Women in Wellness: “Make self-care non-negotiable” with Vanessa Petronelli

Kristin Marquet
Authority Magazine
Published in
7 min readOct 10, 2019


Gabby Perez from Emagen Photo

Make self-care non-negotiable. Traveling, busy schedules and summer events can put you out of your routine, which makes your self-care practices all that more necessary. Take those baths, go on your morning run, get enough sleep, read your favorite book.

Vanessa Petronelli is a trance-channeler, international spiritual teacher and speaker who supports high-performing leaders, celebrities, and influencers in achieving greater personal and professional success through spiritual fulfillment. For over a decade she has helped transform and inspire thousands of lives around the world from the inside out, powerfully helping people to become more impeccably aligned to themselves, their missions and sacred leadership. Helping Others Find your Purpose for Greater Fulfillment is Petronelli’s motto. Her events such as, “Enhanced Success: Where your creativity, soul, and bank account join forces to propel success,” and others have helped individuals align with their true self, sending them on a path to stronger success enhancing all aspects in their lives including career and lasting relationships. She currently works with a few of Hollywood’s favorite actors and



Kristin Marquet
Authority Magazine

Publicist and author based in New York City. Founder and Creative Director of FemFounder.co and Marquet-Media.com.