Thomas Thill Of AmeriVet Veterinary Partners: 5 Things I Wish Someone Told Me Before I Became a CEO

An Interview With Ben Ari

Authority Magazine Editorial Staff
Authority Magazine


You don’t have to know everything — Before I began my career, I assumed the CEO knew everything, and they were better at every functional area than the functional leaders themselves. I quickly learned that is not true, and a specific skill set makes a CEO good at what a CEO needs to do, but they don’t need to be an expert at everything. You don’t have to know everything to be a successful CEO.

As a part of our series called ‘Five Things I Wish Someone Told Me Before I Became A CEO’ we had the pleasure of interviewing Thomas Thill.

Thomas Thill, CEO of AmeriVet, Thomas Thill, spearheads the continued growth of the company, with now 147 veterinary partners and over 2,500 employees across the country. Thill has helped AmeriVet grow its operations and staff team exponentially, projecting that the company will grow to a total of 200 partners in 2022 and the company is currently on track to reach that goal.

