Val Martinez Of Betting Ladies On How We Can Increase Women’s Engagement in Leadership and Management

An Interview With Vanessa Ogle

Vanessa Ogle
Authority Magazine
12 min readApr 12, 2024


Advocate for Yourself: Nobody is going to advocate for you better than yourself. Advocate for your own needs, interests, and career advancement opportunities. Be proactive in seeking out stretch assignments, promotions, and leadership roles, and negotiate confidently for what you deserve.

Despite strides towards equality, women remain underrepresented in leadership and management roles across various sectors. In this series, we would like to discuss the barriers to female advancement in these areas and explore actionable strategies for change. We are talking with accomplished women leaders, executives, and pioneers who have navigated these challenges successfully, to hear their experiences, tactics, and advice to inspire and guide the next generation of women toward achieving their full potential in leadership and management roles. As part of this series, we had the pleasure of interviewing Val Martinez.

Val C. Martinez is the CEO and founder of, a sports betting community for women sports bettors.

Her passion for empowering women in the world of sports betting led her to establish this vibrant community in 2022, just four years after online sports betting became legalized in the US, where women not only place bets; but also build connections and share experiences with like-minded women, and forge new friendships along the way.

Val’s unwavering commitment to fostering this empowering environment continues to inspire countless women as they embark on their journeys toward sports betting excellence.

Thank you so much for doing this with us! Before we dig in, our readers would like to get to know you a bit more. Can you tell us a bit about your “backstory”? What led you to this particular career path?

I’ve always been a recreational bettor, placing a bet or two when watching a game in the UK where I resided for several years. When I moved to the US 6 years ago, I noticed a significant lack of representation and resources for women in the world of sports betting.

This realization sparked something within me. I saw an opportunity to create a space where women could feel empowered to engage in sports betting confidently, without feeling intimidated or marginalized.

And thus, the idea for was born. I wanted to build more than just a platform for placing bets; I wanted to cultivate a community where women could come together, share their experiences, learn from one another, and ultimately, thrive in the world of sports betting.

Can you share the most interesting story that happened to you since you began your career?

One of the most fascinating aspects of my career journey has been the unexpected encounters with individuals who unknowingly opened doors of opportunity for me, even when I didn’t fully comprehend the significance at the time.

Like the time where I met a reporter at a party which led to nationwide TV cover for Betting Ladies months later…

There have been numerous instances where chance meetings or casual conversations led to unexpected connections and opportunities that shaped my path. These encounters often occurred in the most unexpected places, whether it was striking up a conversation at a networking event, meeting someone by chance during travels, or even connecting with someone through social media.

What makes these encounters particularly intriguing is that, in the moment, I may not have fully grasped the potential impact they would have on my career trajectory. It was only in hindsight that I realized the significance of these interactions and how they played a pivotal role in opening doors to new opportunities, collaborations, and mentorship.

Reflecting on these experiences, I’ve come to appreciate the serendipitous nature of networking and the importance of staying open to unexpected connections. It’s a reminder that opportunities can arise when least expected and that every interaction, no matter how seemingly insignificant, has the potential to lead to something meaningful.

Can you share a pivotal moment in your career that significantly influenced your path to leadership?

Transitioning from a career focused on finance and risk management to entrepreneurship was a significant shift that required me to step up and take on leadership responsibilities not only for a team but an entire organization. This pivotal moment in my career coincided with the launch of, where I recognized the glaring lack of representation for women in the realm of sports betting. Seeing an opportunity to create a supportive community tailored specifically for women, I embarked on the entrepreneurial journey of establishing Driven by a deep-seated commitment to lead and empower women in the world of sports betting, this endeavor continues to inspire me daily as I strive to cultivate an inclusive and empowering space where women can thrive and make their mark in an industry traditionally dominated by men.

None of us are able to achieve success without some help along the way. Is there a particular person who you are grateful towards who helped get you to where you are? Can you share a story about that?

I’m immensely grateful for the mentorship I received from a seasoned entrepreneur in my early career, who provided invaluable guidance, support, and encouragement. Their belief in my passion for empowering women in sports betting was instrumental in shaping my journey towards leadership and success. Also, none of this would have been possible without the unwavering support of my family, who understand the countless hours dedicated to and love me unconditionally regardless.

Is there a particular book that made a significant impact on you? Can you share a story or explain why it resonated with you so much?

Yes, “Total Recall: My Unbelievably True Life Story” by Arnold Schwarzenegger has made a profound impact on me. The book chronicles Schwarzenegger’s remarkable journey from a small village in Austria to becoming a Hollywood superstar and eventually the Governor of California. What resonated with me most was Schwarzenegger’s relentless determination, unwavering self-belief, and his ability to overcome seemingly insurmountable obstacles. His story of resilience, ambition, and success serves as a constant source of inspiration for me, reminding me that with hard work, perseverance, and a clear vision, anything is possible.

Do you have a favorite “Life Lesson Quote”? Do you have a story about how that was relevant in your life or your work?

