William Joseph Hill: “Why today, you CAN write your own book”

Authority Magazine Editorial Staff
Authority Magazine
Published in
12 min readJan 6, 2020


…That you CAN write your own book. Today, companies like Amazon make it possible for you to self-publish a book that looks professional and well crafted. If you aren’t good at graphic design for your cover, you can go to sites like Fiverr to contract someone to do that for you. The Internet has so many resources out there at your fingertips that you can learn how to do almost anything. So if you’ve been thinking about writing a book but have always put it on the back burner, just do it. If you can’t type, you can use tools like voice to text software to get your book on the page. Then you can find an editor to help craft it. You don’t need to go find a literary agent, query publishers, suffer rejection letter after rejection letter — you can just write the book, and publish it yourself, reaching your audience directly. The…

