The Doors of Life: Walking into Your Destiny

Rachel Dunbar, Ph.D.
Authority Magazine
Published in
4 min readJun 28, 2018


It is amazing how little things contain such a vast amount of beauty. Our lives are often so hectic that we do not take the time to notice what is around us. Daphne Maxwell Reid has decided that she will not waste a single moment or miss any opportunity to enjoy all that life has to offer. Although she is nationally recognized as a gifted television star and actress, Daphne is also a designer, producer, activist, and photographic artist. She has traveled the world capturing striking images of doors in different countries and describes them as “metaphors for life”. People can choose to enter through a door to see where it will lead, but they must be willing to continue on the journey that the door takes them. Daphne’s desire to have people live their best lives is based upon the notion that there are many exciting opportunities available for us. We cannot allow someone else to make the decision on how far we will go or when we will stop. Read more to learn how Daphne is creating a journey of passion and opening up doors to amazing new worlds.

Rachel: Tell my readers about the passion you have for the civic work you do and why it is so important.

Daphne: I have always wanted to live a life of purpose. I was blessed with many helping hands throughout…



Rachel Dunbar, Ph.D.
Authority Magazine

Consultant, World Traveler, Adventure Seeker, Developer of #getapassportandgo Initiative