Wisdom From The Women Leading the Wine & Spirits Industries, with Natalie Pickett Of The Bubbles Review
An interview with Kelly Reeves
Good foundations — this is systems and structures, but importantly, this includes knowing how to support yourself, building a good support team around you and utilizing them by asking for help when you need it.
Less than 20% of winemakers and distillers are women. Traditionally, women were excluded from these industries. This number is slowly rising as more women choose to study this profession and enter the wine and spirits fields. What is it like for those women who work in this male dominated industry? What are some of the challenges that these women face? Is there hope for better representation, and better wages, for women in the wine and spirits industry? As a part of our series about women leading the wine and spirits industries, we had the pleasure of interviewing Natalie Pickett, Founder of The Bubbles Review.
Natalie Pickett is a serial entrepreneur, award-winning business leader, much sought-after business mentor, international best-selling author and motivational speaker. She is the founder of the award-winning blog — The…