Victor Giusfredi On How To Navigate Our Complicated Modern World To Find Love

Yitzi Weiner
Authority Magazine
Published in
17 min readMar 7, 2024


Despite these challenges, workplace romances can also present opportunities for building strong connections with colleagues and finding love in unexpected places. Since most people spend the best part of their day at work, it’s a good opportunity to mingle and get to know others without going too fast. Handling these challenges with honesty, communication, and empathy, office romances can flourish while maintaining professionalism in the workplace.

In today’s fast-paced and interconnected world, finding and maintaining meaningful romantic relationships can be a daunting task. From navigating dating apps to managing expectations in a digital age, there are numerous challenges individuals face in their quest for love. Through this series, we would like to explore the complexities of modern dating and relationships, offering insights, advice, and strategies for navigating the often confusing landscape of love in the 21st century. In this series, we are talking to experts in psychology, relationship coaching, sociology, matchmaking, and individuals with personal experiences navigating the modern dating scene, to share their knowledge, perspectives, and stories. As part of this series, we had the pleasure of interviewing Victor Giusfredi.

Victor is an author, mindset coach, and entrepreneur from Dingman’s Ferry, PA. Specializing in mindset strategies, relationships, and fear and resilience development tactics, Victor brings a unique blend of theoretical knowledge and firsthand experience to his coaching practice. Having launched seven businesses, invented three products, and navigated two divorces while raising children as a single parent by the age of 36, Victor understands the challenges of modern life intimately. His mission is to guide others toward their ideal selves, cultivate fulfilling relationships, and discover sustainable paths to fulfillment, purpose, and love. Victor specializes in helping high-achieving men and women, and his clients include elite athletes, military operators, and trailblazing entrepreneurs.

Thank you so much for your time! I know that you are a very busy person. Our readers would love to “get to know you” a bit better. Can you tell us your “Origin Story”? Can you tell us the story of how you grew up?

I’m Victor, an entrepreneur, mindset coach, and author. My journey has been an adventure, starting from humble beginnings in Mendoza, Argentina, to my current home in Dingmans Ferry, PA.

Growing up, I navigated challenging environments, often relying solely on my own resources. My early days were spent exploring, reading, and discovering new ways to navigate solitude. At the young age of 8, my entrepreneurial spirit led me to purchase a shoeshine box and set up shop at the local bus station after school. Since then, I have established 7 successful businesses and achieved numerous milestones, as well as helping countless individuals craft a path to their dreams.

My upbringing instilled conflicting principles in me. While my father emphasized the importance of hard work and perseverance, life tested these principles through various challenges. I encountered childhood trauma, weathered two divorces, shouldered the responsibilities of single parenthood, and even faced bankruptcy. But through it all, I stumbled upon invaluable lessons about resilience and the transformative power of mindset.

Through my book, coaching practice, blog, and various projects, my mission is clear: to help others realize that suffering is optional. I believe true transformation and the ideal relationship are within reach for everyone, achievable through mastering the art of thinking.

Can you tell us a bit about what you do professionally, and what brought you to this specific career path?

I am an author and mindset strategies coach. My journey into mindset coaching stemmed from my own experiences of overcoming adversity. Just like bodybuilding, mindset coaching requires the right guidance and techniques to achieve positive outcomes efficiently.

I overcame significant challenges by changing my thought patterns and behaviors, which led me to find love, purpose, and peace after my second divorce, layoff, COVID-19 quarantine and becoming a single dad at 36. Overcoming these challenges and finding the recipe for a fulfilling life inspired me to write ‘No Grail Without Dragons’, where I share my failures and the mindset strategies that propelled me forward.

Through my coaching practice and upcoming projects, I aim to help others navigate their own challenges and achieve their goals, especially the emotional ones, which are often ignored.

You are a successful leader. Which three character traits do you think were most instrumental to your success? Can you please share a story or example for each?

