Thriving Through Menopause: Kelly Price of Reset Medical and Wellness Center On Wellness Tips for Women Over 45

An Interview With Shawna Robins

Shawna Robins
Authority Magazine
9 min readJul 15, 2024


Communication is key! When my hot flashes first started, they were very disruptive during conversations, meetings, and events. I found it critical to let my friends and family know what was happening, and if I suddenly became flush or even irritable, it wasn’t due to them or the conversation, it was just a hot flash!

Menopause is a significant transition in a woman’s life, often accompanied by various physical and emotional challenges. However, it is also an opportunity to embrace wellness and thrive. How can women over 45 navigate this phase with grace and vitality? As part of this interview series, we had the pleasure of interviewing Kelly Price.

Kelly Price is the CEO and Founder of The Reset Medical and Wellness Center in Strongsville, Ohio. With over 30 years of experience in Automotive Retail, Claims Administration, Business Development, and Captive Insurance Management, Kelly brings strategic leadership to the forefront. Kelly’s dedication to visionary thinking and collaborative growth drives her mission to improve lives through innovative wellness solutions.

Thank you so much for doing this with us! Before we dig in, our readers would like to ‘get to know you’. Can you tell us a bit about your background and your backstory?

Kelly Price is an accomplished and dynamic professional widely recognized as a CEO, entrepreneur, executive producer, trainer, speaker, and coach. Her versatile skill set also encompasses investing. With a passion for excellence and a commitment to visionary thinking, she has consistently demonstrated her ability to foster collaboration and drive transformative change.

As a CEO/Founder, Kelly has brought strategic leadership and entrepreneurial acumen to the forefront, steering her organization toward sustainable growth and success. As an investor, she leverages her insights to identify and capitalize on valuable opportunities, contributing to the development of thriving ventures.

Kelly’s expertise spans various domains, including automotive retail, claims administration, business development, and captive insurance management. Her comprehensive understanding of these industries has allowed her to accumulate a wealth of knowledge, driving innovation and spearheading initiatives that result in tangible, positive outcomes.

Beyond her executive roles, Kelly is deeply engaged as a trainer, speaker, and coach. She is committed to sharing her insights and empowering individuals and teams to reach their full potential. This commitment extends to her role as an associate and executive producer in the media world, where she contributes to creating impactful content that resonates with audiences.

Kelly’s career is characterized by passion, vision, and collaboration. She is dedicated to pushing boundaries, inspiring growth, and leaving a lasting legacy in every facet of her professional journey.

Can you share a story with us about what brought you to your particular career path?

My journey into the menopause and women’s wellness fields stems from personal experiences that drove me to establish The Reset Medical and Wellness Center. My commitment to providing accessible and effective solutions for women dealing with menopause symptoms, such as extreme hot flashes, led me to explore and implement innovative treatments like Neuro Sympathetic Reset (NSR). This hands-on experience, coupled with my strategic leadership in diverse sectors like Automotive Retail and Claims Administration, has equipped me with a unique perspective on wellness. My contribution lies in bridging the gap between traditional healthcare and holistic wellness approaches, driven by a passion for improving lives through innovative and compassionate care.

Can you share with our readers a bit about why you are an authority in the menopause and women’s wellness fields? In your opinion, what is your unique contribution to the world of wellness?

After struggling with menopause and extreme hot flashes, I founded The Reset Medical and Wellness Center to help other women with their struggles. I struggled with 35–40 hot flashes a day, which made my daily routines seemingly impossible. After experiencing Neuro Sympathetic Reset (NSR) treatment, along with implementing other lifestyle changes, I was able to significantly reduce my hot flashes and no longer experience night sweats.

Do you have a favorite “Life Lesson Quote”? Do you have a story about how that was relevant in your life or your work?

You will never change your life until you change something you do daily. The secret to your success is found in your daily routine. — John Maxwell

What lifestyle changes have you found to be most effective for women to thrive during menopause?

For me, it has been having a solid morning and evening routine. Each morning, I start my day with either a HIIT-type workout or walking/running a minimum of 5,000 steps before breakfast. Then, I spend an hour with God, write in my gratitude journal, and have a healthy, low-carb breakfast. (Yes, food does impact hot flashes). When you start your day with a solid mindset and with igniting your body to increase endorphins, it always makes for a better day.

But just having a morning routine wasn’t enough for me. I was a person for 25–30 years and only slept 4–5 hours a night. That just isn’t enough for ANYONE, let alone those in menopause. Making sure that I go to bed (head on the pillow, lights out, no electronics) with enough time to get 7–8 hours of sleep is critical for me. I actually have an alarm set on my phone that says GO TO BED at 8:30. Oftentimes, I am in bed before then. But, before bed, I set my three intentions for the next day, write an evening entry into my “Five Minute Journal,” prep my coffee pot, set the timer, and head to bed. Again, I can’t emphasize a positive mindset and the power of gratitude enough. I would be happy to send you a Five Minute Journal for free, just request one on my blog: It would help me fulfill my mission, which you can read about on my blog as well.

Can you share any specific dietary recommendations that help alleviate common menopause symptoms?