Yes!, A few years ago, when Brexit was threatening the breakup of the EUR currency in Europe, Mario Draghi, the then President of the European Central Bank declared in front of the financial markets that the ECB would do whatever it took to save the EUR currency.

This “whatever it takes” phrase had the effect of calming the markets and averting a financial crisis.

So, “Whatever it takes” became my life lesson quote. It resonates deeply with me because it encapsulates the importance of decisive action and unwavering commitment in the face of adversity. In my own life and work, this quote serves as a constant reminder to stay resolute and determined, especially during challenging times. It reminds me of the power of determination and boldness in overcoming obstacles and achieving success, no matter how daunting the circumstances may seem.

How have you used your success to make the world a better place?

Being successful gives you a leeway to be able to help more than you would otherwise. For example, I’ve initiated a localized effort to create survival boxes for the homeless population in Los Angeles. Being in Orange County and spending a lot of time in LA, I felt that the homeless problem needed as much help as possible. Every little helps so we hope that these survival boxes containing essential items such as clothing, hygiene products, and non-perishable food, can offer immediate assistance and support to those experiencing homelessness in Los Angeles.

Ok, thank you for that. Let’s now jump to the primary focus of our interview. According to this report, only about 31.7% of top executive positions across industries are held by women. This reflects great historical progress, but it also shows that more work still has to be done to empower women. In your opinion and experience what is currently holding back women from leadership and management?

Many reasons contribute to the underrepresentation of women in leadership and management roles.

Firstly, gender biases and stereotypes persist in many workplaces, leading to unconscious or implicit biases that hinder women’s advancement.

We need to educate everybody on the importance of recognizing these biases and how to neutralize them.

Additionally, systemic barriers such as lack of mentorship opportunities, limited access to networking circles, and unequal pay continue to impede women’s progress in climbing the corporate ladder.

Moreover, work-life balance challenges, including caregiving responsibilities and societal expectations, disproportionately affect women, making it difficult for them to fully commit to demanding leadership roles.

We need to do more to address these barriers and we require concerted efforts from both organizations and society at large to implement policies that promote gender equality, provide support for work-life balance, and actively challenge gender biases in the workplace.

If I may take a moment to make a request, women, it begins with us. Let’s consistently strive to support one another.

This might be intuitive to you but I think it will be helpful to spell this out. Can you share a few reasons why more women should become leaders and managers?

Let’s start with the data.

According to a 2020 McKinsey report, companies with greater gender diversity on their boards were 25% more likely to achieve above-average profitability compared to those with less diversity. This study was supported by the Women Count 2022 study, which focused on FTSE350 and revealed that companies with over a quarter of women on their board of directors saw a profit margin of 16%, 10 times higher than those with no female board members.

In addition to the objectivity of better financial results, diverse perspectives drive innovation and creativity, and having more women in leadership positions ensures a broader range of viewpoints are considered in decision-making processes.

Finally, empowering women to take on leadership roles promotes greater gender equality and representation in the workplace, setting an example for future generations of women leaders. We want to see this evolution progressing on behalf of our current and future daughters.

Can you please share “5 Things We Need To Increase Women’s Engagement in Leadership and Management?”

  1. Hire based on potential: In my previous company, we launched a diversity and inclusion program aimed at recruiting and advancing women into leadership positions. This initiative led to a notable rise in the number of women in managerial roles. Often, women who took career breaks, to raise children, for example, might appear to lack certain credentials compared to their male counterparts. However, it’s crucial to recognize and value the potential of qualified and determined women, offering them opportunities based on their capabilities rather than solely on past experience.
  2. Provide Mentorship and Sponsorship Programs: I thoroughly enjoy mentoring junior female colleagues who express interest in advancing their careers. Through consistent coaching sessions and guidance on navigating corporate challenges, we can empower the next generation of leaders to ascend the ranks more rapidly than we did.
  3. Give easy access to education: Organize regular leadership workshops and training sessions tailored specifically for women. These programs should cover topics such as negotiation skills, executive presence, and strategic thinking, empowering women to excel in leadership roles.
  4. Foster a Culture of Inclusion and Support:
    We must establish an inclusive environment where everyone feels valued and respected. Recognizing that individuals come from diverse backgrounds, cultures, and perspectives, we should embrace them as they are. This inclusive approach enables both men and women to bring their full potential to the workplace. When employees feel content and accepted, they are more receptive to seizing growth opportunities. I recall a time when I struggled to fit into an organization due to various reasons; during that period, I had no desire to pursue a leadership role within the company. In cases like that, it’s a missed opportunity for both the employer and the employee.
  5. Encourage Peer-to-Peer Support Networks: Encourage the formation of peer-to-peer support networks among women within the organization. These networks provide opportunities for informal mentoring, knowledge sharing, and mutual encouragement, fostering a culture of support and collaboration.

While Betting Ladies doesn’t have a complex internal structure, I organize regular meetings with peers from other companies. We gather to discuss career challenges, exchange advice, and celebrate accomplishments. This external network has become a valuable resource for all of us, providing guidance and camaraderie as we navigate our professional paths.