Thank you! The three character traits that have been pivotal in my journey are:

  1. Temperance: Emotional stability and balanced behavior are crucial for success in both personal and professional realms. I’ve learned the importance of temperance through my own experiences, particularly in challenging situations. By maintaining composure and regulating my emotions, I’ve been able to navigate difficult circumstances with clarity and grace, and without the burden of guilt.
  2. Resilience: Life is full of ups and downs, and resilience is essential for overcoming obstacles and achieving goals. I’ve faced my fair share of setbacks but each time I’ve been knocked down, I’ve found the strength to get back up and persevere. Resilience has been instrumental in overcoming adversity and forging ahead on the path to success.
  3. Courage: Courage is the fuel that propels us forward in the face of fear and uncertainty. I’ve learned that embracing courage is essential for growth and progress. Whether it’s facing personal challenges or pursuing ambitious goals, I’ve had to summon courage to take bold action and push past my comfort zone. Courage has empowered me to step into my potential and pursue my dreams despite the odds.

Are you working on any exciting new projects now? How do you think that will help people?

Yes, I am. I’m currently working on several exciting projects, including a new book about principles for successful relationships, translating my book ‘No Grail Without Dragons’ to Spanish, and developing video material. These projects are driven by my passion for helping others, and my goal is to share the tools that took decades of trials and tribulations to uncover, so my readers and viewers can benefit from my experience and avoid my mistakes.

For the benefit of our readers, can you briefly tell our readers why you are an authority on the topic of dating and finding love?

Over the past two decades, I’ve immersed myself in the study of relationships, the art of thinking, and how to build a sustainable and enjoyable bond. As someone who has navigated the complexities of dating, marriage, and divorce multiple times, I bring a unique blend of experience, theory, and proven strategies to the table.

Having dated hundreds of women, experienced two divorces, and undergone significant personal growth, I’ve gained valuable insights into the dynamics of love and relationships. My journey has equipped me with a deep understanding of the challenges and triumphs that accompany the pursuit of love, helping me find the ingredients for a successful relationship.

Ok. Thank you for that. Let’s now shift to the main part of our discussion about ‘How To Navigate Our Complicated Modern World To Find Love’. Based on your experience, what is a common root cause of the “inability to find love”?

The root cause of the “inability to find love” often lies in the misconception that love is something to be found externally, rather than cultivated within us. Many people search for the perfect partner or soulmate without first focusing on self-awareness and personal growth. We seek others that will accept us as “we are”, that is, taking into consideration the personal factors we consider insufficient.

In my own journey, I discovered that true love begins with self-love, self-awareness, and acceptance, by realizing that we are all works in progress, therefore imperfection is part of our perfect design. By shifting my focus from seeking external validation to nurturing my own well-being and fulfillment, I began to attract healthier and more fulfilling relationships into my life, eventually stepping into a romantic relationship beyond my hopes and desires.

What are some common misconceptions or myths about finding love in the modern world, and how can they be debunked?

Myth: There’s only one soulmate for everyone.

Debunked: The idea of a single soulmate can create pressure to find “the one.” In reality, there are many potential compatible partners out there, and relationships require effort, compromise, and compatibility to build the bond we seek. Instead of searching for a perfect match, focus on becoming the person you want to find, and give yourself what you seek from others. “Birds of a feather fly together.”

Myth: Love should always be easy and effortless.

Debunked: While love can feel effortless at times, all relationships require work and communication to thrive. Just as maintaining your job requires you to fulfill responsibilities, or maintaining your car requires a certain mechanical procedure, maintaining a relationship requires respect, romance, affection, self-control, and self-awareness. It’s important to know that relationships have ups and downs, like a symphony has silence, and prioritizing our mutual emotional states is certain to make tough times easier.

Myth: The right person will accept you as you are

Debunked: While a partner might accept you for who you are, it is often what “we do” that gets us in trouble. Your personality and habits are different faucets of yourself, much like a car and what you do with it. It’s important to embrace personal growth and develop emotional intelligence, while being graceful with ourselves and partners in the process.

What advice do you have for individuals who feel overwhelmed or disillusioned by the challenges of modern dating, and how can they maintain hope and optimism in their search for love?

It’s understandable to feel disheartened when faced with the complexities of modern dating. We often envision finding that special connection, a space where we can be our authentic selves and feel important, desired, and loved. However, when we project our expectations onto others, we often set ourselves up for disappointment.