The dietary strategy I’ve found effective in alleviating common menopause symptoms is focusing on a balanced and nutritious diet. Incorporating plenty of fruits and vegetables, which are rich in vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants, has been beneficial. Additionally, reducing intake of excess carbohydrates and refined sugars can help stabilize energy levels and minimize mood swings. Including lean proteins, such as chicken, fish, and legumes, supports muscle health and overall energy levels during this transitional phase. More hints can be found in this article.

How important is mental health during menopause, and what strategies can women use to maintain it?

Mental health is critical during this time. It is so important to talk through the changes you feel physically and mentally with those around you. Your friends and family may not understand your sudden mood swings, temperature changes, irritability, and more. Again, having that solid morning and evening routine with a stable bedtime is beneficial.

What role does exercise play in managing menopause symptoms, and what types of exercise are most beneficial?

Exercise can be beneficial in reducing hot flashes. Obviously, I am not a doctor, but can attest to it myself. I found this article helpful in understanding the scientific reasoning that it may help!

Ok. Here is the main question of our discussion. Can you please share “5 Things You Need to Know to Thrive Through Menopause”? If you can, kindly share a story or example for each.

1. Communication is key! When my hot flashes first started, they were very disruptive during conversations, meetings, and events. I found it critical to let my friends and family know what was happening, and if I suddenly became flush or even irritable, it wasn’t due to them or the conversation, it was just a hot flash!

2. Night sweats are real! Prepare yourself and your spouse/partner. Some of my friends who were buried in blankets for years, once they hit menopause, couldn’t even have a blanket on them. It will change your sleeping pattern — get prepared!

3. Weight Gain — it will come. Prepare now. Get in good exercise habits before this hits you. I found that I even needed to intensify my workouts, as it is harder and harder to control weight during and after menopause.

4. Ditch the processed carbs now. It is so important to eat high-fiber carbs, like fruits and vegetables. You don’t need to eliminate all carbs; you have to eat healthy carbs. This lesson, which I learned in the past few years, has helped me drop my excess weight, and I no longer have “afternoon crashes.”

5. There is help! Once I got the Neuro Sympathetic Reset (NSR) treatment, I went from 35–40 hot flashes a day to almost none. And the ones I have are hardly noticeable, especially to those around me. I don’t have to announce that I am having a hot flash anymore, as it goes away so quickly and is barely recognizable. In addition, I no longer have night sweats. I sleep through the night and feel rested. It was a game-changer for me.

Can you discuss any alternative therapies or natural remedies that have shown promise in supporting women through menopause?

I would strongly recommend anyone suffering from menopause, anxiety, depression, PTSD, ADHD, Long Covid (the list goes on), to get the Neuro Sympathetic Reset (NSR) treatment. It is quick, simple, and you don’t have to take any long-term medicine. It is truly revolutionary. I am not a doctor but was so moved by the impact it had on me and my family (who suffered from anxiety, depression, and PTSD) that I was motivated to open a center to help more and more people. We set out on a mission to keep it as affordable as possible and to help as many people as possible get through it. Let’s just say it is LIFE CHANGING and has over an 80% efficacy rate!

Wonderful. We are nearly done. Is there a person in the world, or in the US, with whom you would like to have a private breakfast or lunch, and why? He or she might just see this, especially if we tag them. :-)

My first response is Jesus. I would love to know how he stayed so focused each day on the plans God had for him. But since you probably don’t have the “Authority” to arrange a call with Jesus, I would love to sit down and chat with Darren Hardy. I love his podcasts, and the book “The Compound Effect” has been so impactful, not only for me but for so many that I coach/mentor. As I said, I have a mission of giving away impactful books, and this is one I have given away to many, many people. It also relates very well to my solid morning and evening routine.

How can our readers further follow your work online?

You can follow my work by visiting The Reset Medical and Wellness Center’s website or following my blog. Feel free to connect with me on LinkedIn as well, where we share updates on the center and engage with the community on topics related to mental health, women’s health, PTSD, anxiety, stress, and more.

This was very meaningful, thank you so much. We wish you only continued success on your great work!

About the Interviewer: Shawna Robins is an international best-selling author of two books — Powerful Sleep — Rest Deeply, Repair Your Brain and Restore Your Life, and Irresistibly Healthy — Simple Strategies to Feel Vibrant, Alive, Healthy and Full of Energy Again. Shawna is the founder and CEO of Third Spark, an online wellness hub for women over 40 who want to reignite their sleep, reset healthier habits and respark their lives. Shawna is a sleep expert, hormone health expert, and a National Board-Certified Health and Wellness Coach (NBHWC). She has been featured on many podcasts including Dr. Mindy Pelz’s “The Resetter Podcast” and in Authority Magazine, Thrive Global, and The Huffington Post. A free download of her latest book can be found at You can follow her on YouTube, Facebook, Instagram and LinkedIn.



Shawna Robins
Authority Magazine

Shawna is the founder of Third Spark, an online wellness hub for women over 40 who want to reignite their sleep, reset healthier habits & respark their lives