Swami K of Kissflow: Five Essential Components Of A Successful DevOps Team

An Interview With Rachel Kline

Authority Magazine
Authority Magazine
14 min readJul 5, 2024


Encourage Candid Feedback: We maintain transparency and open communication, setting up regular feedback mechanisms that embrace constructive criticism. This applies not just to technical work but also to personal interactions, enhancing both performance and collaboration.

In today’s fast-paced digital world, DevOps has emerged as an essential philosophy, bridging the gap between software development and IT operations. A successful DevOps team not only speeds up the delivery process but ensures quality and reliability. However, creating such a team requires a harmonious amalgamation of tools, culture, processes, collaboration, and more. What are the critical components of a top-notch DevOps team, and how can organizations integrate them for optimum results? As a part of this series, we had the pleasure of interviewing Swami K.

Swami K is a seasoned strategist in the tech world, with over 23 years refining his skills across Development, QA, and IT Ops before diving into DevOps transformations. At Kissflow since 2021, he’s been tactically leading DevOps and SRE, integrating best practices inspired by industry giants, while focusing on building strong, cohesive teams. If you’re navigating the dynamic realms of DevOps or SRE, he’s always ready for a good chat.

Thank you so much for doing this with us! Before we dive in, our readers would love to “get to know you” a bit better. Can you share your personal backstory with us?

At the core of my life, I am a family man, blessed with a loving wife and two beautiful daughters. Since 2012, we have made our home in Madurai, a peaceful escape from the hustle and bustle of the city. My journey towards leadership began in my childhood, fueled by the inspiring leadership of Kapil Dev, which led India to victory in the Cricket World Cup in 1983. In my 23 years in IT, I have explored various leadership positions and managed teams across development, QA, and DevOps.

None of us are able to achieve success without some help along the way. Is there a particular person who you are grateful for who helped get you to where you are? Can you share a story about that?

I owe a big thanks to all the bosses and leaders who’ve shaped my path. I’ve been lucky to learn from some of the sharpest minds out there. But let me tell you, Sam Prasad? He’s in a league of his own. Whatever I’ve achieved as a leader, I owe a chunk of that to him. Sadly, Sam’s no longer with us, and I miss him very much. Without his mentorship, who knows where I’d be now? My team hasn’t met him, but they sure know him through the stories I tell and the moves I make — that’s the kind of mark he’s left on me. I like to call him my “GodMentor,” kind of like a GodFather, you know? He’s also my go-to guy, my Friend & Guide.

Can you share with us three strengths, skills, or characteristics that helped you to reach this place in your career? How can others actively build these areas within themselves?

  1. Trust Building: Trust is the foundation of everything we do on the team. I learned from my mentor, Sam Prasad, that building trust goes beyond just delivering on promises — it’s about genuinely connecting with your team and understanding their concerns and needs. This is how I go about it.
  • Be Transparent: I try to keep everything as open as possible with my team. I share my thoughts and plans openly and ensure I’m always following through on what I say.
  • Listen Actively: When someone is speaking, I make it a point to really listen, not just wait for my turn to talk. This helps me grasp their perspective fully.
  • Show Genuine Interest: It’s sometimes as simple as asking about someone’s day and really caring about the response. This small gesture can strengthen bonds significantly.

2. Empowering Others: Sam always stressed the importance of empowering the team. He believed in giving people the room to step up and own their projects, which I’ve found to be crucial in fostering a proactive team environment. This is how I go about it:

  • Delegate Meaningfully: I avoid micromanaging. Instead, I delegate significant responsibilities that help people grow and show what they’re capable of.
  • Support Autonomy: I encourage my team to find their own solutions to problems. This not only builds their confidence but also deepens their investment in the work.
  • Celebrate Achievements: Whenever a team member achieves something, no matter how small, I make sure it’s recognized. This reinforces their sense of ownership and motivation.

3. Courageous Decision-Making: Being decisive, even when it’s tough, is something I’ve had to embrace. Sam taught me that not every decision will be the right one, but avoiding decisions is never the answer. This is how I go about it:

  • Decide with Confidence: I gather the necessary information to make informed decisions but avoid getting stuck in analysis paralysis. Then, I make my decision and move forward.
  • Embrace the Outcomes: I own my choices and learn from them — good or bad. This has taught me more about leadership than always being right ever could.
  • Stand Firm: Once I’ve made a decision, I stand behind it with conviction. This shows the team that I’m committed and confident in our direction.

Which skills are you still trying to grow now?

I made a conscious choice to shift from a techno-functional role to a culturally functional leader, inspired by the groundbreaking culture pioneered by industry giants. This evolution has found strong footing at Kissflow, thanks to unwavering support from leaders like Suresh, Dinesh, and others who champion a vibrant and inclusive workplace.

