Total Health: Eloise Santos On How We Can Optimize Our Mental, Physical, Emotional, & Spiritual Wellbeing

Authority Magazine Editorial Staff
Authority Magazine
Published in
20 min readNov 16, 2023

Morning Lemon or Lime Water: Embracing the habit of starting the day with room-temperature lemon or lime water can be transformative for physical well-being. Upon integrating the practice of drinking a glass of water infused with the juice of half a lemon or lime, I noticed a significant change. This simple yet powerful ritual not only hydrated my body but also provided a gentle detox, refreshing me from within. Over time, I felt more energized, and the regularity of this morning routine helped improve my digestion.

Often when we refer to wellness, we assume that we are talking about physical wellbeing. But one can be physically very healthy but still be unwell, emotionally or mentally. What are the steps we can take to cultivate optimal wellness in all areas of our life; to develop Mental, Physical, Emotional, & Spiritual Wellbeing? As a part of our series about “How We Can Cultivate Our Mental, Physical, Emotional, & Spiritual Wellbeing”, we had the pleasure of interviewing Eloise Santos.

Eloise Santos, a self-taught wellness enthusiast, has navigated life with Type One Diabetes for over 24 years. Passionate about holistic healing, she now hosts a wellness show where she shares her transformative journey and healing practices, aiming to educate and inspire others. Eloise’s mission is to foster genuine understanding, offer invaluable insights, and promote holistic wellness practices to impact lives positively.

Thank you so much for joining us in this interview series! Before we dive into the main focus of our interview, our readers would love to “get to know you” a bit better. Can you tell us a bit about your childhood backstory?

I am a first-generation American, born and raised in New York City. My mother is from France while my father comes from the Dominican Republic. I spent my childhood and adolescence attending a French school — growing up in such a diverse environment has truly shaped my unique upbringing.

At 18 months old, I was diagnosed with Type One Diabetes. This diagnosis has profoundly influenced my commitment to maintaining my health and overall well-being. As a result, I have dedicated my adult life to researching the true causes of and solutions to healing chronic illnesses and symptoms.

Throughout my childhood, there were moments when I felt that people didn’t fully comprehend how this condition affected me. Managing Type One Diabetes is a 24-hour, 7-day-a-week job and commitment. My survival is ensured by the maintenance of proper nutrition, the constant monitoring of blood sugar levels, and the daily intake of insulin. I especially faced challenges in living with this illness during my school years. Unfortunately, not all of my teachers and peers at school truly grasped the gravity of my situation. Because of this lack of understanding, there were instances when I didn’t receive accommodations or support in managing my blood sugar levels during classes or exams. I had no choice but to endure those moments while hoping not to encounter any seizures. This circumstance made it quite challenging for me to strike a balance between prioritizing my well-being and excelling academically.

Throughout my life, I have experienced the difficulties and obstacles that come with Type One Diabetes. This personal journey has motivated me to promote health and wellness. My goal is to create a community where those dealing with chronic illnesses and symptoms can find comfort, empathy, and the resources they need to heal.

What or who inspired you to pursue your career? We’d love to hear the story.

The inspiration for my career journey came from a transformative experience while studying abroad in Barcelona. While there, I began eating new foods I would not eat regularly or had never tried, such as cheeses, yogurts, and certain meats. This led to me getting mysterious chronic symptoms such as excessive bloating and fatigue. Doctors were unable to give me answers or relief. Dealing with these symptoms, besides my Type One Diabetes, posed a distressing challenge.

During this challenging period, my sister introduced me to the work of Anthony William. His approach to health and wellness intrigued me, particularly his recommendations, such as starting the day with lemon water and celery juice. I decided to follow some of his guidance, and I noticed positive health changes. Some of my debilitating symptoms started receding, and I regained a sense of vitality and well-being. This personal experience was the catalyst that ignited my passion for a career in health and wellness. Witnessing the transformative power of holistic approaches to health and nutrition inspired me to pursue a path where I could heal myself and help others achieve their own well being goals.

