Tilda Whitaker-Bailey Of The Coach’s Mentor On How To Write A Book That Sparks A Movement

An Interview With Maria Angelova


PROVISION, will come when you have the clarity, confidence and credibility with your book project.

As a part of my series about “How to write a book that sparks a movement” I had the pleasure of interviewing Tilda Whitaker-Bailey.

Tilda Whitaker-Bailey, affectionately known as “The Coach’s Mentor,” has guided and coached thousands towards achieving their life purpose. Her compelling message resonates with those seeking to uncover their mission in life and launch their destiny. As the founder of Tilda-The Coach’s Mentor, LLC, an internationally recognized organization, she trains women ministry and business leaders to plan, process, and produce with purpose, shaping global legacies. Credentialed by the International Coach Federation (ICF) as a Professional Certified Coach (PCC), Tilda initiated the ICF-accredited P4 Coaching Institute ten years ago to share her expertise and foster the coaching community. With a rich background in non-profit administration and program coordination, she collaborates with organizations, municipalities, and companies to drive projects to success. Tilda’s dedication to the Christian community inspired her to develop a Christian Mentorship curriculum and the 12-month “The Right Side of Vision Mastermind,” unparalleled in its impact. She spearheaded the annual CoachCon, the sole conference on the southeastern coast dedicated to the personal coaching industry. An acclaimed international author, Tilda boasts seven Amazon bestsellers, including “The Right Side of Vision,” “Essence of God’s Joy,” and “A Reason To Be” Volumes 1–4. She has also co-authored “Soul Source” and “Unleash Your Shero.”

Thank you so much for doing this with us! Before we start, our readers would love to “get to know you” a bit better. Can you share the “backstory” of how you grew up?

I grew up as a military brat, in an environment that put service to others first.

My parents were preacher ‘s kids and I was given a Christian foundation to have compassion, love and respect for others.

When you were younger, was there a book that you read that inspired you to take action or changed your life? Can you share a story?

Because of my Christian upbringing, the Holy Bible was read often for instruction and life direction. It still remains number one on my book list.

It speaks truth to power for any answer I need in any situation.

What was the moment or series of events that made you decide to bring your message to the greater world? Can you share a story about that?

There are several life moments and series of events that inspired me to share my message to the globe. I survived a traumatic fall at the age of two

that required surgeries and periods of blindness during the healing process. Because I had to wear glasses, I was bullied during childhood.

Experiencing blindness at an early age heightens my ability in other areas. I developed a love of art and yearned for opportunities to create and design.

What impact did you hope to make when you wrote this book?

I hoped to share my story to encourage other women Kingdompreneurs to discover a transformative journey of breaking free from the confines of limitations. I share my personal stories of defying Satan’s attempts to hinder their potential. With unyielding determination,others can embrace God’s limitless possibilities, shattered boundaries, and boldly defied hidden barriers. I give candid narratives and powerful insights that guide readers on a path of limitless living, demonstrating how anyone can tap into their God-given potential and live a life that glorifies Him. I desire others to be inspired, empowered, and equipped to break through every barrier and embrace the boundless potential within themselves.

Did the actual results align with your expectations? Yes, most definitely. Can you explain? The testimonials from my readers confirm the impact and encouragement I desired to make with my story.

All of my results have pleasantly met my expectations. I share deep emotional stories in my book and readers share how they appreciate me sharing vulnerable experiences in my life.

What moment did you know that your book had started a movement?

I’ve been able to create my 3–6–12 month signature coaching program entitled “The Right Side of Vision” Please share a story. Women have responded in positive ways by enrolling into the program to advance their coaching businesses.

What kinds of things did you hear right away from readers?

I heard comments like, “WOW” Tilda! Powerful Story!

What are the most frequent things you hear from readers about your book now?

“It’s an easy read to follow the challenges that life can throw at someone.” “Love the way you share the life lessons learned” “It’s encouraging and offers inspiration for me”

Are they the same? Yes, they are the same from my readers.

Different? No

What is the most moving or fulfilling experience you’ve had as a result of writing this book?

I get many offers to interview and share my story.