Instead of fixating on finding the perfect partner, consider shifting your focus inward. By nurturing a sense of emotional fulfillment within yourself, you can create a positive and inviting space for love to flourish. Even if your efforts aren’t immediately reciprocated, embracing a mindset of generosity and kindness will improve your inner state, rippling outward and influencing those around you.

Ultimately, finding satisfaction in giving love and improving the lives of others can bring a profound sense of fulfillment and inner peace. By embodying the qualities you seek in a partner and approaching relationships with authenticity and sincerity, you can navigate the challenges of modern dating with hope and optimism.

Let’s explore how the rise of social media and dating apps has impacted the way individuals approach and experience dating and relationships. Can you share a few dos and don’ts about how to use social media to find love?

The advent of social media and dating apps has revolutionized the dating landscape, offering both opportunities and pitfalls for those seeking love. Here are some dos and don’ts to consider when using social media to navigate the realm of modern romance:


Understand exactly what you want and need: Take the time to reflect on your core desires and values. Understanding what you emotional need you seek to fulfill most will help you recognize those who offer it (some like routine and monotony, others like thrills and change) and align with your vision for a fulfilling relationship.

Hard questions first: Be upfront and honest about your expectations and boundaries. While it may feel uncomfortable to broach difficult topics early on, addressing them head-on can prevent misunderstandings and conflicts down the line. It’s not unlikely to accept “deal breakers” when one has invested themselves into a relationship, so spare yourself the trouble and ask anything you must know.

Approach with caution: Utilize the wealth of information available online to learn more about your potential romantic interests. While it’s important to respect privacy boundaries, conducting a basic search can provide valuable insights and help you make informed decisions.


Engage in bait and switch tactics: Avoid presenting a false or exaggerated version of yourself online. Authenticity is key to building genuine connections, and misrepresenting yourself can erode trust and lead to disappointment for both parties involved. “Lies have short feet.”

Invest too much in long-distance relationships: While online connections can be exciting, be mindful of the challenges that come with long-distance relationships. Investing excessive time and energy in a relationship that lacks physical proximity can strain both parties and hinder the development of a healthy and sustainable connection. It can also lead to idealizing, making life changing moves, and later facing the gap between our expectations and reality.

String people along: Be honest and transparent about your intentions and feelings. While it may be tempting to keep someone around for companionship or validation, leading them on ultimately does a disservice to both parties involved. Have the courage to communicate openly and respectfully, even if it means ending a budding connection.

Can you share a few dos and don’ts about how to use dating apps to find love?

Certainly. Here are some dos and don’ts for using dating apps to find love:


  • Be Authentic: Represent yourself honestly in your profile, and include genuine information about your interests and values. Authenticity is key to attracting compatible matches and a sustainable relationship.
  • Be Open-Minded: Keep an open mind and be willing to explore connections with people who may have different backgrounds, interests, or lifestyles than your own. You never know where you might find a meaningful connection.
  • Communicate Clearly: When messaging potential matches, be clear and respectful in your communication. Ask open-ended questions to get to know them better and show genuine interest in their lives, but do so honoring your true self and the way you behave long-term.
  • Take Initiative: Don’t be afraid to initiate conversations with people who catch your interest. Confidence and assertiveness can be attractive qualities in the online dating world, and you’ll miss every shot you don’t take.
  • Prioritize Safety: Prioritize your safety when meeting someone in person for the first time. Choose a public place for the initial meeting, let a friend or family member know where you’ll be, and trust your instincts if something feels off. You can’t never go too slow.


