Valerie Brantley Of Trifecta Management On The Top 5 Trends Shaping the Future of Coaching

An Interview With Chad Silverstein

Chad Silverstein
Authority Magazine
16 min readMay 27, 2024


Speed of Impact — Technology, new platforms, and cutting-edge strategies are drastically reducing the time it takes for coaching to influence business outcomes. There will continue to be an aggressive push to reduce the time from performance improvement to business impact.

The world of coaching is undergoing a seismic shift, with emerging trends set to redefine its boundaries and possibilities. From digital transformation and the integration of artificial intelligence to the growing emphasis on mental health and the global rise of coaching cultures within organizations, these developments are reshaping the landscape of personal and professional growth. As we navigate through these changes, understanding the forces that drive the future of coaching becomes paramount. I had the pleasure of interviewing Valerie Brantley.

Valerie Brantley is a Consultant, Executive Business Coach, and Certified High-Performance Coach.
As CEO and Founder of Trifecta Management, she helps business leaders create a distinct competitive advantage through strategic growth, effective leadership, and results-driven teams that deliver business breakthroughs. Her mission is to develop the next generation of high-performance leaders who have the habits and skills to solidify their performance edge and operate in the top 5–10% globally. She has over two decades of Executive Sales experience at a Fortune Top 50 company, led North America Sales Capability & Development, and launched innovative initiatives for the company’s leading billion-dollar brand.

Thank you for joining us. To start, could you share your “origin story” with our readers? How did you begin your coaching journey, and what challenges did you face in the early days?

My coaching journey began at a thriving company that understood the irreplaceable value of promoting from within. This was a business imperative that fueled the lifeblood of the company and was essential for sustained growth. This philosophy wasn’t just about filling positions internally. It was about recognizing and developing the vast potential of company talent that already existed within the organization. It offered the possibility of having a fulfilling career with a diverse set of career options and assignments that would broaden each individual’s skill set, contribution to the company, and ability to improve the lives of those we served around the world.

The task was not to merely coach to solve problems or enhance specific skills. Instead, it was about leveraging everyone’s strengths, building core competencies, aligning them with the organization’s business opportunities, and forging a performance edge and competitive advantage.

We weren’t just coaching for the current environment. We were coaching for future business challenges and opportunities. The essence of leadership and coaching was to enable and empower every individual to contribute at their highest level and fully leverage their talents to build the business and the organization.

The ability to coach effectively helped to cultivate a consistent pipeline of top talent ready to lead. This required a coaching style that went beyond traditional methods, focusing on situational adaptability, individual development, and long-term sustainability.

Reflecting on my early coaching journey, the real challenge was shifting from traditional views on coaching & development to embracing a more holistic and strategic vision, that integrates best-in-class coaching strategies. This approach now forms the bedrock of my executive coaching philosophy, preparing top performers to excel and lead, no matter the complexity or demand of their roles.

You are a successful business leader. Which three character traits do you think were most instrumental to your success? Can you please share a story or example for each?

The 3 characteristics instrumental to my success were being strategic, results-driven, and transparent.

Being strategic has always been at the core of my approach to business growth, leadership, and executive coaching. In any complex business situation, there are countless actions one could take, but the art lies in identifying the few that truly matter — the “big bets” or strategic focus areas.

I’ll share an experience that highlights the importance of having clarity and how that can enable an organization to move faster toward its goals with absolute clarity. In my current role, I often encounter successful companies that have ambitious growth goals but have a divided focus. One company was overwhelming their organization and burning through resources because they were actively working on multiple projects without a clear understanding of which ones took priority. They were in the “everything is important” mode which drives confusion and frustration for managers and employees. Ultimately, in these scenarios, nothing is accomplished because the organization is constantly in “urgency” mode and putting out fires. When everything is deemed important, nothing is important.

As a next step, I worked through a process with the client to align the core competencies that distinguished them in the marketplace to their top 3–5 strategic choices. These were the strategic choices that would disproportionately contribute to their growth and revenue goals. Then managers led a cascading process to communicate to their teams what would take precedence and priority.

Having clear “strategic focus areas” streamlines a business’s efforts by concentrating resources on critical objectives, reducing waste, and enhancing efficiency. This sharp focus allows for quicker decision-making and more agile responses to market changes. Ultimately, it propels the business forward faster by ensuring that all actions are aligned with the most impactful goals, maximizing results from invested time and resources.

Being results-driven has fundamentally shaped my leadership philosophy and business strategy, as I firmly believe that focusing on measurable outcomes ensures that every action contributes directly to goals and delivers the greatest impact.

Connecting back to the previous example, once the company’s strategic choices were clear, aligned, and communicated. Our next step was to ensure that each team and department could draw a clear line of sight from their everyday work to the goals and success metrics of the company.

