Women In Wellness: Mira Chotalia Of The Mira Method On Five Lifestyle Tweaks That Will Help Support People’s Journey Towards Better Wellbeing

An Interview With Wanda Malhotra

Wanda Malhotra
Authority Magazine
12 min readAug 18, 2024


Being genuine and authentic can significantly impact your success. During one of my early virtual wellness workshops, a technical glitch disconnected me from the session. Instead of panicking, I was honest with the participants, which made the session more relatable and engaging. This experience showed me that authenticity helps build stronger connections with your audience and clients, fostering trust and loyalty.

Today, more than ever, wellness is at the forefront of societal discussions. From mental health to physical well-being, women are making significant strides in bringing about change, introducing innovative solutions, and setting new standards. Despite facing unique challenges, they break barriers, inspire communities, and are reshaping the very definition of health and wellness. In this series called women in wellness we are talking to women doctors, nurses, nutritionists, therapists, fitness trainers, researchers, health experts, coaches, and other wellness professionals to share their stories and insights. As a part of this series, we had the pleasure of interviewing Mira Chotalia.

Mira Chotalia is the founder & CEO of the Mira Method. She is a holistic health & wellness expert for women who specializes in functional nutrition, gut health, root cause health, and hormone health. She has worked with over 400 women to transform their gut health, hormones & lifestyle!

Her mission is to disrupt the health & wellness industry by creating a movement that normalizes self-care before healthcare through an integrative approach that harmonizes modern medicine and ancient healing in order to make preventative health the norm.

Thank you so much for joining us in this interview series! Our readers would love to “get to know you” better. Can you share your “backstory” with us?

Growing up, I was born into a first-generation Indian family who moved to America to make a name for themselves and provide for their family back home. As a young child, I saw my parents start their own businesses almost fearlessly, living life on their own terms while also making family their utmost priority, being so ridiculously in love with each other, and working tirelessly every single day in a way that looked effortless to me.

My childhood days looked like going to school, eating a Gujarati meal when I got back, immersing myself in bollywood music & movies, having sleepovers with my school friends, singing Alka Yagnik & Michelle Branch songs, going to restaurants on the weekends with my family and explaining what vegetarian means every time, playing with my older sister, and being surrounded by so much family time on a regular basis.

Looking back, I always knew from a fairly young age that I wanted to start something of my own because I wanted to create a life just like my parents where my family, friends, and important relationships were my top priority while also being independent, creative, successful, and making an impact on people’s lives through my career.

When the pandemic hit, I finally took the leap. In April 2020, I launched Mira Method, dedicated to helping people improve their health, wellness, & lifestyle. It was a bold move, but one I’ve never regretted, despite occasional moments of doubt about whether I should go back to a traditional job.

Can you share the most interesting story that happened to you since you started your career? What were the main lessons or takeaways from that story?

I have to share how one Instagram reel changed everything for me: I gained 3,000 followers in 48 hours, a celebrity bought my 10-day detox, and I booked out my business for a year.

The real magic wasn’t just the virality, but how it happened. Let’s dive in…

In April 2022, after two years deep into the pandemic, my husband and I spent a month in Bali to disconnect from the external world and reconnect with our inner selves. During this time, I focused on listening to my inner thoughts, tuning into my body’s signals, and reconnecting with my purpose and my husband.

Inspired by this clarity, I started recording a few reels, sharing my stream of consciousness and insights from my health journey. One evening, around 7 pm Bali time, I posted a reel with no trending audio, no perfect timing strategy, and no short caption — just raw, honest content from my bed in our villa. To my surprise, all three reels I posted in this no-frills style received 7,000 to 12,000 views each!

Fast forward a year, and I was feeling stuck with content creation. Remembering advice from other creators, I decided to repurpose content. I reposted the same reel from Bali. Initially, it got a thousand views, then 3,000. A month later, it skyrocketed: 10K, 20K, 100K, 200K, and finally up to 290K views! In 48 hours, I gained 3,000 followers, received countless consultation bookings, and saw nonstop sales for my detox program. I was floored.

With zero marketing efforts, no perfect Instagram strategy, and many breaks from IG, I booked out my business for nearly a year from ONE REEL that I REPOSTED.

Main Takeaways:

  1. Authenticity Over Perfection: Raw, unedited content resonated more than polished posts.
  2. Consistency Isn’t Everything: Taking breaks improved my engagement and reach. It’s essential for mental health to step away from social media to reconnect with yourself.
  3. Repurposing Content Works: Reposting content that previously resonated can bring even greater success.

