love to get to know you a bit better. Can you tell us your “Origin Story”? Can you tell us the story of how you grew up?

Thank you for this incredible opportunity! My origin story is certainly one of distinct resilience. Before having self-awareness about my destined profession as a musician, I was a kid who grew up diagnosed with ADHD, always having thoughts all over the place. I loved hanging out with friends and was into sports and music, even then. Most times, I found myself reciting favorite rhymes and choruses with others who shared the mutual favoritism of certain songs from the radio. I grew up with an admiration for connecting with others and also standing up for those who needed it. Quite often, I found myself fighting bullies who picked on other kids. I was raised to carry honor and have respect for all around me. My parents were both in the military and I spent a good amount of my childhood with some family in Colorado Springs, Colorado. These relatives are Mexican so I also began learning to speak Spanish around elderly. I also had an early love for reading books that even included “Gifted Hands” from the younger Dr. Ben Carson. This was a moment in time that I discovered someone else who also had ADHD. This discovery is what intrigued me to begin reading again but this time was with complete understanding, as I choose numerous books and biographies.

Ironically, in school, I did not apply myself much as I was often bored or distracted. That hindering created a greater challenge and necessity for me to work hard, picking up the slack. Not only was it myself, but others, I began competing with. I certainly wanted to perfect every LEGO model that I built or designed. In public races, I knew that I could prove to others that I was the fastest. The track & field athletics became a part of my pleasure until I discovered shin splints due to my genetically-structured “high calves”. I still ran on the team through High School. I even loved swimming. To this day, I cannot be kept out of bodies of water. I enjoyed high diving and just swimming to depths that I haven’t reached before.

I believe I never had difficulty making friends with as many people whose paths crossed with mine. The majority of my friends were typically older than me by two or three years. As I grew older, I was often told that I have an “old soul”.

Lastly, I have to mention music and how it was always a part of my life, starting when I was just in the children’s choir, singing. Also at family gatherings I found myself dancing to a lot of jams from the 80’s and early 90’s. I think once certainty is that my childhood has a plethora of incredible memories I will never forget… forever grateful.

Can you give us a glimpse into your journey into this industry and share a story about one of the most significant challenges you faced when you first started out? How did you end up resolving that challenge?

My journey is that of a songwriter and rapper who slowly became a multi-genre music producer simply making music that satisfies on all levels. I was mostly a perfectionist but I started to see a bigger picture once I discovered the exact lane that I fit perfectly in amidst all of the industry adversity.

As a musician (and in the industry as a whole) all individuals have the potential of losing themselves and their passion. Some stories have led to heartbreak and a change of profession. My challenge was writing and completing songs. As an independent artist, I struggled to establish relationships with music producers because many of the music producers (even now) tend only to move with motivation (financial or obvious potential). In the early 2000’s, I was still developing my skills and knowledge so only one or two music producers truly connected with me. Thankfully due to those producers, I was able to put out some great songs for a “beginner” songwriter and artist. The real challenge then showed its face shortly after.

I soon didn’t have any music producers to work directly with. I found myself searching everywhere for instrumentals and “beats” just to get the job done. I then tried some new software called “MAGIX Music Maker”, which is what introduced me to the beginning of music production journey. The challenge then presented was “how do I get the job done myself?” I started putting together simple loops which made up concepts of sounds that I was looking to create. Shortly after I started this journey, I realized where I had room for growth and further development.

Playing songs back in my car and in front of friends, I realized what these new songs that I was creating were lacking true structure, originality, and a little quality. To create my path of correction, I stepped back from songwriting completely and focused solely on music producing in order to create exactly what I had envisioned. This also helped me to improve the overall quality of the sound that I exported the songs. The great thing about this presented challenge was that I learned to face the music at maximum volume. I began to teach myself everything that I didn’t know about writing and composing music. Producing music is no longer a challenge for me as I now do it as a part of my business.

Who has been the most significant influence in your business journey, and what is the most significant lesson or insight you have learned from them?

The most significant influence in my business journey comes from my mother and father. Both have hustled for my sister and I to live our lives with more peace. The two have always demonstrated love and passion in their support for both of our dreams. In their support, they have let us know that we will always have them in the foundation of help and guidance.