I believe that being “results-driven” anchors a business to its “true north”. But individuals need to know how success is being defined. In this use case, we designated specific metrics and key milestones to drive accountability and ownership. We helped them isolate the vital 20% of efforts that would deliver 80% of results. This clarity accelerated progress by cutting through the noise. But it also boosted confidence and motivation, as everyone could see how their actions directly contributed to the business’s wins and financial results. Most importantly, we implemented a common scorecard that would be universally integrated into each organization. That way, everyone had common knowledge and understanding of the organization’s objectives, results, and progress.

My commitment to transparency has been the catalyst for building trust, faster decision-making, and stronger collaboration. It increases the speed and efficiency of everything you do as a leader and organization. Expanding on the previous example, a key next step of the company was to communicate early & often — giving the full picture of what was working and what wasn’t — aligning the interests of the leaders, teams, and overall company. This clarity eliminated competing agendas and mistrust. Because people are quickest to rally behind leaders they trust. As a result, they ensured everyone was committed and moving in the same direction. And they started pushing towards goals as a collective unit.

Can you share your favorite “Life Lesson Quote”? Why does that resonate with you so much?

My favorite “Life Lesson Quote” is — “You’re either part of the problem or part of the solution”.

This quote resonates deeply with me because it cuts straight to the heart of every challenge, reminding me that I have a choice in how I react and impact my surroundings. It simplifies it. You’re either contributing to the problem or working towards a solution. It’s easy to get entrenched in a problem and get mired in complexity. The fixation slows progress and reduces momentum.

As a leader, it’s crucial to acknowledge when deliberation turns into stagnation. There must be a balance. I use the analogy of standing at a fork in the road. I can choose to contribute to the mess or get in motion to address it. For me, it’s a powerful call to action that’s simple, clear and promotes urgency. It pushes me to take responsibility, be proactive, and remain solution oriented.

What are some of the most interesting or exciting projects you are working on now? How do you think that might help people?

An exciting venture I’m leading is helping business leaders develop the high-performance skills & habits to operate at a higher level for sustained periods of time — without sacrificing their personal and professional well-being. It’s about building sustainability in leaders to succeed beyond the usual standards and deliver exceptional results. A major aspect of my work as a Certified High-Performance Coach is developing the core skills and habits that drive top-tier performance in leaders and teams. Helping them function at a high level where they are fully engaged, confident, and developing into their best self. This is a positive for the business leader, but it is a key factor in driving job satisfaction, engagement, and retention at a company level. It’s rooted in driving performance but also fostering an environment where leaders can thrive. It helps them achieve the “double win” of success in business and personal fulfillment.

Another project I’m focused on is all about accelerating revenue growth. It includes helping clients refine how they set and hit revenue targets, so they have a more accurate and reliable process. Which means less guesswork and more confidence with every step they take. It encompasses building a balanced portfolio, sharpening their growth strategies to spark demand, mastering their customer journey, pinpointing their PODs (points of differentiation) to create a competitive advantage, and a process to systematize reporting. This project is set to not only improve financial performance but create long-term value.

Without saying any names could you share a particularly memorable success story from your coaching career?

One of the most memorable success stories from my coaching career involves an organization that was facing significant marketplace and competitive pressures. The changes in their external environment were causing a shift in their internal capabilities.

When we started, they were struggling with meeting the needs of their customers in this new reality, had stagnant sales, difficulty delivering external value, and faced declining morale. In addition, there was a business imperative to become more efficient and deliver greater value back to the company. Through our coaching sessions, we identified key strategic areas they would need to focus on and win in disproportionately versus their competitors. We defined the new “rules of engagement” and established the business case to explain why the shift in focus was required. We worked together to define how leadership would help drive this transition. We realigned their organization against these key areas and developed a powerful strategic plan that leveraged their collective expertise and helped them stay at the forefront of their industry.

The transformation was remarkable. Within a year, the organization had not only reversed its decline but also contributed to increased sales & profitability, delivered a record ROI, streamlined its operations, and established itself as best-in-class in the industry. More importantly, there was a noticeable shift in company culture — team members were more engaged, and their collaborative efforts were driving innovation. They were energized, taking ownership, and leading change. It showcased the power of clarity, confidence, and connection to a shared vision.

This experience was incredibly rewarding as it not only showcased the tangible results of effective coaching but also demonstrated how empowered leaders can lead profound organizational change. Their journey from merely surviving to thriving and setting the standard remains a highlight of my career.

Ok, thank you for that. Let’s now jump to the primary focus of our interview about coaching. How has your approach to coaching evolved over the years, and what personal learnings have you applied to your own development?