This journey of personal transformation and the invaluable knowledge I gained from it continues to motivate me in my career today. I am committed to sharing the principles of holistic health and wellness with others, helping them discover the potential for healing and vitality within themselves.

None of us can achieve success without some help along the way. Was there a particular person who you feel gave you the most help or encouragement to be who you are today? Can you share a story about that?

Throughout my life, my mother has always been there to provide her unwavering support and advocacy for me and my well-being. She has been and continues to be, a source of strength as I navigate the challenges posed by Type One Diabetes. During my school years, I encountered obstacles that required overcoming. Unfortunately, I didn’t always receive the accommodations needed to ensure my well-being and academic success. The simplest things, like being allowed to step out of class for insulin administration or blood sugar monitoring, were often denied. Nevertheless, despite being a teacher at my school and facing criticism from her colleagues for advocating on my behalf, my mother remained unwavering in fighting for what was crucial for me. Her influence has profoundly shaped how I approach my health and overall well-being, empowering me not only to advocate for myself but also to champion the cause of others. Today, regardless of any obstacles that may arise in my journey, I am resolute in achieving all of my goals.

Can you share the funniest or most interesting mistake that occurred to you in the course of your career? What lesson or take away did you learn from that?

In the course of my life and career, I’ve come to believe that there are no mistakes, only experiences that shape our journey. While I initially started my career in fashion, working as a runway model and gaining valuable experience in showrooms and fashion PR, my path eventually led me to the biotech industry due to my newfound passion for health and wellness in college. This big shift became a natural progression guided by my evolving interests and curiosity. After college, I entered the biotechnology sector and gained valuable knowledge of the medical and healthcare industry. This was the start of my pursuit of seeking holistic wellness methods to heal myself and others with chronic diseases and symptoms. This experience of pivoting from working in the fashion industry to the health and medical industry taught me the importance of keeping an open mind and embracing change. I learned that career paths are not always linear; they can twist and turn, and that’s perfectly okay. Each experience, no matter how unexpected, enriches our skills and perspectives, leading us toward our true passions. Embracing this mindset has been my key takeaway, reminding me that every twist and turn in our professional journey can be a valuable stepping stone toward personal and career growth.

Is there a particular book that made a significant impact on you? Can you share a story or explain why it resonated with you so much?

Liver Rescue, by Anthony William, is a book that had a profound impact on my life. Throughout my life, I have been searching for answers about Type One Diabetes and ways to effectively manage its symptoms. This book provided the insights and information I had been desperately seeking. It went beyond what traditional medical sources had discovered, delving into the causes of Type One Diabetes and offering solutions to manage its symptoms with effectiveness. Moreover, it offered insights into addressing issues I was grappling with such as weight fluctuations and energy imbalances. This book became more than a source of knowledge; it became a beacon of hope that empowered me to take control of my well-being. It sparked changes in my life, giving me the hope, confidence, and resilience needed to confront the challenges associated with Type One Diabetes and other health concerns.

Can you share your favorite “Life Lesson Quote”? Why does that resonate with you so much?

One quote that has always resonated with me is “There is always a rainbow after the rain.” This quote holds a place, in my heart because it captures a truth; even in our darkest moments, there is always a glimmer of hope and the promise of better times ahead. Throughout my life, I have faced many health challenges in dealing with my chronic symptoms. However, this quote has acted as a guiding light for me. It reminds me that amidst adversity there exists the potential for healing and personal growth. Despite the obstacles I encountered, I managed to find methods to improve my well-being and overall health. I learned to approach difficulties with resilience and optimism — fully aware that every storm in life eventually passes and paves the way for something, like a rainbow, which symbolizes hope, renewal, and beauty. This mantra continues to inspire me on my journey. No matter how tough things get, I hold onto the belief that brighter days lie ahead.

What are some of the most interesting or exciting projects you are working on now? How do you think that might help people?