More specifically, I learned from my parents (even though visions of the end-results aren’t always clear) that it is still imperative to follow all the way through with our work to get to the set goals. In my reflection, I see that I have made sure to do as instructed when pursuing my passions. As a result, I have achieved more success than the average who may have given up prematurely. Even when I got upset and frustrated about things not going as planned, I would still make numerous attempts to get the result that I was looking for. Finally succeeding, I was able to have the feeling of satisfaction and gratitude that I had just enough patience to work hard for the win.

I’m so thankful to my parents for teaching me subconsciously and perhaps intentionally about love, patience, gratitude, and dedication (especially in my rebellious years). I remember a recent moment that I had with the two of them, separately, where they had expressed the sense of pride that I had brought them in my growth and development. I can’t even think of words to express back to them all of my gratitude. It is so clear to me that my parents are the most influential through their support.

Can you share a story about something specific that happened early on that you would consider a failure but ended up being a blessing in disguise or ended up being one of the most valuable lessons you had to learn on your own?

The biggest blessing in disguise was discovering all of the assets and liabilities in the friends I considered having. Growing up in a multi-cultural community, I always wanted to make friends with everyone. It never mattered the economic status or education level. Clearly, age didn’t even weigh into the equation. If I saw a genuine trait and friendliness, I would consider anyone a friend. The failure was in my discovery during my times of need but in actuality, it is easy to see the obvious once blinders are taken off.

I realized people that I welcomed around me often had ulterior motives and they were discovered when I would ask for the smallest favors of help. Even when I was starting my music career, I didn’t have many of these “friends” accepting my free invitations to watch me perform live. They would however have time to go to the club, spend money unnecessarily, and ask for a ride later that same night as the Designated Driver. One occasion, I recall even having a hotel paid for to visit Atlantic City. That same trip resulted in me enjoying my time away, alone. These same “friends” would take random trips to “Beach week” in Miami. These sound like some incredible friends, right? Absolutely the opposite. I found out that I didn’t have friends how I thought that I did.

I admit that I definitely misconceived convenience in being present simultaneously with me for friendship. I believe other instances took place that also included me not being the best judge of character when it came to girlfriends. It was the series of events that all lined up for me to finally realize that there were a lot of people I needed to cut off, in order to grow and succeed. I woke up one day and started “Spring Cleaning” my life and the circle of friends I chose to have.

I truly see this “losing friends” as a blessing in disguise because it became my way to get back more mental real estate for things and people who truly mean something to me, bringing value and support. Of the actual circle, I realized only one of them was a true friend. This 10 percent of the group became now a 20 percent of the real friends that I consider close. I believe that your success is based on the support that you have rather than the energy and effort that you waste on others who do not reciprocate. Thanks to the fact that I now make much greater investments in select individuals, I have achieved greater success and vice versa. My circles find it easy to have powerful and meaningful conversations that spark ideas and innovation for whatever we are working on or perplexed about. It matters for me to give back that support also. For that reason, the tribes and groups that I belong to now all see how supportive I am.

I think it did take me to discover for myself how people can live in your mind “rent-free” and be that anchor to your sail. I just happened not to let the wind take me for longer than I should have. Now moving completely free with little resistance, I see that losing friends was me actually gaining wins beyond my imagination and expectations.

I really suggest that all of the readers take a moment of reflection to discover if they are making good investments in the company they are currently keeping. Particularly on social media, all of us can easily make the wrong choices and judges of character. Honestly, some will make it easy for you because they may not even be following you. I have lost a lot of those alone on my Instagram page. More of us all can become winners alone in making better decisions with people that we choose to support and allow as close to us.

This really is one of my most valuable life lessons.

Leading anything is hard, especially when grappling with a difficult situation where it seems that no matter what you decide, it will have a negative impact on those around you. Can you share a story about a situation you faced that required making a “hard call” or a tough decision between two paths?

I certainly have a great share for you, regarding one tough decision that I had to make. This involves both my music career and my personal life and family time.

I let a few people close to me know about an opportunity that I had to work with two big artists from the industry. I was given all access to the two, having personal phone numbers and emails. To have such private information of public figures felt like a huge responsibility. Fast-forward to a team of five of us working on a song (remix) and it seemed like so much of my time was always asked of. There were so many studio sessions and to make matters more difficult, there were three different time zones to add into the equation.

