Taking the Leap: Rosa Talavera-Kaufman of zant On How To Learn To Believe In Yourself

An Interview With Savio P. Clemente

Savio P. Clemente
Authority Magazine
11 min readAug 11, 2024


Starting something new is scary. Learning to believe in yourself can be a critical precursor to starting a new initiative. Why is it so important to learn to believe in yourself? How can someone work on gaining these skills? In this interview series, we are talking to business leaders, authors, writers, coaches, medical professionals, teachers, to share empowering insights about “How To Learn To Believe In Yourself.” As a part of this series we had the pleasure of interviewing Rosa Talavera-Kaufman.

Rosa has been a counselor, writer, and life coach for over 20 years. During her career path, she learned the importance of living purposefully. She feels that purpose leads to fulfillment and joy. Her life coaching practice focuses on improving clients’ emotional and physical well-being through spiritual and holistic methods. Visit www.talaverallc.com to learn more.

Thank you so much for joining us in this interview series! Before we dive into the main focus of our interview, our readers would love to “get to know you” a bit better. Can you tell us a bit about your childhood backstory?

I grew up in a predominantly Jewish neighborhood in Brooklyn, NY, before moving to Puerto Rico in my early teens. As a child, I experienced many challenges, and I would say that overcoming a volatile relationship with my father took some time. Additionally, I struggled with infertility during my first marriage, and my late 30s brought me a painful divorce.

In reflecting on my life, I’ve learned to appreciate and accept the lessons these challenges have taught me. Without growth, moving forward is difficult, and repeating the same mistakes is inevitable. Using challenging experiences as opportunities for self-development can lead to discovering effective approaches to situations that are calm, clear, compassionate, and logical. I discovered my authentic self along this journey, allowing me to become a better version of myself, a person I never imagined I could become. My life is currently going well (I had a son with my first husband after four years of treatment) and I’m in a healthy and stable relationship. I live in beautiful Colorado, where I enjoy hiking, off-roading, golfing, snowshoeing, and attending concerts all year round.

What or who inspired you to pursue your career? We’d love to hear the story.

For the first time in her life, my mother got a job to support my education. I am the person I am today because of her encouragement and example of resistance. Although my mother has since passed away, my support system today includes my sister Wanda, two dear friends or my non-biological sisters Debbi and Maite, and my son Nathan, who is my source of inspiration, joy, and resilience.

It has been said that our mistakes can be our greatest teachers. Can you share a story about the funniest mistake you made when you were first starting? Can you tell us what lesson you learned from that?

Not listening to my intuition would be my answer. Intuition is the ability to know something without reasoning or rational thought. It is an inner voice alerting you to something impending. You know, that feeling you get without being aware of it.

My biggest mistake of not listening to that gut feeling was several years ago, when my son took someone home during a winter storm, and I immediately knew he shouldn’t have driven. As an overprotective mother, I dismissed the feeling and gave him a blessing. One hour later I was in a hospital praying he would survive a serious car accident. Although he has since recovered fully, I have learned to listen to the inner voice or feeling when it communicates with me.

What are some of the most interesting or exciting projects you are working on now? How do you think that might help people?

I’m always looking for creative ways to help others discover themselves and live a fulfilling life. I recently obtained a certification in hypnotherapy and hypnosis. The hypnotic state allows for deep relaxation and awareness. In this way, your subconscious mind can be open to suggestions that can lead to healthier changes in perceptions, emotions, thoughts, and behaviors.

OK, thank you for all of that. Let’s now shift to the core focus of our interview. This will be intuitive to you but it will be helpful to spell this out directly. Can you help explain a few reasons why it is so important to believe in yourself? Can you share a story or give some examples?

A strong sense of self-belief is crucial to overall well-being. It gives individuals the self-confidence to take more risks, face challenges with reassurance, and achieve goals with determination and confidence. The resilience they build will help them thrive in the face of life’s setbacks, learn from failures, and foster lasting growth. Self-belief also fuels motivation, enabling them to remain committed to their goals despite obstacles. Through it, individuals can break out of their comfort zones and explore new experiences without fear or self-doubt. It can help them set ambitious goals to propel them to success. When a person believes in themselves, they cultivate a positive mindset and gain a better understanding of their strengths and potential. The result is an optimistic attitude toward life. As they demonstrate confidence and success, others are more likely to believe in themselves.