  • Empathy and Emotional Intelligence: I’m doubling down on empathy to better understand and cater to my team’s diverse needs.
  • Inspirational Leadership: I’m refining my communication skills to share our vision and deeply engage every team member effectively.
  • Conflict Resolution: I’m sharpening my ability to resolve conflicts, ensuring our team thrives in a collaborative environment where diverse perspectives enrich our projects.
  • Cultural Advocacy: With the backing of Kissflow’s leadership, I’m driving values of inclusivity, innovation, and respect throughout our team.
  • Feedback Mechanisms: I’m fine-tuning our feedback processes to ensure they’re constructive and integral to our continuous growth.
  • Supporting Autonomy and Innovation: Encouraged by our leaders, I’m fostering an environment where team members feel empowered to innovate and take ownership.
  • Recognition and Encouragement: We make it a point to celebrate every team member’s achievements, motivating them to push their boundaries.

Let’s talk about having a successful DevOps team. What are the key goals a DevOps team might identify for a digital transformation journey?

Drawing on best practices from influential frameworks like those of Netflix, Google, and the Toyota Production System, here’s how we at Kissflow use DevOps to foster a progressive team:

  • Foster a Culture of Freedom and Responsibility: We empower our team members to innovate and make decisions, ensuring they also own the outcomes. This approach minimizes micromanagement and boosts initiative and accountability.
  • Encourage Candid Feedback: We maintain transparency and open communication, setting up regular feedback mechanisms that embrace constructive criticism. This applies not just to technical work but also to personal interactions, enhancing both performance and collaboration.
  • Reduce Complexity through Simplification: Our goal is to streamline processes and cut unnecessary bureaucracy to accelerate development and deployment, allowing the team to focus on delivering value effectively.
  • Promote Cross-functional Collaboration: We encourage a team structure that blends diverse skills from development, QA, security, and operations, facilitating seamless integration and continuous workflow from development through to deployment.
  • Implement Context, not Control: Instead of dictating every action, we provide clear context about the mission, boundaries, and priorities, helping team members understand the “why” behind their work and make aligned decisions.
  • Focus on High Performance: We set challenging yet achievable goals, continuously pushing the performance envelope to foster a culture of rapid innovation and adaptability.
  • Invest in Talent Density: We prioritize hiring and retaining highly competent and motivated individuals, ensuring our team can responsibly handle significant freedom, which leads to more efficient and effective operations.

Are there any challenges or common pitfalls that DevOps teams should consider?

Navigating DevOps requires vigilance against common pitfalls to ensure success. Here are key areas for DevOps teams to focus on:

  • Balance Freedom with Responsibility: Innovation thrives on freedom, but without responsibility, it can lead to chaos. Ensuring team members not only have the freedom to act but also own their outcomes is critical, necessitating clear communication of expectations and consequences.
  • Promote Open Communication: Many teams struggle with engaging in open, honest feedback, leading to inefficiencies and unresolved issues. Cultivating a culture where feedback is timely and constructively received is essential for continuous improvement.
  • Simplify Processes: In the pursuit of optimization, DevOps teams can introduce unnecessary complexity. Streamlining processes and maintaining clear roles are crucial to avoid bogging down the team.
  • Align on Mission and Goals: Without a unified understanding of the mission and specific goals, team members may work at cross-purposes, undermining efficiency. Continual reinforcement of objectives ensures everyone is pulling in the same direction.
  • Foster Cross-functional Collaboration: DevOps requires collaboration across all functions, including development, operations, QA, and security. Avoiding silos and ensuring seamless communication is vital to speeding up feedback loops and deployment cycles.
  • Invest in Talent Management: Complacency in managing talent can lead to stagnation. Maintaining a high-performance culture involves regular training, performance reviews, and strategic personnel decisions to keep the team dynamic and skilled.
  • Emphasize Continuous Learning: The fast pace of DevOps demands ongoing learning of new technologies and best practices, supported and encouraged by leadership.

How can effective collaboration and communication among team members enhance the productivity and success of a DevOps team, and what practices can facilitate this?