I also have my personal life to tend to that includes driving and helping family. At some points in time, it really seemed like I just never had enough time for this part of my life. I also had some family members telling me that more of my time was needed and that I may soon need to make a tough decision between a personal life versus a career…

Suddenly rearing its head, I was given an ultimatum from both parts of my life. I have a chance to do something huge with two amazing music artists or work on the personal relationships. It was always a huge dream of mine to become a star in music but should I obtain my goal at the stake of my personal life becoming nothing but a reflection in the mirror?

Believe it or not, I took the high road and took a moment to let all parties know my decision. The musicians somewhat understood me choosing my personal life and sanity over more money and a little stardom. The project shortly died because I had offered a way to retain rights and all. Shortly after, the other members faded from the picture. My family was able to have more of my time and I was able to have more sanity, feeling like there was so much more time in a day. I forgot to mention that any means of communication was asked of me at so many different times of day or night for minor corrections to the song. So the song went nowhere…

Fortunately, all of the members didn’t invest much (financially) to consider this entire project as an actual loss but it could have been the window that resurrected the two Grammy winners back out of the unofficial retirement. I see the negative impact being that doubt now probably placed in their heads whether they could still rock the crowd or was it just their name that brought familiarity and nostalgia. Again, I could have not been dealing with the annoying H.O.A. in my community right now, had I chosen to do any and everything to advance beyond my wildest imaginations.

Honestly, the bruise is gone but the nerves still sting a little. I have a part of me that wonders what if I found some way to have advanced with a healthy balance of the personal life. I also look at others in the industry and see that they have great difficulty creating a healthy divide. In fact, a lot of artists go through multiple mental burnouts. This was the hard call that came into my reality.

Let’s shift our focus to the core of this interview about ‘Successful Rule Breakers’. Why did you decide to “break the rules”? Early on, did you identify a particular problem or issue in how businesses in your industry generally operated? What specifically compelled you to address this and want to do things differently? Please share how you went about implementing those changes and the impact they had.

I decided to be a rule breaker because of the change that I see that is needed for humanity amongst all of us as creators. In the entertainment business, I often saw how seldom real collaborations take place. This still occurs now with some people that view others only as competition. All too often, we all see everything and everyone around us as an obstacle instead of a tool for a greater cause. I think about this daily and soon decided to make a real change and impact.

I have a unique niche that allows me to bridge gaps as well as create bridges and bonds between others. It is because I was able to observe just how my brand can help other individuals and businesses obtain more visibility while I also benefit equally. This would take place with me creating Theme Songs. The unique part about me creating theme songs is actually creating with the intent of placing the spotlight or highlight on the individual or organization as the subject matter. I believe in uplifting others for the success of more and purposed a part of my songwriting skills into a packaged gift.

I despised how people conducted business. There had to be a change.I have seen musicians and music producers do a lot for extra attention but I believe this is the best way for my name and company “Oh Yeah Beats” to shine brighter with transparency and authenticity. I wanted to be different and implement the core values that I stand for. I began with creating music for a few individuals from the Television & Film community. I also assisted a few content creators on YouTube. I found my exact lane where I can help bring more visibility to others and work with a lot more people. Going back to when I first started in the music industry, I remember how difficult it is for people to work with a music producer directly. I wanted to be the perfect example of the change that we all need to see.

That being said, I reached out to a different group of entertainers from the industry of VO (Voice-Over). This became a great avenue and way to win alongside another person who could have been seen as a competitor. In the collaboration, a song was created for an executive producer in Hollywood. There are so many ways to get the attention of exec’s but using the talents and knowledge you already have is one of the secrets. The exec was wowed and helped to earn us the now seen as “musical artists” some spotlight and a moment to pitch directly. I repeated this type of collaboration, gifting others, which is something I actually learned from other entertainment moguls such as Tiffany Haddish, another great public figure who contributed a lot to children, particularly in the Foster Care system. During a charity event to raise funds in the community, she had a simple request when it comes to a song. It seems that I am the only one who took liberty to move forward with doing something different in a song for Ms. Haddish and the She Ready Foundation. I then even proceeded to make something similar for Diaspora Groceeries, also.

I not only thought about a change in the way musicians could be seen, I actually became the change that I wanted to see.We discover that a lot of people talk while others will simply “do”. I can say that mostly all of the Theme Songs I have created left the same heart-felt impact that resulted in similar response emails, voicemails, texts, and shares of gratitude. A few times, I have been told or witnessed others even crying tears of joy to have received an unconditional gift. I just want to be the reminder for others to continue being giving and changing the world around them positively. They certainly are because I have been led to gift so many people, even helping out some non-profit organizations.

