Total Health: Heidi Bright of ‘Bright Concepts’ On How We Can Optimize Our Mental, Physical, Emotional, & Spiritual Wellbeing

Authority Magazine Editorial Staff
Authority Magazine
Published in
15 min readJan 26, 2021


When I feel good, I find it much easier to eat nutritious foods. When I feel like crap, I am drawn to crappy food to self-soothe, but it always backfires and I end up feeling worse.

One way to circumvent this tendency is to allow myself a small amount of the junk food — like a small handful of corn chips or a piece of chocolate. Then I sit down and do nothing — no talking, no reading, no listening — and instead only focus on each morsel. I extract as much pleasure as I can from it. This way I don’t feel deprived. Then I get up and refocus my attention.

Often when we refer to wellness, we assume that we are talking about physical wellbeing. But one can be physically very healthy but still be unwell, emotionally or mentally. What are the steps we can take to cultivate optimal wellness in all areas of our life; to develop Mental, Physical