  • Don’t Rely Solely on Looks: While physical attraction is important, don’t base your decision solely on someone’s appearance. Take the time to read their profile and learn more about their personality, interests, and values, before you open a Pandora’s box.
  • Don’t Engage in Negative Behavior: Avoid negativity, rudeness, or judgmental behavior in your interactions with others. Treat everyone with respect and kindness, even if you’re not interested in pursuing a connection. After all they feel the same you do, and treating others the way we want to be treated is key to winning in love.
  • Don’t Overshare Personal Information: Protect your privacy by avoiding oversharing personal information, such as your home address, phone number, or financial details, with people you’ve just met online. Your instinct is your best guide, and even when it feels safe to do so, it’s always a good idea to wait until later.
  • Don’t Get Discouraged: Online dating can be a rollercoaster of emotions, with highs and lows along the way. Don’t get discouraged by rejection or lack of immediate success. Stay positive, patient, and persistent in your search for love. You want to find someone that wants to find you and every incompatible match is one closer to the person you seek.
  • Don’t Settle for Less: While it’s important to be flexible and recognize unrealistic expectations, don’t settle for a connection that doesn’t have the potential to fulfill your needs or align with your values. Sometimes you must pass on the ordinary to find the extraordinary.

Can you share a few dos and don’ts about looking for romance in real-life physical spaces like congregations, bars, markets, and conventions?

Looking for love in common venues can be a great way to meet potential partners, but it doesn’t always guarantee long-term success. In my experience, sharing a venue with someone can create a deeper connection beyond the surface level, which often leads to idealization and creating reasons to like a person.

Depending on the venue, the level of connection will vary, and so will the depth of the bond. You might feel more connected to someone who shares a unique hobby compared to someone you meet at a bar.

With that in mind, I believe that meeting someone in person is the best way to understand many things, from their interests and personality to how they interact with others. Here are my top five dos and don’ts:


  • Say Hello: You can’t meet someone if you don’t talk to them, so confidently, tactfully, and transparently state your intentions when introducing yourself. Being assertive from the start sets a positive tone for the interaction.
  • Head up high: If things don’t go as hoped, don’t dwell on it. Rejection is part of life and understanding that it’s not a reflection of your worth can be empowering. Smile, knowing that you took a brave step (they likely admire you for that!), and be empathetic towards the other person’s feelings, because you never know what inner battle they are fighting.
  • Thank you, but…: If you need to reject someone, do so respectfully and provide a brief explanation. This shows empathy and consideration for the other person’s feelings. It also spares them of the countless “what ifs”, and the burden of finding reasons for being rejected that don’t detriment their self-esteem.


  • Go to the venue just to find someone: Avoid preloading yourself with the idea of finding a partner when going to a specific destination. Forced outcomes often lead to disappointment, so focus on enjoying the moment rather than seeking a romantic connection. It is better when circumstances unfold organically.
  • Stick around: Respect the other person’s space and avoid being overly clingy. Sticking around too long can make the other person uncomfortable and may come across as needy.
  • Use the venue as the glue for your bond: While meeting at a shared activity or event can spark a connection, it shouldn’t be the only reason for your relationship. Focus on building emotional connections beyond shared interests to create a strong foundation for your relationship.

What are your thoughts about the challenges and opportunities that come with workplace romances?

As someone who has lived, dated, and worked around the world, I’ve experienced firsthand the challenges and opportunities that come with workplace romances.


  • Conflict of interest: Many companies frown upon relationships at work due to the potential distractions they can cause. Balancing work responsibilities with a romantic relationship can be challenging and may require careful navigation to maintain professionalism.
  • Jealousy: Dating a coworker can spark jealousy from colleagues, leading to potential conflicts or tension in the workplace. Being transparent about your relationship from the beginning can help mitigate jealousy and build trust among coworkers.
  • Ending relationships: Ending a relationship with a coworker can be complicated, as you may still need to work closely together after the breakup. Having an agreement in place beforehand about how to handle a potential breakup can make the process smoother and minimize disruptions in the workplace.

Despite these challenges, workplace romances can also present opportunities for building strong connections with colleagues and finding love in unexpected places. Since most people spend the best part of their day at work, it’s a good opportunity to mingle and get to know others without going too fast. Handling these challenges with honesty, communication, and empathy, office romances can flourish while maintaining professionalism in the workplace.

Can you discuss the role of vulnerability and authenticity in forming meaningful connections and finding lasting love?

Surviving a tough childhood, a nomadic lifestyle, and two divorces threw me on the opposite end of vulnerability. For many years, I protected myself in an imaginary shell, keeping people at arm’s length and avoiding emotional involvement in fear of failure or emotional pain.