In your opinion, what systemic changes are needed to facilitate more equitable access for women to leadership roles?

  1. Advocating for Policy Changes: Governments and policymakers play a critical role in advancing gender equality in the workplace. Implementing policies such as paid family leave, affordable childcare, and equal access to education and training opportunities can help remove barriers to women’s participation in leadership roles. It will also help men who want to have the possibility of being more engaged with their children’s lives.
  2. Addressing Pay Equity: Closing the gender pay gap is essential for promoting equity in leadership opportunities. Employers should conduct regular pay audits to identify and address disparities and establish salary transparency policies to ensure equal pay for equal work.

What strategies have you found most effective in mentoring and supporting other women to pursue leadership positions?

Individual mentorship is a valuable resource for advancing women in their careers. By sharing your experiences, mentees can accelerate their growth and glean insights from your past mistakes. Additionally, introducing women to influential contacts who can provide opportunities can be a straightforward yet highly impactful strategy.

How would you advise a woman leader about how to navigate the challenges of being a woman in a leadership role within a male-dominated industry?

  1. Know your value: Demonstrate your knowledge, skills, and expertise confidently, and assert yourself as a capable leader. Avoid downplaying your accomplishments or qualifications, and assert your authority when necessary.
  2. Build Supportive Networks: Surround yourself with mentors, allies, and peers who can provide guidance, support, and encouragement. Seek out other women leaders who have navigated similar challenges and learn from their experiences.
  3. Don’t play the victim: Don’t play the victim; instead, take ownership of your circumstances and empower yourself to overcome challenges.
  4. Develop a Resilient Mindset: Cultivate resilience and perseverance to navigate setbacks and obstacles that may arise. Focus on your strengths, maintain a positive attitude, and view challenges as opportunities for growth and learning.
  5. Advocate for Yourself: Nobody is going to advocate for you better than yourself. Advocate for your own needs, interests, and career advancement opportunities. Be proactive in seeking out stretch assignments, promotions, and leadership roles, and negotiate confidently for what you deserve.

How do you balance the demand for authoritative leadership with the stereotypical expectations of female behavior in professional settings?

This question is very difficult to answer. When a strong female occupies a leadership role, she faces a delicate balancing act akin to that of a juggler. While a man in the same position might be lauded as decisive and powerful, a strong woman may be subject to derogatory labels, unfit for publication.

During my career, I came to terms with it. Sometimes, it’s necessary to accept that we may not fit everyone’s stereotypical notion of womanhood and continue on our path anyway. Breaking a few rules may be necessary before we can emerge from our ashes and stand on equal footing with men.

You are a person of great influence. If you could inspire a movement that would bring the most amount of good for the greatest number of people, what would that be? You never know what your idea can trigger.

If I could inspire a movement for the greatest good, it would be “Women Helping Women in Business.” This movement would focus on facilitating introductions, fundraising efforts, hiring, promotions, and mentoring among women. It’s about fostering real support, camaraderie, and a genuine desire to see each other succeed. By empowering and uplifting one another in the business world, we can create a powerful network of support that drives collective success and paves the way for future generations of women entrepreneurs and leaders. This idea holds great significance for me because when I began my career in finance 20 years ago, I noticed a lack of support among women. However, I’ve witnessed a notable shift in recent years, particularly through the support I’ve received from women, which has propelled the significant progress made by . Now, I’m eager to pay this support forward.

How can our readers further follow your work online?

Readers can join our community at You will find everything you need to know about our progress in business and you might learn a thing or two about the exciting world of sports betting!

Thank you for these fantastic insights. We greatly appreciate the time you spent on this.

About The Interviewer: Vanessa Ogle is a mom, entrepreneur, inventor, writer, and singer/songwriter. Vanessa’s talent in building world-class leadership teams focused on diversity, a culture of service, and innovation through inclusion allowed her to be one of the most acclaimed Latina CEO’s in the last 30 years. She collaborated with the world’s leading technology and content companies such as Netflix, Amazon, HBO, and Broadcom to bring innovative solutions to travelers and hotels around the world. Vanessa is the lead inventor on 120+ U.S. Patents. Accolades include: FAST 100, Entrepreneur 360 Best Companies, Inc. 500 and then another six times on the Inc. 5000. Vanessa was personally honored with Inc. 100 Female Founder’s Award, Ernst and Young’s Entrepreneur of the Year Award, and Enterprising Women of the Year among others. Vanessa now spends her time sharing stories to inspire and give hope through articles, speaking engagements and music. In her spare time she writes and plays music in the Amazon best selling new band HigherHill, teaches surfing clinics, trains dogs, and cheers on her children.

Please connect with Vanessa here on linkedin and subscribe to her newsletter Unplugged as well as follow her on Substack, Instagram, Facebook, and X and of course on her website VanessaOgle.



Vanessa Ogle
Authority Magazine

Vanessa Ogle is an entrepreneur, inventor, writer, and singer/songwriter. She is best known as the founder of Enseo