Can you share a story?

The response from so many people extending an invitation and opening doors has been fulfilling and rewarding. It confirms my purpose in writing it.

Have you experienced anything negative?

I have not gotten any negativity from my book.

Do you feel there are drawbacks to writing a book that starts such colossal conversation and change?

I believe that if a book is written in truth and a desire to help others, it can and will sustain any negativity.

Can you articulate why you think books in particular have the power to create movements, revolutions, and true change?

I believe books have the unique ability to ignite movements, fuel revolutions, and inspire true change. Through the power of words, authors can articulate ideas, challenge norms, and awaken consciousness. Books serve as vessels for knowledge, empathy, and insight, allowing readers to explore diverse perspectives and confront societal issues. They provide a platform for all voices to be heard and for innovative ideas to take root. By capturing the essence of human experiences, books evoke emotions, provoke thought, and motivate action. Whether it’s through fiction, non-fiction, or memoir, books possess the transformative power to shape beliefs, catalyze movements, and ultimately, change the world.

What is the one habit you believe contributed the most to you becoming a bestselling writer? (i.e. perseverance, discipline, play, craft study) Can you share a story or example?

Having the consistency and perseverance to write contributed to me becoming a bestselling writer. There were many days and nights I sat beside my mother’s bedside and wrote for my book.

What challenge or failure did you learn the most from in your writing career?

The biggest challenge is the courage to release my story.

Can you share the lesson(s) that you learned?

By pressing through the fear to tell my story actually gave me a profound freedom and new perspective in life.

Many aspiring authors would love to make an impact similar to what you have done.

What are the 5 things writers need to know if they want to spark a movement with a book?

My five life lessons are:

#1 — PLAN, set the goals into realistic steps that work for you.

#2 — PROCESS, do the work consistently on a daily, weekly basis.

#3 — PRODUCE, make sure you put together a quality product with quality and value for others.

#4 — PURPOSE, have a clear understanding on the purpose of your work.

#5 — PROVISION, will come when you have the clarity, confidence and credibility with your book project.

The world, of course, needs progress in many areas. What movement do you hope someone (or you!) starts next? Can you explain why that is so important?

Empowering women Kingdompreneurs to realize their unique life vision is crucial for fostering holistic growth and positive change in our communities and beyond. By unlocking their potential and aligning with their purpose, these women can create businesses and ministries that not only thrive but also serve as catalysts for transformation. When women are equipped with the tools and support to pursue their dreams, they not only elevate their own lives but also uplift those around them. Their visions carry the power to address world challenges, promote inclusivity, and foster spiritual and economic prosperity. By championing women Kingdompreneurs on their journey to the right side of their life vision, we are not just empowering individuals, but igniting a movement that has the potential to impact generations to come.

How can our readers follow you on social media?




Thank you so much for sharing these important insights. We wish you continued success and good health!

About The Interviewer: Maria Angelova, MBA is a disruptor, author, motivational speaker, body-mind expert, Pilates teacher and founder and CEO of Rebellious Intl. As a disruptor, Maria is on a mission to change the face of the wellness industry by shifting the self-care mindset for consumers and providers alike. As a mind-body coach, Maria’s superpower is alignment which helps clients create a strong body and a calm mind so they can live a life of freedom, happiness and fulfillment. Prior to founding Rebellious Intl, Maria was a Finance Director and a professional with 17+ years of progressive corporate experience in the Telecommunications, Finance, and Insurance industries. Born in Bulgaria, Maria moved to the United States in 1992. She graduated summa cum laude from both Georgia State University (MBA, Finance) and the University of Georgia (BBA, Finance). Maria’s favorite job is being a mom. Maria enjoys learning, coaching, creating authentic connections, working out, Latin dancing, traveling, and spending time with her tribe. To contact Maria, email her at angelova@rebellious-intl.com. To schedule a free consultation, click here.



Maria Angelova, CEO of Rebellious Intl.
Authority Magazine

Maria Angelova, MBA is a disruptor, author, motivational speaker, body-mind expert, Pilates teacher and founder and CEO of Rebellious Intl.