It really brings joy when I think about the lives that are impacted by the giving that I conduct. All of those who have received something from me deserved it. My hopes are only to inspire others to do the same, giving unconditionally but within reason as well. I feel that more of society can work together and succeed with little effort beyond collaboration that makes sense. The impact is real and the results are electrifying.

In the ever-changing business landscape, how exactly do you decide when to adhere to industry norms versus “breaking the rules” and forging your own way? Can you share an example?

I feel as though sticking with the normal method is simply a form or condition of complacency. There is no room for growth or additional success, doing the same thing repeatedly. Deciding to switch things up helped me discover all of my potentials before I simply settled to the “norm”. I love the option of creating my own way on several different avenues.

I knew that I wanted to do more with how I give back to the people. With my music business, I decided to give clients more than what they expected or paid for. The effort wasn’t backbreaking. It seems like when we as consumers pay for something now-a-days, we barely receive the value that is expected. This was not going to be the ridiculous principle that I apply with all those I am grateful for their business exchange. Instead, I make sure to offer multiple alternatives for content creators when they put value in my products and services.

I actually listen to when people speak and put out into the atmosphere their requests. A few past events and my motivated drive have helped me become a better listener. One instance in particular with a non-profit organization allowed me the opportunity to create exactly what one public figure wanted to hear. This celebrity asked that if anyone were to make a song for her, there is a set phrase that should be included. I made sure to not just be the only one to write, record, and produce the song, but also make sure the return of the song was in a timely fashion.

Customer service is everything these days also because most often now, we are so used to dealing with an automated machine. I tend to be proactive by ensuring even past clients are still satisfied with a product or if there is a minor adjustment they would like. I have follow-up conversations with them to see how they are before even asking for a review. I refuse just to take money from others and give just a little back (because of ego or lack of value of others). There has to be a change in how business is conducted. We all need to bring back the value of exchange and commerce across the board.

What guidance or insight can you offer to new entrepreneurs trying to follow existing and accepted industry norms while at the same time trying to differentiate themselves in the marketplace?

Some advice that I have for new entrepreneurs about industry norms and trying to be different is to ignore the standards completely. It seems like every time there is a normality to abide by, the proper way to go about in order to get ahead is by standing out in the crowd. Trying to do close to the same thing as another from your respective industry is one of the worst things to do, especially if you are trying to differentiate. I hope that we as a people aren’t expecting different results, while doing the same as everyone else.

Sadly, I have seen so many of the same formatted and structured content from new and upcoming brands. It is one thing to rebrand, but the complete opposite to copy-and-paste. There have also been YouTube content creators who have copied others and had little to no channel growth. In all honesty, the best approach, again, is finding a way to collaborate with the competition while introducing your unique difference in character and what you bring to the table. The key is sticking to what mission and values you want to stand on and staying consistent.

To make an impact, you have to champion change, get creative, and take risks. Please think back about the decisions you’ve made that have helped your business get to where it is today, and share your top 5 strategies or decisions that helped you succeed by doing things differently.

1 . Demonstrate Inclusivity

One of the greatest opportunities for me in recent years has been reaching and becoming a part of numerous communities with different cultural backgrounds that I had imagined belonging to. The reason that this came into fruition is due to how supportive and collaborative my acts have been. Actually placing the spotlight on other individuals and brands helped me to receive a new type of spotlight also.

I made it possible to use my skills and talents in music to create Theme Songs for others and still be the talk of some conversations. The irony in my approach is when I was actually present, I did not speak much at all. I am, however, very observant and good with details regarding who is speaking and what is being asked, subconsciously. As a result, it has been the possibility of being spoken of as highly when not even expected by multiple communities.

2 . Be Transparent

I connected with one of my favorite casting directors through a pitching opportunity. It obviously didn’t happen overnight, though.

