Joanne Moretti of DecisionLink: 5 Non-Intuitive Ways To Grow Your Marketing Career

Kage Spatz
Authority Magazine
Published in
9 min readFeb 24, 2021


Joanne Moretti

Marketing is like dating. You don’t get married after the first date, you need to grow and nurture the relationship first.

As a part of my Marketing Strategy Series, I’m talking with fellow marketing pros at the top of their game to give entrepreneurs and marketers an inside look at proven strategies you might also be able to leverage to grow your business or career. Today I had the pleasure of talking with Joanne Moretti.

Joanne Moretti is the CMO of DecisionLink, a company driving transformation towards value-based buyer-seller engagement with its ValueCloud®️platform. A Fortune-200 Executive, Joanne is a B2B go-to-market and growth expert, board member, and investor. She’s successfully transformed product companies into high-value solution companies, previously delivering hyper-growth for 12 consecutive quarters as CA Canada’s GM, helping Jabil move from a $15B dollar top line number to $23B in just under 5-years, and enabling 2.5x growth at Fictiv within one year.

Thank you so much for doing this with us! Before we dig in, our readers would love to learn a bit more about you. Can you tell us a story about what brought you to this specific career path?



Kage Spatz
Authority Magazine

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