Victoria Stith On How to Recover From Being a People Pleaser

An Interview With Brooke Young & Yitzi Weiner

Yitzi Weiner
Authority Magazine


Know your propensities.

Increase your awareness of when and with whom you tend to engage in people-pleasing behaviors, and how they affect you. For example, if you tend to say yes to requests for help at work when you don’t need to, and then as a result you feel overwhelmed and stressed, just notice when this occurs and how you feel. It’s really important to allow your inner experiences here. You don’t need to beat yourself up or rationalize your behavior. Just recognize how your actions impact your body, your mind, and your feelings.

In today’s society, the tendency to prioritize others’ needs and expectations over one’s own can lead to significant emotional and psychological challenges. In this series, we would like to explore the complex dynamics of people-pleasing behavior and its impact on individual well-being and relationships. We would like to discuss the



Yitzi Weiner
Authority Magazine

A “Positive” Influencer, Founder & Editor of Authority Magazine, CEO of Thought Leader Incubator