At Kissflow, we’ve tailored our DevOps approach to blend structured collaboration and communication effectively, enhancing productivity and project success. Here’s a concise overview of our key strategies:

  • OKR Confidence Rating Meetings: Held every Monday, these meetings allow team members to rate their confidence in meeting their objectives for the week. This practice helps us identify potential challenges early, adjust plans, and align our focus, greatly enhancing our goal-achievement capabilities.
  • 360-Degree Feedback: We implement a 360-degree feedback system to foster continuous improvement and open communication. This mechanism enables team members to receive constructive feedback from peers, subordinates, and managers, promoting transparency and building trust.
  • Structured 1-on-1s: Regular personal meetings are conducted using insights from Bill Campbell’s 1–1 framework to discuss personal and professional development, resolve conflicts, and align individual goals with team objectives. These sessions are crucial for ensuring every team member feels valued and understood.
  • The 7 Questions Framework: We utilize structured questions during meetings to guide productive discussions, focusing on identifying and addressing key issues. Questions like “What’s on your mind?” help dive deeper into challenges, fostering critical thinking and collaborative problem-solving.
  • Friday for Winners: We conclude the week by celebrating successes, a practice that serves as a motivation booster and reinforces a culture of recognition and positivity.
  • Cross-functional Collaboration: Our DevOps environment encourages seamless cooperation among development, operations, QA, and security through shared projects and communication platforms. This collaboration breaks down silos and fosters innovation and shared responsibility.
  • Feedback Loops and Rapid Iteration: Embedded rapid feedback loops from automated tools and peer reviews quickly identify and address any code or system issues, ensuring our deployment cycles remain swift and effective.
  • Celebrating Success and Learning from Setbacks: We maintain a resilient and growth-oriented team culture by balancing the celebration of successes with constructive analysis of setbacks, continuously driving our team towards improvement.

What role does CI/CD play in DevOps, and what are the best practices for implementing CI/CD pipelines to ensure a seamless and reliable software release process?

At Kissflow, CI/CD is a crucial component of our DevOps practices but represents only a part of our broader approach. While CI/CD automates the integration and delivery of code, our DevOps strategy encompasses a broader scope, including cultural shifts, process automation, and environment management to enhance team collaboration and efficiency. We have fully automated our CI/CD processes, enabling engineers to deploy new features and bug fixes around the clock, 24/7/365. This capability ensures that we can continuously deliver improvements to our customers without delays or disruptions, a testament to the value we bring to them.

Our CI/CD automation, codenamed J.A.R.V.I.S Mark I, has been a game changer, significantly boosting our team’s productivity. It enables our engineers to deploy new features and bug fixes continuously, 24/7/365. Since going live in December 2021, J.A.R.V.I.S Mark I has successfully executed thousands of production deployments, demonstrating its reliability and efficiency.

How does fostering a DevOps culture and mindset contribute to the overall success of a DevOps team, and what strategies can organizations use to promote this culture among their development and operations teams?

At Team DevOps at Kissflow, we actively embrace a culture and mindset that prioritizes collaboration, shared responsibility, and continuous improvement, which are essential for accelerating our delivery cycles, improving reliability, and quickly adapting to changes. Here’s how we implement this in our daily operations:

  1. Cultivate Ownership and Accountability: We encourage our team members to take full ownership of their projects from conception through to deployment. This fosters a deep sense of responsibility and a drive for high performance.
  2. Implement Open and Transparent Communication: We maintain open channels for communication across all levels of the organization, ensuring that everyone can share ideas and feedback freely. This transparency helps us identify and resolve issues swiftly, enhancing trust and efficiency.
  3. Embrace Continuous Learning and Experimentation: Our environment encourages constant learning and experimentation. Regular hackathons, ongoing training, and access to the latest resources keep our team sharp and innovative.
  4. Encourage Cross-functional Teams: We promote collaboration across functions, bringing together development, operations, quality assurance, and security. This integrated approach enhances understanding and cooperation, leading to more robust solutions.
  5. Streamline Processes with Automation: Automation is key in our operations, reducing manual errors and freeing up our team to focus on strategic tasks. This leads to faster and more frequent deployments.
  6. Regular Feedback Loops: We integrate feedback mechanisms into our workflows, enabling continuous improvement. This includes retrospective meetings, customer feedback, and peer reviews.
  7. Leadership Commitment: Our leadership is deeply involved in supporting and guiding our DevOps transformation, providing the necessary tools and resources, and aligning our efforts with the broader business objectives.

Fantastic. Here is the primary question of our interview. What are the “5 Essential Components of a Successful DevOps Team”? Please share a story or example for each.

  1. Visibility and Transparency in Workflows: At Kissflow, we prioritize visibility and transparency as foundational elements in our DevOps processes. Our work is categorized into four distinct areas:
  • Production Deployment (PBR): Production deployments are fully automated, ensuring new code is seamlessly integrated with minimal errors and delays.
  • Production Changes (PCR): This system manages ongoing updates and changes with 60% automation, continually improving the user experience.
  • Firefighting Tasks (A.O.S Board): Critical issues are tackled swiftly using the Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D board, ensuring nothing derails operational efficiency.
  • Engineering, Automation, and AI Tasks (DOOR Board): Our DevOps Orchestrator board is a space where long-term engineering and automation projects are planned.