I am currently the host and director of a show on the streaming platform NY2C, health with el. This venture is deeply meaningful to me as I created the show’s concept along with my videographer, Luke Horton, and worked closely with him to put it all together. Our show delves into the realm of holistic wellness, exploring diverse techniques such as acupuncture, yoga and meditation, and sound baths, among others. Our aim is to empower people to heal from various symptoms they are dealing with and enhance their overall well-being. By showcasing these holistic practices, we provide viewers with practical tools and insights that can transform their lives. Our mission is not only to offer healing solutions but also to inspire individuals to live happier and healthier lives. I believe that by spreading awareness about these holistic wellness techniques, we can make a significant positive impact on people’s lives, encouraging them to embrace holistic approaches to health and empowering them to embark on their journeys toward well-being and fulfillment.

OK, thank you for all of that. Let’s now shift to the core focus of our interview. In this interview series we’d like to discuss cultivating wellness habits in four areas of our lives: Mental wellness, Physical wellness, Emotional wellness, & Spiritual wellness. Let’s dive deeper into these together. Based on your research or experience, can you share with our readers three good habits that can lead to optimum mental wellness? Please share a story or example for each.

I have incorporated some healthy habits to enhance my mental wellness, promote inner peace, emotional resilience, and a deeper connection with both myself and the world around me. Here are three good habits that can lead to optimum mental wellness, based on the principles of nature therapy, cultivating healthy relationships, and mindful practices like meditation:

1. Nature Immersion for Mental Wellness: Spending time in nature is a powerful mental wellness practice. Nature therapy involves immersing oneself in natural environments to promote healing. For instance, regular walks in the park, hiking in the mountains, or simply sitting by the beach can remarkably affect mental well being. For example, when I am overwhelmed and stressed with the responsibilities of everyday life, I make it a habit to take some time to go rollerblading or bike riding in Central Park or plan a weekend retreat away in the countryside. The serene atmosphere, the vibrant colors, and the fresh air provide me with a calming backdrop that helps alleviate anxiety and provides a sense of peace. By integrating nature into daily routines, individuals can experience reduced stress, improved mood, and enhanced mental clarity.

2. Cultivating Healthy Relationships and Self-Care: Building and nurturing loving, healthy relationships is fundamental to mental wellness. When I feel anxious or stressed, I find solace in the support of my close friends and family. Their presence, understanding, and love provide me with emotional stability and resilience. Additionally, practicing self-care is crucial. This involves setting aside time for activities that bring joy and relaxation, whether reading, taking long baths, or pursuing hobbies. Self-care is a buffer against stress and burnout, fostering mental resilience and well-being.

3. Mindful Practices and Meditation: Engaging in mindful practices and meditation, such as breath work, fruit picking, or simply sunbathing, can center the mind and promote mental clarity. I find tranquility in fruit picking — a meditative activity where focus and attention are channeled into the task. Being fully present in the moment fades worries and anxieties, leaving space for peace and mindfulness. These practices help me relax and provide a sense of grounding and connection to the earth, fostering mental stability and emotional balance.

Do you have a specific type of meditation practice or Yoga practice that you have found helpful? We’d love to hear about it.

I have found immense solace and balance through practicing meditation, specifically the “Collecting Stones Meditation” from the Medical Medium has really helped me. This technique involves physically picking up stones and attributing them to the emotions I am feeling. By naming these stones after my emotions, I transfer my energy into them, allowing me to acknowledge and eventually release negative feelings. This practice has been transformative and helped me confront my emotions.

In addition to meditation, I also practice Yin Yoga. Unlike other forms of yoga, Yin Yoga is a slower practice, requiring poses to be held for extended periods. This teaches me patience but also mental fortitude as I navigate the discomfort of prolonged positions. I find that this practice gradually relaxes my body and mind, providing a unique sense of tranquility and self-awareness.

Thank you for that. Can you share three good habits that can lead to optimum physical wellness? Please share a story or example for each.