My coaching approach has evolved to focus more on targeted strategies that improve not just skills, but also performance and personal contribution. I place a heavy emphasis on on-the-job application, applying coaching to relevant business challenges and opportunities. This is crucial to build confidence & capability. This also drives a tailored approach to the individual, organization, and company to fit each client’s needs. There isn’t a “one-size-fits-all solution”. We’re shifting leaders from managing their time to managing their focus, which significantly boosts their effectiveness and impact. With my background in business and sales, I emphasize guiding leaders to focus their time and efforts on revenue-generating strategies and actions, steering clear of non-value-add tasks. By incorporating hybrid learning techniques that address different learning styles and measuring the tangible impact of our sessions, we ensure that coaching provides an ROI or payout.

How do you incorporate feedback into your coaching practice to continuously improve?

Given my business background, measuring my company’s effectiveness and impact are fundamental to operations. I take a dual approach gathering qualitative and quantitative data. I treat feedback like a compass — it guides my adjustments and fine-tuning. After working with companies and clients, I ask for honest input regarding what worked, what didn’t work, and what we would do differently moving forward. This feedback is qualitative, capturing the human side of our interactions. Additionally, I apply a standardized approach to quantitative feedback, utilizing best-in-class techniques to assess results and impact. This method allows me to identify patterns, trends, and shape plans. It enables me to benchmark data across different subsets over sustained periods of time. This dual approach ensures that my coaching is both personally resonant and measurably effective to better meet clients’ needs and drive their success.

Can you discuss an innovation in coaching that you believe is currently underappreciated but has the potential to significantly impact the field?

One innovation in coaching that’s often underutilized is the focus on developing a high-performance mindset, skills, and habits. There is a misperception that striving for a high level of performance is reserved for a select few. Most coaching is focused on maintaining the status quo, rather than influencing individuals and organizations to elevate their capabilities. Too often, the emphasis is solely on meeting business demands to the point where many are burned out, stressed, and disengaging — there’s a clear imbalance. If we shift our perspective and introduce both individuals and their organizations to a more effective approach that emphasizes boosting collective performance, results, engagement, and fulfillment, we can alleviate this strain. This shift has the potential to transform the traditional coaching landscape profoundly.

In what ways can coaching address the evolving mental health needs of diverse populations in a digitally connected world?

Making connections human and personalized

Coaching can meet the evolving mental health needs of diverse populations by making connections more human and personalized. By using hybrid learning and collaborative opportunities, it offers a sense of connectedness that can be lost in a digital world. We tailor coaching to accommodate different learning styles and provide flexible “on the go” and “plug & play” options, moving away from one-size-fits-all solutions. Leveraging technology allows us to deliver these innovative solutions quickly and broadly, ensuring that everyone can access support precisely when and how they need it. Additionally, an individualized learning roadmap, which adjusts to each person’s performance journey, ensures that coaching and learning are relevant, eliminating redundancy and truly meeting people where they are.

Addressing both personal & professional needs

Effective coaching must balance addressing both the personal and professional needs of individuals to prevent creating a one-sided dynamic where engagement drops, and disconnection sets in. This is where high-performance coaching becomes a game-changing solution. It’s crucial that coaching does not just focus on the theoretical but actively links back to the real business challenges that individuals are facing. As a result, they will be equipped not only to meet immediate business demands but to adapt and thrive amid future challenges. By being relentless in applying solutions in real-time, directly on the job, coaching remains relevant and impactful. This approach fosters a comprehensive development environment where personal growth and professional advancement are inextricably linked, keeping individuals fully engaged and invested.

Providing a safe environment and requiring active participation

Additionally, coaching can address evolving mental health by providing a safe environment for risk-taking, where individuals can experiment with new strategies and behaviors without fear of repercussions. This safe space is crucial for growth as it encourages innovation and self-discovery. It helps them stretch beyond their comfort zone. Furthermore, by making individuals active participants in their own assessment, learning, and discovery process, they become more invested in their development. This drives a deeper sense of ownership and accountability, enhancing the effectiveness of the coaching experience.

How do you foresee artificial intelligence and machine learning transforming the coaching industry in the next decade?

Artificial Intelligence (AI) will transform the coaching industry by automating and streamlining the operational aspects of coaching, such as scheduling, addressing frequently asked questions, and managing administrative tasks that typically consume a significant portion of a coach’s time. It’s already happening but imagine creating a digital version of yourself — a “second brain” that scales your expertise and makes it accessible. This online digital counterpart can respond to questions and inquiries when you’re not available. It can provide foundational knowledge, essentially giving people direct access to your insights whenever they need it. The technology will enable us to share our content on a much larger scale, driving interaction and engagement even when we’re offline. Essentially, AI will expand our reach, allowing us to connect with a broader audience in real-time.

What role do you believe ethical considerations and privacy concerns will play in the future of coaching, especially with the increased use of digital platforms?