Rose Rosen, C.S.A. an incredible Jewish Film powerhouse, was first interested in my logo creation pitch when I showed her how I created my own logo. I, in fact, was not good at making one that she would love. The responses I got from her were things like “That’s not it” or “Something is missing” and so on. The numerous conversations eventually led to her figuring out exactly how she wanted it done, on her own. I apologized and was straight forwarded with her saying that I was only good with two logos previously and that I could certainly help her in the musical aspect later. One thing I did make sure to do was also ask if it was okay to stay in touch with her from time to time. Gracefully, she obliged my request. I began this new way of standing out (with Theme Songs) and I was blessed with a text message from her one evening. She heard a song that I created for some others and asked where her song was. I told her I was working on it. In fact, I had her name on a cue list because she was up next. About three days later, I had an entire Theme Song for Rose that made her and myself dance.

We joke and laugh about so much now, even with her extremely busy schedule. Casting Directors certainly do more than my misconception. I made sure to say that about Rose in the song also. Thanks to the song, she also has music for her upcoming podcast as well! I am really proud of her doing all of that as I know she is proud of me.

Friendships are only as strong as the transparency and communication present. I believe the saying can definitely be said also about success when doing things differently. I know that my transparency is what helps establish amazing bonds with people that now include a Casting Director from C.S.A.

3 . Display Expertise

This one is really about how you conduct yourself versus what you offer others. I think this is another great way to stand out. I never let my ego play a role in how I work with others or how I conduct business. In all actuality, all of us as consumers already have ideas for solutions or rough areas as to what we want. It is only a great business person who can bring it home with the “icing on the cake” satisfaction that they humbly identify to others their will to get the job done correctly with no concern needed. This is an offer of comfort to a customer that makes us say “shut up and take my money”.

I never hesitate to clarify the confusion in any part of my products/ services to others. A few times, I had to give additional facts regarding rights/ permissions when it comes to work that is not mine and work that is. When this is conducted calmly, more times than often business will continue from that point on, without a hitch. Make sure you really know what you are doing and you understand the plan you are carrying out with a new and different territory.

4 . Stay Consistent

The wrong thing to do when differentiating is to keep switching it up. There is a point of no return when a person simply looks like or is just not understanding the value of repetition. They say that practice makes perfect… The Truth of the matter is that practice creates conditions for perfection in the craft. This is true because we understand what was not working.

I watched some content creators give up in their prime all because they did not reach a particular milestone of followers or likes on their posts. I have a few quarrels with social media and the systems in place but I also understand the method of how content can be pushed to others. This takes place with making sure to have similar content and structure with each post. You can’t have an entire page about puppies and all a sudden expect to go viral for posting the minivan broke down on the side of the road (at the state border). What the “algorithm” sees is an inconsistency. This may not always be true but that difference is not practical for these platforms.

A class that I took about TikTok actually spelled out the reason that doing something different has the possibility to work. The secret right in front of us all is being consistent. That can mean the time of day, the type of environment, background, the clothing, and even the intro and outro should be somewhat similar. If an account abides by this in their “being different”, they can achieve success in a matter of months.

5 . Be Relatable

News headlines touch hearts when hitting close to home. Households are impacted when they hear or see a story regarding a family matter that has the possibility of happening to them.

The best stories honestly are the ones that we have a relation to. Think about how there are movies about struggle and then triumph. We also have television shows about hopeless romantics, who seek unconditional love but struggle even to accept themselves first.

Movies, shows, and novels reach us because we have all been pretty close to “in their shoes”. My music career is relatable to entertainers and those aspiring to become successful. I also shared my struggles in the business as I attempted to take different approaches towards my own success. I believe that it touched closely to my audience members though the mutual comprehension of what it takes to win. I know that a lot of us are working hard towards our goals and it isn’t difficult to devise closely related material that draws attention to how you are moving. The attention and relation to the audience will help you move closer towards your victory.

As a leader, how do you rally others to align with your vision? Also, how do you identify those who may not be fully committed or even silently sabotaging or undermining your efforts? What steps do you take to address these situations?

This is a great segue! Getting others to align with my vision is not difficult at all. I honestly make sure to reiterate my message and mission with the communities that I serve daily. I repeatedly put out similar messages in different forms to reach the masses. Those that align with my messages and core values will make sure that they are following me and echoing my voice in their methods of reaching their audience.

My message or vision is relatable so the groups of people support me wholeheartedly. Identifying those who do not align with me is as easy as breathing air. I actually made a recent song touching on the matter while blaming social media and the consumers for the direction that we have been headed.