Incorporating good habits into my daily routine has not only improved my physical health but also helped me experience a holistic sense of well-being. Here are three that I practice daily:

1. Morning Lemon or Lime Water: Embracing the habit of starting the day with room-temperature lemon or lime water can be transformative for physical well-being. Upon integrating the practice of drinking a glass of water infused with the juice of half a lemon or lime, I noticed a significant change. This simple yet powerful ritual not only hydrated my body but also provided a gentle detox, refreshing me from within. Over time, I felt more energized, and the regularity of this morning routine helped improve my digestion.

2. Prioritizing Quality Sleep: Committing to going to bed early and ensuring sufficient sleep, especially during the optimal REM (Rapid Eye Movement) hours before midnight, became a game-changer in my pursuit of physical wellness. I used to underestimate the importance of sleep, often sacrificing rest for work or social activities. One day, after a few nights of deep, restorative sleep, I woke up feeling refreshed and rejuvenated. My mind was sharper, and my body felt more agile. The continuous practice of prioritizing sleep enhanced my energy levels and improved my mood and overall resilience.

3. Clean Eating with Whole Foods: Transitioning to a diet centered around whole foods, mainly fruits and vegetables, became a pivotal step toward achieving optimal physical health. Over 10 years ago, when I indulged in unhealthy foods, I often felt sluggish and prone to mood swings. As I gradually replaced these items with fresh fruits and vegetables, my body underwent a significant transformation. I noticed improved blood sugar levels, digestion, and sustained energy throughout the day. Understanding the impact of nutrition on my well-being motivated me to explore creative recipes using whole, unprocessed ingredients. This change not only aided in maintaining a healthy weight but also strengthened my immune system. Today and for the last 5 years, my diet consists of only fresh fruits, vegetables, certain grains and legumes, and occasionally healthy fats.

Do you have any particular thoughts about healthy eating? We all know that it’s important to eat more vegetables, eat less sugar, etc. But while we know it intellectually, it’s often difficult to put it into practice and make it a part of our daily habits. In your opinion what are the main blockages that prevent us from taking the information that we all know, and integrating it into our lives?

In my view, the challenge of integrating healthy eating habits into our lives often stems from a complex interplay of factors. One significant barrier is the inundation of misinformation about wellness that confuses individuals. With the internet saturated with contradictory advice, it becomes challenging to discern what’s genuinely healthy. Additionally, as humans, we tend to cling to what is known and comfortable, even if these habits may harm our health. We create excuses to protect our vices, leading to resistance against change until a health crisis forces us to reconsider our choices. This reactive approach, waiting until we are seriously ill to change our habits, is unfortunately prevalent.

Moreover, our society’s emphasis on overconsumption rather than discipline exacerbates the problem. The easy accessibility of processed foods and their addictive additives makes it challenging to break free from unhealthy eating patterns. People often find themselves trapped in a cycle of indulgence, which is tough to overcome.

Furthermore, the reliance on pharmaceuticals as quick fixes can further impede progress toward genuine well-being. These medications, while providing temporary relief, often act as ‘bandages’’ addressing symptoms but not the root cause of illnesses. Not to mention, they also contain harmful ingredients listed under their “other ingredients” or “inactive ingredients,” such as heavy metals. The lack of focus on preventive care means that individuals miss the opportunity to establish healthy habits before they face serious health issues.

To overcome these challenges, a shift in mindset is crucial. Education plays a key role — empowering individuals with accurate information about nutrition and wellness is essential. Additionally, cultivating discipline and mindfulness around food choices can break the cycle of overconsumption. Encouraging people to view food not just as fuel but as a means to nourish and heal their bodies fosters a positive relationship with eating. This is something that Dr. Sherri Greene taught me, an incredible restorative and lifestyle medicine physician who has been a major support in my healing journey. Integrating these changes into our daily lives requires patience, persistence, and a supportive community to reinforce these new habits. By addressing the root causes of our resistance and promoting a holistic approach to wellness, we can bridge the gap between knowing what is healthy and actively living a healthier lifestyle.

Can you share three good habits that can lead to optimum emotional wellness? Please share a story or example for each.