What exactly does it mean to believe in yourself? Can I believe that I can be a great artist even though I’m not very talented? Can I believe I can be a gold medal Olympic even if I’m not athletic? Can you please explain what you mean?

When you believe in yourself, you are confident in your abilities. You trust your ability to handle challenges confidently and achieve your goals. How you approach life and make decisions is influenced by this mindset. It contributes to mental and emotional well-being and is essential for professional and personal development.

Believing in yourself is based on the confidence to follow your dreams and overcome obstacles. It may, however, be necessary for you to take a realistic approach to some goals, depending on your circumstances and limitations out of your control. Nevertheless, the journey itself can be fulfilling and can lead to remarkable accomplishments or a completely new direction. It’s better to try than to do nothing and wonder about it forever. It is possible to develop talent through consistent practice and learning. You can improve your skills by believing in your potential.

Passion is essential. A deep passion can motivate you to overcome challenges and persist through difficulties, which is often more important than initial talent. This takes time, so be patient. Celebrate your accomplishments and progress, and have fun along the way. Depending on how things go, you will know if the endeavor is worthwhile or if you should move on to something else.

Was there a time when you did not believe in yourself? How did this impact your choices?

Having experienced a challenging life event in my late 30s, I felt inspired to pursue a career in writing. Several of my friends and family discouraged me, stating that it was too risky for me at my age. Despite my self-doubt and discouragement, I made an appointment with the campus adviser at the college I wanted to attend. In response to my fears and perceptions about the industry, she said, “You are never too old to pursue your dreams. Don’t be afraid! If it isn’t quite what you thought it would be, a new path will be presented to you along the way.” From there, I enrolled at university, received a degree, and landed my first job at a publishing company that develops patient education materials. As a writer, I wrote mental health resources and translated the English content into Spanish.

In spite of the limitations I had projected on my career prospects, I am grateful to the adviser who encouraged me to believe in myself. I’ve been writing since graduation and now I’m a holistic life coach. In the process of becoming a writer, I discovered my true calling, which is to help others live authentic and fulfilling lives.

At what point did you realize that in order to get to the next level, it would be necessary to build up your belief in yourself? Can you share the story with us?

I think it started when I stopped living in fear of what would happen if things didn’t work out and started listening to my inner voice (intuition). Throughout my life, fear and self-doubt have kept me in situations longer than I should have and kept me from stepping outside my comfort zone. It was the adviser I mentioned before who gave me the courage to believe in myself for the first time. If a stranger believed in me, why couldn’t I?

A major component of self-care is believing in yourself. It has helped me see myself in a positive light, boosting self-esteem and reducing negative self-talk. I have also been able to stay committed to my goals despite the obstacles I have faced. I felt fulfilled and content when I started to trust my abilities. As a result, I have gained confidence and the ability to tackle life’s challenges, achieve my goals, and maintain healthy relationships, all of which have contributed to a fulfilling and balanced lifestyle.

What are your top 5 strategies that will help someone learn to believe in themselves? Please share a story or example for each.

1. By listening to your intuition, you can make choices that are in alignment with your true self, leading to a more authentic and fulfilling life. When you think intuitively, you can view problems from different angles, offering fresh perspectives that logical analysis might miss. A gut feeling about a situation is an intuitive response linked to emotions. They may indicate underlying truths about your values, preferences, and boundaries you are not conscious of. Using your intuition to guide your decisions can boost your confidence and sense of empowerment.

2. Self-belief fosters a positive self-perception, which is crucial for mental health. Positive self-talk enables self-belief. It boosts self-esteem and reduces negative self-talk by helping people see themselves in a more positive light.

3. Having confidence in your abilities leads to the setting of ambitious goals and the determination to achieve them. Motivation can lead to greater personal and professional success. Individuals are more likely to succeed when they remain committed to their goals, regardless of obstacles.

4. When you believe in yourself, you are more likely to attract supportive and positive friends and family members. This creates a supportive network that further enhances your well-being and self-esteem.

5. Seek help when you need it. Self-doubt and fear can lead to anxiety, depression, and dissatisfaction in your life. Choosing a provider who helps you navigate these challenges can improve your overall well-being and empower you to make better decisions.

Conversely, how can one stop the negative stream of self-criticism that often accompanies us as we try to grow?