With this structure, every team member has a clear view of task lifecycles and how their contributions align with the bigger picture. The system ensures clarity, accountability, and trust.

2. Balanced Operations and Engineering: At Kissflow, we follow a 50–50 rule to balance operational and engineering tasks.

  • Operational Efficiency Tasks: Team members focus on repetitive yet essential tasks, limiting toil to at most 50% of their time.
  • Engineering Excellence Tasks: Engineers concentrate on designing new solutions and improving existing systems to evolve and scale our technology efficiently.

By rotating between operational and engineering roles, we ensure versatility and a strategic balance that drives innovation while maintaining efficiency.

3. Creating a Customer-Centric Culture: J.A.R.V.I.S, our production deployment bot, embodies our commitment to customer satisfaction. Operational 24/7, it seamlessly deploys new features and fixes with precision and speed. Whether it’s day or night, engineers can push crucial updates that enhance user experience instantly, thanks to the automation J.A.R.V.I.S provides. This ensures our solutions evolve at the pace of demand.

4. Centralized Task Management and Streamlined Processes: Our task management approach reflects the efficiency principles found in the Toyota Production System.

  • Central Command: Our task management platforms — PBR, PCR, A.O.S, and D.O.O.R — act as control centers, ensuring clear priorities and simplifying coordination.
  • Streamlined Operations: These platforms track tasks in real time, highlighting potential bottlenecks and providing strategic insights for proactive planning.

This centralized setup creates an organized, efficient environment where each team member knows their role and its impact on the bigger picture.

5. Candor and Rapid Issue Resolution: Purushoth, one of our Team Engineering Leads, noticed a persistent bottleneck in our deployment process and raised it during a one-on-one meeting and later in a leads meeting. His candid feedback led to a collaborative effort between DevOps Engineer Noor and myself, resulting in the development of J.A.R.V.I.S.

J.A.R.V.I.S was designed to streamline our deployment process, significantly reducing delays and optimizing reliability. This rapid problem-solving approach set a new standard for operational efficiency and engineering excellence, highlighting the power of transparency and collaboration.

What emerging trends do you foresee in the landscape of DevOps that could significantly impact digital transformation strategies in the future?

At Kissflow, we are actively planning and implementing Generative AI technologies within our DevOps routines to enhance operational efficiency and drive engineering excellence. Here’s an overview of our strategic approach, which is currently in various stages of progress:

  1. Automated Code Reviews: We are in the process of integrating Generative AI to assist in code reviews. This AI assists by identifying potential issues and suggesting optimizations, aiming to make the review process more efficient and effective.
  2. Enhanced Incident Management: Our team is developing capabilities for Generative AI to analyze patterns in system logs and alerts. This will enable us to predict and preemptively address potential system outages or slowdowns, thus improving our service reliability.
  3. Optimized Resource Allocation: We are leveraging AI’s predictive analytics to better forecast workload and resource requirements, ensuring efficient use of infrastructure, which in turn reduces operational costs.
  4. AI-driven Testing: The introduction of Generative AI into our testing processes is underway. This AI helps in creating and executing test cases, particularly for complex scenarios, ensuring more thorough coverage and efficiency.
  5. Continuous Learning and Improvement: Generative AI tools are being used to analyze historical data and ongoing processes. This analysis will help recommend continuous improvements, enabling us to refine our workflows and practices constantly.

You are a person of great influence. If you could inspire a movement that would bring the most amount of good for the greatest number of people, what would that be? You never know what your idea can trigger.

Based on my exploration of DevOps Transformation since 2012, inspired by leading practices from Netflix and Google and key insights from the manufacturing and logistics processes of Toyota, Apple, and Amazon, I aim to revolutionize the digital supply chain and logistics sectors. I aim to leverage my growing understanding of DevOps and Cloud Transformation to foster transformative changes in global digital operations. This initiative will focus on optimizing digital workflows and infrastructure, greatly enhancing the efficiency and reliability of digital services, and making high-quality digital logistics accessible to a wider audience.

While this might seem like a lofty or even audacious goal, it’s precisely these kinds of moonshot objectives that compel us to stretch our imaginations and push beyond conventional boundaries. By teaming up with like-minded innovators who share a vision for transforming complex systems, we can turn what might seem impossible into reality. By setting our sights high, we not only stand a better chance of making a significant impact but also inspire others to join us in making substantial improvements worldwide. This commitment to dream big and pursue ambitious goals can lead to breakthrough innovations that benefit countless individuals, enhancing service delivery and fostering a more sustainable and economically robust digital landscape.

Thank you for these fantastic insights. We greatly appreciate the time you spent on this.



Authority Magazine
Authority Magazine

In-depth interviews with authorities in Business, Pop Culture, Wellness, Social Impact, and Tech