Improving my mental well-being has always been a priority of mine. I have found good habits and practices that serve as valuable tools to offer me support, clarity, and a sense of grounding in the face of life’s challenges. Here are three that really help:

1. Being Organized with Your Schedule and Time: Developing the habit of being organized with your schedule and time can significantly enhance emotional wellness. In my own experience, I lead a hectic life juggling various responsibilities. Feeling overwhelmed was a constant challenge until I started diligently organizing my schedule. I adopted the practice of keeping a customized calendar that I carry everywhere, detailing my daily tasks, appointments, and deadlines. This simple habit helped me gain a sense of control and reduced feelings of stress and overwhelm. By structuring my time effectively, I found I could manage my responsibilities more efficiently, leaving room for relaxation and self-care.

2. Sharing Your Feelings with a Trusted Confidant: Cultivating the habit of confiding in someone close to you, be it a family member or a friend you trust, can greatly contribute to emotional well-being. For instance, I always make it a point to speak with my sister, who lives in Europe, and spend quality time with my mother. During our conversations, I freely share my worries and struggles. Having a trusted person, or people, to talk to not only provides emotional release but also offers perspective and comfort. It’s a practice that reminds me that I am not alone in my challenges, fostering a sense of connection and emotional security.

3. Spending Time in Nature and Connecting with the Outdoors: Engaging with nature is a powerful habit that promotes emotional healing and well-being. I find solace and rejuvenation in activities such as horseback riding, hiking, or meditating amidst nature, especially during sunset. I vividly remember a weekend retreat I took to the Catskills during a particularly challenging period last year. Surrounded by the serene beauty of

nature, I felt a profound sense of peace and renewal. The tranquility of the natural environment allowed me to disconnect from the demands of daily life and reconnect with my inner self. It served as a reminder of the beauty and resilience of the natural world, inspiring me to incorporate more outdoor activities into my routine for ongoing emotional balance.

Do you have any particular thoughts about the power of smiling to improve emotional wellness? We’d love to hear it.

The power of a smile is truly transformative when it comes to enhancing our well-being. Smiling is a way to express positivity, kindness, and happiness. When we smile it not only reflects our inner sense of contentment but also has a profound impact, on those around us. It serves as a simple means to spread positivity and warmth. By smiling at others we create an effect that can brighten someone’s day make them feel acknowledged and valued and often inspire them to respond with their own smile. This exchange of energy fosters a sense of connection. It uplifts the emotional ambiance, for all involved. Forced smiling can even trigger the release of endorphins that promote a sense of well-being and can help alleviate stress and anxiety.

Finally, can you share three good habits that can lead to optimum spiritual wellness?

By adopting practices, I’ve come to realize that spiritual well-being is not a destination but an ongoing journey. Here are a few habits I follow to remind myself of the potential within our souls and the boundless wisdom of the universe:

1. Daily Meditation Routine: Incorporating meditation into my routine has impacted my spiritual well-being. There was a time in my life when fear and anxiety consumed me. Regular meditation helped me find a way to release these emotions. One particular technique that worked wonders for me was the Healing Stones Meditation. Each session allowed me to shed the weight of my worries, creating space for tranquility and clarity. This practice not only helped me let go of fear but also deepened my understanding of myself and the interconnectedness of everything. Through meditation, I discovered peace and a sense of unity, realizing that spirituality exists within us and all around us, patiently waiting for us to acknowledge and embrace it.

2. Nature Connection: Immersing oneself in nature is a habit that grounds us and reconnects us with the essence of life itself. Whenever I spend time surrounded by nature’s beauty, I feel a connection with the universe, gaining insight into my place within its tapestry. Nature has the ability to calm the mind and uplift the soul. It encourages self-reflection and deep thinking, allowing us to understand the meaning of life and our purpose in this existence. Nature’s simplicity has unveiled truths to me, reminding me of how interconnected all living beings are and how crucial it is to cherish the present moment.

