Vikki Caruso of Clearcover: 5 Ways That Businesses Can Help Promote The Mental Wellness Of Their Employees

Authority Magazine Editorial Staff
Authority Magazine
Published in
11 min readSep 9, 2021


Creating work culture at home: Sometimes it’s the small things. Clearcover was partially remote, to begin with, but the pandemic made it so that was a requirement — not an option. Work culture offered a cool office downtown, where there were snacks and LaCroix all the time. Early on in the pandemic, to make our remote employees feel included in things, Clearcover delivered snack boxes to employees’ homes every month. We could have saved the money from being in the office and not buying snacks and things like that, but we wanted to bring the simple joys of work to our employees’ home offices. We also gave employees money to get their home office set up, which, again, sounds minor, but when you were going to an office and you didn’t have to have a workspace set up at home, it can become…