However, I later realized that my lack of vulnerability led to the very results I feared. Taking the counterintuitive step of being vulnerable and authentic became the solution. Being vulnerable — admitting our mistakes, imperfections, and insecurities — signals to our partner that we are just like them, while authenticity helps you build trust and a deeper connection.

Embracing vulnerability and authenticity also allows you to drop expectations for others and shed the armor of perfection, opening the door to empathy; the ultimate tool in fostering meaningful connections. Without vulnerability and authenticity there is no trust, and without trust, there is no love.

Based on your experience or research, what are the “Five Things You Need To Navigate Our Complicated Modern World To Find Love”?

The five things I consider important to navigate the romantic challenges of today’s world are:

  1. Self-knowledge: Understanding yourself and your desires is crucial. Despite numerous relationships and two divorces, I found success only when I understood what core need drove me and how to sustainably pursue and fulfill it.
  2. Resilience: Life is full of ups and downs, and resilience is key to navigating its challenges. Learning from experiences and getting back up after setbacks is essential in finding love and creating an enduring bond.
  3. Courage: Courage is not the absence of fear but the willingness to face it. Armed with self-knowledge and understanding that failure is part of the journey, courage allows you to move forward despite uncertainties or setbacks.
  4. Faith: Believing in yourself and the possibility of finding love is essential. Having faith that everything will work out, even while facing adversity, gives you the strength to persevere through difficult times.
  5. Direction: Knowing where you are, where you want to be, and how to get there is crucial in finding love. Having a clear direction guides your actions and integrates the other principles into a winning combination.

Do you have any favorite books, podcasts, or resources related to this topic that you would recommend to our readers?

Where do I start?! I’ve consumed more information than I can remember, but each of the following books and resources played a major role in building the relationship of my dreams.


  • “Men Are from Mars, Women Are from Venus” by John Gray: This book sheds light on the main differences between men and women in relationships, providing valuable insights for men seeking to understand their partners better.
  • “No Grail Without Dragons” by yours truly: In this book, I share my personal journey of overcoming challenges in dating, marriage, and single parenting, offering practical perspectives for finding long-lasting love. In it I expose my challenges, shortcomings, and the shifts I made to achieve everything I dreamed of.
  • “Stop Walking on Eggshells” by Paul T. Mason and Randi Kreger: This book provides valuable insights into dealing with difficult personalities in relationships, offering strategies for setting boundaries and maintaining emotional well-being.


  • Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI): This personality assessment tool helped me gain clarity on my own personality traits and understand compatibility with potential partners.
  • Jordan Peterson’s Self-Authoring Suite: This writing exercise helped me uncover hidden desires and driving factors, deepening my self-awareness and understanding of my romantic relationships.
  • Relationship Coaching: Unlike traditional therapy, relationship coaching provides direct guidance and solutions for overcoming challenges in relationships, helping couples build stronger connections without the lengthy and draining process of digging for answers by replaying difficult situations.

You are a person of great influence. If you could start a movement that would bring the most amount of good to the most amount of people, what would that be? You never know what your idea can trigger. :-)

Thank you, and I hope for the best!

My life realization is that “The Golden Rule is a life hack, not a responsibility”, which means that we experience the emotional state we seek by giving it to others, like getting stronger at the gym by giving the strength you have now through exercise. By understanding ourselves and what we need, we can better understand and empathize with others. My movement would encourage people to test this approach and become the person they hope to find. After all, suffering is optional.

How can our readers further follow your work online?

Thank you for your interest in my insights! You can follow my work and stay updated on future projects by visiting, or following me on Twitter, Instagram and Facebook @victorgiusfredi.

I’m grateful for the opportunity to share my journey and hope to inspire others on their path to finding love and fulfillment.

Thank you so much for sharing these important insights. We wish you continued success and good health!

Thank you for your support, and I wish you continued success and happiness in your own journey!



Yitzi Weiner
Authority Magazine

A “Positive” Influencer, Founder & Editor of Authority Magazine, CEO of Thought Leader Incubator