3. Connecting with Higher Powers and Spiritual Practices: Engaging in practices that connect us with powers, be it through communication, ancestral connections, or journaling, plays a vital role in nurturing our spiritual well-being. I find solace in expressing my thoughts and prayers at home or within a place of worship. It’s my way of expressing gratitude, seeking guidance, and unburdening myself. This practice has taught me that

spirituality is not solely a journey but a meaningful conversation with the universe. By forging connections with powers, we discover strength, hope, and resilience while embracing our place within a cosmic tapestry filled with love.

Do you have any particular thoughts about how being “in nature” can help us to cultivate spiritual wellness?

Being in nature helps us foster a profound sense of spiritual well-being. Nature has the ability to touch our souls, offering solace and healing in a way that is truly unmatched. Engaging with the world — be it through horseback riding, hiking or simply sitting in a park area — can evoke an overwhelming sense of joy and happiness. For instance, when I go horseback riding I adore the sensation of the wind caressing my face while connecting with the spirit of these creatures and being encompassed by the awe-inspiring beauty of the outdoors. The positive energy that surges through me is a testament to nature’s ability to heal. Being immersed in nature allows us to release stress, worries, and distractions from our lives and creates room for bliss. This joy becomes a pathway leading us toward well-being by reminding us about the essence of contentment and teaching us to cherish every moment.

Nature mirrors life cycles. It imparts lessons about impermanence, resilience, and rejuvenation. As we observe the transitions, between seasons witness blossoming flowers, and witness landscapes transforming before our eyes; we learn to embrace change while accepting life’s nature. We find beauty in every stage of our journey as it unfolds before us.

When we draw inspiration from the world we nurture our strength and wisdom. We come to realize that facing challenges is a part of development just as nature itself adapts, recovers, and thrives.

Ok, we are nearly done. You are a person of great influence. If you could inspire a movement that would bring the most amount of good for the greatest number of people, what would that be? You never know what your idea can trigger.

If I were to inspire a movement that could bring significant good to a vast number of people, it would be a conscious consumer revolution. As consumers, we hold so much power. We should be empowering individuals to make mindful and ethical choices in their purchases. This movement would involve educating people about the impact of their consumer choices on the environment, society, and overall well-being. The movement would encourage people to support socially and ethically responsible companies. For example, I try to limit my waste by using shampoo bars avoiding packaged foods to limit plastic waste, and opting for second-hand clothing over fast fashion. It is important to raise awareness about the social, environmental, and ethical implications of consumer choice and inform people about the impact of their purchases on issues such as climate change, fair labor practices, and animal welfare. Inspiring individuals to make conscious choices in their purchasing behavior would not only transform the market but also inspire companies to reevaluate their practices. This movement has the potential to encourage a shift towards a more sustainable, ethical, and socially responsible global economy. Ultimately, it empowers consumers to realize the profound impact they can have on the world through their everyday choices, leading to a brighter and more sustainable future for all.

We are very blessed that some of the biggest names in Business, VC funding, Sports, and Entertainment read this column. Is there a person in the world, or in the US, whom you would love to have a private breakfast or lunch with, and why? He or she might just see this, especially if we both tag them :-)

I would be delighted to have a private breakfast or lunch with Anthony William (@medicalmedium on Instagram). His profound insights and dedication to shedding light on health-related misinformation have been inspiring. Meeting him in person would provide an invaluable opportunity to delve deeper into his knowledge and wisdom. His perspectives on holistic health and wellness have not only transformed lives but have also challenged conventional beliefs, paving the way for a healthier and more informed society. Engaging in a one-on-one conversation with him would be an incredible experience, allowing for a meaningful exchange of ideas and a deeper understanding of the transformative power of holistic health practices. I am genuinely eager to learn from his expertise and explore the ways in which we can continue to educate and empower others toward a healthier future.

How can our readers further follow your work online?

Readers interested in following my work can find full episodes of my show, health with el at the official website, Additionally, they can find updates and behind-the-scenes content on Instagram by following the show’s dedicated account, @healthwithelshow. For more personal insights and updates, readers can connect with me directly on my personal Instagram account, @eloise.bise.

Thank you for these really excellent insights, and we greatly appreciate the time you spent with this. We wish you continued success.

