Women in Wellness: “Inner work is hard but it is the way to liberation and peace” With Aisha Ahmed of aishaheals

Authority Magazine Editorial Staff
Authority Magazine
Published in
11 min readOct 1, 2020

Slow down and feel your feelings — Most of the time people are not taking the time to process what they are actually feeling and that disrupts their energy field and can cause Trapped Emotions and other energetic imbalances. If you start showing grace to yourself and instead of ignoring or trying to suppress everything, you’ll eventually suffer mentally, emotionally, and physically. Doing Inner work is hard but it is the way to liberation and peace.

As a part of my series about the women in wellness, I had the pleasure of interviewing Aisha Ahmed, Founder of aishaheals.

Aisha Ahmed is a subconscious healing specialist, Body Code, and PSYCH-K® Practitioner, and founder of ‘aishaheals’. Aisha helps people who have tried everything and lost hope in their healing to take back their power and step into freedom and fulfillment so that they can remember their true potential and purpose in life. Living intentionally. Cultivating community. Healing together. These are the pillars she holds strong in her work.

Thank you so much for doing this with us! Our readers would love to “get to know you” better. Can you share your “backstory” with us?

As an IT professional by training, I worked in the corporate environment for over 8 years. Although I had an established career that was financially rewarding, I always felt as if something was missing.

It was in 2014 that the sudden loss of my sister got me deep into the dark night of the soul and I started challenging everything I knew about life and living. I knew there is a bigger purpose in my life than just doing the corporate job. I took a hiatus from it all when I was expecting my second child. At this time, I set out an intention and prayed to God to guide me towards my true calling. Being the highly empathetic person that I was and being blessed with strong intuition, I knew deep inside that my purpose was to help people to ease their pain and suffering.

I kept praying to God to show me the right direction and that’s when I came across The Emotion Code book by Dr. Bradley Nelson. Only halfway through the book, I knew he was the teacher I was looking for and this is the path I was destined to take. I started the Emotion Code Certification right away and since then there has been no looking back. Dr. Bradley Nelson fondly calls me his ‘speed girl’ as I completed both the certifications in record time. Talk about finding a passion and running with it!

I truly believe that all of us have this ability to transform into the best versions of ourselves, by changing the programs running in our subconscious mind. My intention is to help my clients transform their traumas and limiting beliefs so they can be free of emotions. They are finally able to see past the illusions of society, childhood programming, and what they are taught growing up,, mental, and physical pain. Today I use a combination of tools (Emotion Code, Body Code, PSYCH-K, my intuitive guidance, and Energy healing techniques) to help my clients experience breakthroughs in their relationships, health, career, and mindset.

Can you share the most interesting story that happened to you since you started your career? What were the main lessons or takeaways from that story?

I was dealing with chronic back pain since 2011. It was a constant sharp, debilitating pain that was affecting my mobility and life quality for years. I was in my chiropractor’s office 3 times a week just to keep going. Due to this, I had severe anxiety and depression as well since I was always feeling restricted. When I started learning about the subconscious mind and practicing Emotion Code, I released a couple of trapped emotions that were stuck in my pelvic from the time of the birth of my daughter and thought nothing of it. I was not expecting to see any change in the pain level so soon. However, the next morning I woke up completely pain-free. It’s been 4 years the pain never returned. This one incident bu how quickly I was able to transmute that pain was a strong sign for me that this is how I can make a huge difference in the world. It showed me how powerful subconscious healing work can be and the possibilities of change we can bring in the world through this. That’s when I decided to extend my services to the world.

Can you share a story about the biggest mistake you made when you were first starting? Can you tell us what lesson you learned from that?

I spent a lot of my time trying to convince people to try this out because I was so adamant about helping them. There were a lot of misunderstandings about how muscle testing was done and how we can get such accurate information from the subconscious mind. I spent a lot of my energy trying to explain the method to people who were not ready for this type of work.

However, this taught me valuable lessons:

1. I can’t help everyone. Unless people are ready to lock hands with me and get on the path of healing.

2. There are way too many people who are ready in their soul’s journey to experience profound shifts and I need to hold space for them instead.

None of us are able to achieve success without some help along the way. Is there a particular person who you are grateful towards who helped get you to where you are? Can you share a story about that?

Without a doubt, it’s my family. I am extremely grateful that my husband always motivated me to pursue my passion. There were times while I was completing my training that he had to take days off from his job so he could manage the home front and children and he happily did that. He stood by my side when I decided to not return to my corporate job and helped me establish my business. In fact, after seeing my passion, dedication, and how fulfilling my life was becoming, he decided to also leave behind his IT job and joined me in this work. We are both doing it full time now and really enjoy the freedom that comes with being an entrepreneur.

Ok perfect. Now let’s jump to our main focus. When it comes to health and wellness, how is the work you are doing helping to make a bigger impact in the world?

I use subconscious healing practices that enable us to get to the root cause of any emotional, physical, mental, or spiritual issue. This work allows for shifts on a deep cellular level with accuracy and efficiency, and as a result, the mind, body, and spirit heal itself. It is different in a way that as we release the imbalances, trapped emotions, and limiting beliefs from the subconscious mind, we are bringing the body out of the ‘reactive state’ and the effects of this healing are prolonged and manifold. That’s the beauty of working with the subconscious mind, we are not relying on our conscious awareness of the issue since we only know just very little consciously anyway. Healing the deep rooted subconscious programs and beliefs changes people’s perspective on life in a short amount of time. More and more of my clients acknowledge their spiritual awakening starts with this process and they are finally able to see past the illusions of the society, childhood programming, and what they are taught growing up which is limiting their potential. Not only that, but people are also becoming more aware that to achieve long-lasting health and wellbeing, they need to work on the mind, body, and soul level holistically which is exactly what we do in our field of work. This work is opening people up to their spiritual gifts and in that, they are reclaiming their innate power and remembering their healing abilities.