Sabotaging or undermining efforts come in several forms of negativity that can play a huge role in mental damage that one may incur, if not identified. There are certainly ways for us all to observe the “naysayers”before too much damage takes place.

Genuine support is not something hidden in plain sight, rather very apparent once you observe a few different realities. Second-guessing in a constant manner can make just about anyone appear to be everything but an ally. Mockery may also take place, meaning that someone is not taking you seriously. One additional way that you can run into undermining is observing individuals around you actually making sure NOT to support you. Sure, ignoring someone can be accidental but after enough times, you may discover that it is actually intentional. This simply means that they (for one reason or another) do not agree with your mission and vision. It is easy to discover because these same people won’t like or comment on your social media content but make sure to do that on others’. They may even make sure you witness them invite others to a party but make sure to exclude you.

Negativity isn’t necessarily making your character come into question. Often, the problems rest within those who are presenting the conflict. For that reason, I say that I only have one simple step to addressing all of the negativity. This step is to step away 100 percent. This goes back to how I explained the mental real estate with friends that I had to cut off. The best way to continue winning is to acknowledge the loss and keep the ball rolling. I absolutely encourage anyone who is not feeling support from where support feels reasonable and say “I’m done” and drop the mic. I can’t count how many people realized that they burned bridges with me, only wanting to come back and my only question in return is “How long is a house without concrete foundation going to stand?”

You can see all of those who have your back as much as you have theirs. With your mind also as open as your eyes, you can see who is setting you up for failure or not wanting to see you succeed. I feel this perspective is different because in the present day, many want to play the victim and expect the wrong to be righted (by others). The best action to follow is self-control but also self-respect and high value of self, along with your mission… the bigger picture.

Imagine we’re sitting down together two years from now, looking back at your company’s last 24 months. What specific accomplishments would have to happen for you to be happy with your progress?

In a reflection of accomplishments for my near future… I would love to see landing a position and opportunity to create music with more artists. It will be a huge blessing to also have purchased a bigger spot for the studio. Perhaps having some other Theme Songs successfully delivered to the recipients will make me really feel accomplished and at peace.

I am already doing things that my family has acknowledged to be incredible for the family history and mankind. It is a blessing to have reached kids through my music in a positive manner, making them all feel seen and heard with a few non-profits. Not entirely far-fetched, one amazing accomplishment is to have received a Grammy for a song that touched a whole community as well as a Nobel Peace Prize nomination. I am certainly putting in the work to bring more of the world together. This is what I will like to be proud of looking back in two years.

You are a person of enormous influence. If you could inspire a movement that would bring the most amount of good to the most amount of people, what would that be? You never know what your idea can trigger. :-)

I still firmly believe in paying-it-forward. My movement is still “The Power of Two”. To each of you all, I present this challenge to help one random person out with two great gestures of kindness. The other challenge is to help two random people in your day with one kind gesture without seeking anything in return. Kindness can spread like a wildfire or a set of dominoes when lined up just right. I believe that all of us can make this world a better place simply with the “Power of Two”. Possibilities are endless! My song “Got a Go” touches on this pressing matter. Let’s Go!!!

How can our readers continue to follow you or your company online?

I can be followed on all platforms under the name “Oh Yeah Beats”. I am mostly active on the following:

Instagram “@ohyeahbeats”

I may also soon have more videos to release on Youtube “@ohyeahbeats”

You all can always stop by my website “"

Lastly, you can leave a review or reach out on the google maps page.

I look forward to hearing and connecting with you all! Also, Thank you in advance.

Thank you so much for sharing all of these insights. We wish you continued success and good health!

bout the Interviewer: Chad Silverstein, a seasoned entrepreneur with over two decades of experience as the Founder and CEO of multiple companies. He launched Choice Recovery, Inc., a healthcare collection agency, while going to The Ohio State University, His team earned national recognition, twice being ranked as the #1 business to work for in Central Ohio. In 2018, Chad launched [re]start, a career development platform connecting thousands of individuals in collections with meaningful employment opportunities, He sold Choice Recovery on his 25th anniversary and in 2023, sold the majority interest in [re]start so he can focus his transition to Built to Lead as an Executive Leadership Coach. Learn more at



Chad Silverstein
Authority Magazine

Chad Silverstein: 25-years experience as a CEO & Founder, sharing entrepreneurial insights & empowering the next generation of leaders.