In my professional and personal experience, changing your narrative is key to stopping negative self-criticism. The following steps can help:

The first step is awareness. Be aware of when you are being self-critical and what triggers it. Observe your thoughts without judgment. After this, start challenging your negative thoughts right away. Do they reflect facts or assumptions? Next, replace negative thoughts with affirmations that empower you, and visualize challenges and failures as opportunities for growth. Focus on your strengths and achievements and express gratitude daily for all you have to be grateful for. This will help you develop self-compassion.

Meditation and journaling can also be very beneficial. Think about your day and describe both positive and negative experiences and how you handled them. Keep negative thoughts at bay by practicing mindfulness meditation. Lastly, if you need help, seek it. A therapist or counselor may be able to help you develop healthier thinking patterns.

Are there any misconceptions about self-confidence and believing in oneself that you would like to dispel?

Self-confidence could be misunderstood by some individuals. In some cases, self-confidence can come across as arrogance or boastfulness. An important part of preventing this is recognizing and appreciating each other’s strengths and contributions. Don’t be afraid to admit when you’re wrong. Talk about your successes when appropriate, but avoid overemphasizing them. Do not compare your journey or achievements with others. Show respect for others’ opinions by paying attention to what they have to say. Make others feel acknowledged and validated. The most important thing is to be authentic and genuine in your interactions.

What advice would you give to someone who is struggling with imposter syndrome?

A few strategies that can help individuals with imposter syndrome include:

  1. Acknowledgment. For you to manage your feelings, you need to acknowledge that they exist.
  2. Take time to reflect on your accomplishments and milestones as a way to keep yourself motivated and aware of your capabilities.
  3. Don’t talk negatively to yourself. Consider saying, “I worked hard for this, and my efforts are paying off,” instead of “I don’t deserve this.”
  4. Remember that self-care is important. Consider yourself a friend in a similar situation and treat yourself with compassion.

Ok, we are nearly done. You are a person of great influence. If you could inspire a movement that would bring the most amount of good for the greatest number of people, what would that be? You never know what your idea can trigger.

Becoming Your Authentic Self would be my choice. The journey to becoming your authentic self involves self-discovery and growth. It’s about aligning your life with your true values, passions, and beliefs to achieve a more fulfilling life.

Take some time to consider your values, beliefs, and desires. Accept your strengths and weaknesses, and practice self-compassion. Authenticity requires self-acceptance. Think about whether your social and familial beliefs are serving your authentic self. Invest time in your passions. This will allow you to discover what your true interests are. You may uncover new paths to self-discovery when you step out of your comfort zone. Maintain a sense of honesty with yourself and others. Last but not least, be patient. Authenticity is an ongoing process that requires persistence and patience. An authentic person acts and behaves according to their core identity. It’s about leading your life with compassion, perspective and confidence. When you live authentically, you can feel happier, more confident, and more positive about yourself and others.

We are very blessed that some of the biggest names in Business, VC funding, Sports, and Entertainment read this column. Is there a person in the world, or in the US, whom you would love to have a private breakfast or lunch with, and why? He or she might just see this, especially if we both tag them :-)

Sadly, my favorite author and digital mentor Wayne Dyer has passed away. Nevertheless, I would welcome anyone with wisdom like his into my life.

How can our readers further follow your work online?

You can find more information about my work at www.talaverallc.com. Please feel free to contact me via the zant app at rosa.k@zantprovider.app or rdtalavera@gmail.com.

Thank you for these really excellent insights, and we greatly appreciate the time you spent with this. We wish you continued success.

About The Interviewer: Savio P. Clemente coaches cancer survivors to overcome the confusion and gain the clarity needed to get busy living in mind, body, and spirit. He inspires health and wellness seekers to find meaning in the “why” and cultivate resilience in their mindset. Savio is a Board Certified Wellness Coach (NBC-HWC, ACC), #1 best-selling author, syndicated columnist, podcaster, stage 3 cancer survivor, and founder of The Human Resolve LLC. He has interviewed notable celebrities and TV personalities and has been featured on Fox News, The Wrap, and has worked with Authority Magazine, Thrive Global, BuzzFeed, Food Network, WW and Bloomberg. Savio has been invited to cover numerous industry events throughout the U.S. and abroad. His mission is to provide clients, listeners, and viewers alike with tangible takeaways on how to lead a truly healthy, wealthy, and wise lifestyle.



Savio P. Clemente
Authority Magazine

TEDx Speaker, Media Journalist, Board Certified Wellness Coach, Best-Selling Author & Cancer Survivor