Can you share your top five “lifestyle tweaks” that you believe will help support people’s journey towards better wellbeing? Please give an example or story for each.

*Prayer and Intention — Although it seems very vague, I truly believe that in order for us to achieve anything in life, we need to have very clear intentions and should pray over those intentions. That, for me, opened up so many hidden doors that led me to this journey of healing and wellness. I consistently prayed to be shown a way to make a difference in my life and people’s lives that I discovered this path.

  1. Healthy Eating Habits — As they say, you are what you eat — Food is so important to nourish not only our bodies physically, but also emotionally and spiritually. When we fuel our bodies with a healthy diet, we help our immune system get stronger and are able to overcome anxiety and stress, etc. In my practice, I often find inflammation when working on an issue, which is the source of so many imbalances in the body and believes it or not, along with clearing the imbalances that were causing inflammation in the body, we also focused on cutting down the foods that cause inflammation and saw amazing results.
  2. Spiritual Nourishment — Just like nourishing our body with healthy food is important, spiritual nourishment is equally important to maintain healthy living. Prayer, Meditation, Helping others, and Yoga are some of the things I consistently do to nourish my soul. I also regularly do clearings and healing on myself and also get help from other trusted healers to make sure my energy is clear.
  3. Challenging my beliefs — Understanding that a lot of our belief systems are outdated programs that we have inherited from our ancestors and how they are limiting our growth and creating blocks in so many areas of our life was huge for me. For example, one such belief that I grew up with was that ‘hard work is the only key to success’ and it took me a lot of belief transformation work to get out of that mindset. Now I truly believe that we can be successful if we are intentional about everything we do in our business and we can do it with ease and grace. I have also replaced it with the belief that ‘Anything that I do with my heart and from my heart will be successful’.
  4. Slow down and feel your feelings — Most of the time people are not taking the time to process what they are actually feeling and that disrupts their energy field and can cause Trapped Emotions and other energetic imbalances. If you start showing grace to yourself and instead of ignoring or trying to suppress everything, you’ll eventually suffer mentally, emotionally, and physically. Doing Inner work is hard but it is the way to liberation and peace.
  5. Drop the judgment — Everyone is on a different path in this life and there are so many variables that define people’s actions and behaviors. Understanding the subconscious mind has made it easy for me to stop looking at people from a certain lens.

If you could start a movement that would bring the most amount of wellness to the most amount of people, what would that be?

That everyone could discover the power of the subconscious mind and have access to tools like Emotion Code, Body Code, PSYCH-K, and other alternative healing techniques to experience breakthroughs in their relationships, health, career, and mindset in minimal time. I would love for these groundbreaking techniques to be taught to children from a young age so they are better equipped to deal with modern-day challenges with a healthy belief system and mindset. I would also love to advocate for looking at the human body holistically, meaning the emotional and spiritual aspects of our body must be taken into consideration alongside physical aspects and I truly believe that will make healing any issue easier


What are your “5 Things I Wish Someone Told Me Before I Started” and why?

  1. Putting yourself out there is stressful but someone needs to hear your story — It took me a long time to be able to share my story and my struggles with my audience but when I did that, that’s when I started making true connections and established a community. People love stories and people love working with people who are similar to them so don’t take it away from them.
  2. It is not the responsibility of your friends and family to make you successful — It’s not their responsibility to cheer you on all the time, get you clients and be your marketers. It’s not personal, it’s just a false expectation and putting a wrong burden on them. I learned it very early on which saved me from disappointment in the long run and then when I found them supporting me without my asking, it was like an added bonus.
  3. Get Help — It’s hard but you don’t have to do it all by yourself! It took me a long time to start delegating some parts of my business but now I understand why it is so important. It will save you time to focus on the aspects of the business that you really like. For me, it is really important to focus on improving my skill set and giving my best energy to my clients and that is only possible when I have the right help to look after other areas of my business
  4. It can get lonely and that’s OK — Being a founder of a business and doing something nobody you know is doing can be very confusing. You will feel alone at times. But if you are passionate about the work and when you see how it is making a difference in someone’s life, that’s where the greatest satisfaction lies. It is so important to have a support system in place. Be authentic, continue to show up, and eventually, you will find your people. Find coaching programs that will not only help your business grow but also help you in connecting with like-minded people.
  5. Take care of yourself — You are the heart and soul of your business. Practice self-care and be invested in your own healing and your own growth with the same conviction as you are for your clients. From the get-go, have your boundaries defined for all aspects of your work. You need to have clear boundaries when it comes to serving your friends and family. It can easily get to a place of resentment if you are expected to serve them all the time and will sabotage your relationships. Similarly, setting boundaries with clients is also very important when it comes to your time and energy. It’s good for everyone in the long run when you are clear on these.

Sustainability, veganism, mental health and environmental changes are big topics at the moment. Which one of these causes is dearest to you, and why?

All of these are important but I am most passionate about advocating for mental health especially in young adults. I feel like the earlier we provide help to children and young adults to clear the ancestral traumas, early childhood programming that is limiting them, and their own emotional baggage, we have a better chance of a brighter future for this world.

What is the best way our readers can follow you on social media?

You can follow me on Instagram where I post frequently about emotional well-being and my practice. My handle is @aisheaheals. I also do free live healings on my Instagram so anyone who wants to experience it can join me there.

Thank you for these fantastic insights!



Authority Magazine
Authority Magazine

Published in Authority Magazine

In-depth Interviews with Authorities in Business, Pop Culture, Wellness, Social Impact, and Tech. We use interviews to draw out stories that are both empowering and actionable.

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