As coaching continues shifting to digital platforms, ethical considerations and privacy concerns will take center stage. It’s essential to protect privacy by managing who has access to an individual’s data and insights, ensuring that sensitive information remains confidential. There needs to be full transparency about what role coaching can play in overall development, as well as what it can and cannot deliver, setting clear expectations from the start. As we integrate new coaching platforms, it’s important to regulate technological advances to balance accessibility with information security. Ultimately, maintaining trust requires a commitment to standards and protective measures from all participants.

Could you list and briefly explain “Top 5 Trends Shaping the Future of Coaching” based on your experiences and insights?

  1. Integration of Artificial Intelligence (AI) — AI is revolutionizing coaching by automating routine tasks, processes, responses, and customizing learning experiences. AI is transforming the way participants can access and synthesize coaching expertise and insights further enhancing the learning process and making knowledge available whenever and wherever it is needed.
  2. High-Performance Coaching — Coaching to an individual’s highest potential involves nurturing high-performance habits that transcend everyday skills and elevate both their personal and professional life. By building these habits, an individual’s approach to work and life is transformed, driving them to not just meet but exceed expectations. For instance, improving clarity involves coaching clients to define precise, ambitious goals that align with both their professional and personal objectives. Clarity enables them to focus more effectively on the actions that matter most and deliver the highest impact. Courage is developed by encouraging individuals to step outside their comfort zones, take calculated risks, and embrace challenges. Psychological mastery helps build resilience and a positive mindset, helping them cope with stress and setbacks more effectively. These are just a few examples of how high-performance coaching can be a game-changer.
  3. Speed of Impact — Technology, new platforms, and cutting-edge strategies are drastically reducing the time it takes for coaching to influence business outcomes. There will continue to be an aggressive push to reduce the time from performance improvement to business impact.
  4. Operating with an Owner’s Mindset — There will be an even greater push for individuals to think and act like owners, fostering responsibility and initiative at all levels. This mindset involves a deep sense of initiative and commitment to the success of the business. It’s about making decisions and taking actions that align with the long-term health and financial well-being of the organization, not just fulfilling immediate roles or tasks. Individuals will need to consider how their actions affect the broader business and be proactive in identifying new growth opportunities. This promotes a strong sense of accountability, leading to higher levels of engagement, job satisfaction, and overall performance within the organization.
  5. Accessibility & Affordability of Coaching — The evolution of coaching and new platforms is making expert coaching more accessible and affordable, allowing for wider adoption across different industries. This means companies of various sizes and individuals across disciplines can now benefit, leveling the playing field and enhancing overall business performance.

How do you envision the integration of coaching within organizational cultures changing the landscape of leadership and employee development?

The seamless integration of coaching into organizational cultures will ensure coaching practices are embedded into daily activities, all parties actively identify real-time learning opportunities, direct line managers take a leading role in ensuring that insights are immediately applied on the job, and value is created and captured for business impact.

What do you see as the biggest challenge facing the coaching industry today, and how might we overcome it?

One of the biggest challenges facing the coaching industry today is the low barrier to entry, which can lead to a market flooded with individuals who lack the necessary real-world experience and core competencies. This issue is compounded by the ever-increasing number of coaching niches, which can confuse both coaches and clients. There needs to be a more rigorous focus on results-driven coaching over merely activity-based methods. This would improve the overall effectiveness of coaching to achieve tangible results and deliver real value.

What is one long-term goal you have for your coaching practice, and how are you working towards it?

One long-term goal is to enable business leaders to perform at a high level, consistently exceeding standard norms. I’m on a mission to help them develop the high-performance habits and skills that place them in the top 5–10% of global leaders, empowering them to achieve both standout business results and personal fulfillment — for the “double win.” The objective is to set clients apart as top-tier performers while establishing a performance edge and competitive advantage that translates into tangible value. Through a collaborative process, we activate strategies that not only build successful businesses but also ensure a balanced, fulfilling life outside the office.

How can our readers continue to follow your work?

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Follow me on Instagram @trifecta_mgmt.

Thank you for offering such valuable insights into the future of coaching. We look forward to seeing your work continue to reach new heights, and we wish you continued success.

About the Interviewer: Chad Silverstein, a seasoned entrepreneur with over two decades of experience as the Founder and CEO of multiple companies. He launched Choice Recovery, Inc., a healthcare collection agency, while going to The Ohio State University, His team earned national recognition, twice being ranked as the #1 business to work for in Central Ohio. In 2018, Chad launched [re]start, a career development platform connecting thousands of individuals in collections with meaningful employment opportunities, He sold Choice Recovery on his 25th anniversary and in 2023, sold the majority interest in [re]start so he can focus his transition to Built to Lead as an Executive Leadership Coach. Learn more at



Chad Silverstein
Authority Magazine

Chad Silverstein: 25-years experience as a CEO & Founder, sharing entrepreneurial insights & empowering the next generation of leaders.