So, if you’re feeling stuck or overwhelmed, remember that sometimes the simplest, most authentic content can make the biggest impact. Don’t be afraid to take a break from social media to find your voice — you never know what could be possible on the other side!

It has been said that our mistakes can be our greatest teachers. Can you share a story about a mistake you made when you were first starting? Can you tell us what lesson you learned from that?

When I first started out, I made the mistake of not listening to my own intuition. With all the noise from social media gurus, business experts, and coaches, I found myself constantly bombarded with new advice daily on how to run my business more efficiently — whether it was about pricing, marketing strategy, narrowing down my niche, optimizing sales techniques, or designing new programs. Every day felt like a never-ending race to keep up with the latest trends and Instagram algorithm, creating more anxiety than progress.

However, this experience taught me a crucial lesson: the importance of staying true to my vision and trusting my own judgment. I realized that while seeking advice and insights from others is valuable, maintaining a clear focus on my own goals and values is crucial. The true “magic” in my business is the unique perspective, angle, and journey that I bring to the table. I learned to keep my blinders on — focusing on understanding my audience’s genuine needs, supporting my clients through their journeys, sharing my unique perspective, and trusting that my vision would come to life. This mindset shift empowered me to confidently navigate challenges, make informed decisions, and ultimately build a business that reflects my passion and purpose.

Let’s jump to our main focus. When it comes to health and wellness, how is the work you are doing helping to make a bigger impact in the world?

At Mira Method, my approach is deeply rooted in the belief that true wellness requires a holistic view of health. The work we do goes beyond just treating symptoms; we aim to identify and address the root causes of health issues by connecting mental, physical, and gut health. This integrative approach harmonizes modern science with ancient healing practices, offering a more comprehensive solution to health and wellness.

By providing personalized ecosystems for our clients’ health journeys, we empower them to take control of their well-being. We focus on proactive and committed individuals who are open to exploring life beyond their symptoms and are willing to invest in short-term effort for long-term wellness. This commitment to personalization and holistic care helps our clients achieve lasting health improvements and reduce stress and burnout, leading to a more balanced and fulfilling life.

Our impact extends beyond individual clients. By fostering a community of like-minded individuals and promoting the normalization of self-care before health care, we contribute to a larger movement that values holistic well-being. This paradigm shift encourages people to prioritize their health in a comprehensive manner, ultimately contributing to a healthier and more resilient society.

Can you share your top five “lifestyle tweaks” that you believe will help support people’s journey towards better wellbeing?

1. Prioritize Sleep Hygiene

Quality sleep is essential for overall health and well-being. One simple tweak is to establish a consistent sleep schedule and create a calming bedtime routine. For example, I worked with a client who struggled with insomnia due to stress and a busy schedule. By implementing a nightly wind-down routine, including gentle yoga and herbal tea, she was able to improve her sleep quality and wake up feeling more refreshed and energized.

2. Practice Mindful Eating

Mindful eating involves paying attention to your food choices and eating habits without judgment. Encourage clients to slow down, savor each bite, and listen to their body’s hunger and fullness cues. I once coached a woman who struggled with emotional eating and yo-yo dieting. By incorporating mindfulness techniques into her meals, such as mindful breathing before eating and tuning into her body’s hunger signals, she developed a healthier relationship with food and achieved sustainable weight loss.

3. Move Your Body Daily

Regular physical activity is essential for both physical and mental health. Encourage clients to find enjoyable ways to move their bodies every day, whether it’s through walking, dancing, or practicing yoga. I worked with a busy mom who struggled to find time for exercise amidst her hectic schedule. Together, we developed a home workout routine that she could easily fit into her day, allowing her to prioritize her health and well-being despite her busy lifestyle.

4. Cultivate Stress Management Techniques

Chronic stress can take a toll on both the body and mind. Encourage clients to incorporate stress management techniques such as meditation, deep breathing exercises, or journaling into their daily routine. I once coached a woman who experienced frequent anxiety and overwhelm. By incorporating daily mindfulness meditation and relaxation techniques, she learned to manage her stress more effectively and cultivate a greater sense of calm and balance in her life.

5. Foster Connection and Community

Human connection is vital for overall well-being. Encourage clients to nurture relationships with friends, family, and community members. Whether it’s through joining a local club or volunteering for a cause they care about, fostering connections can provide support, joy, and a sense of belonging. I worked with a woman who struggled with feelings of isolation after moving to a new city. By reaching out to neighbors and attending local meetups, she gradually built a supportive network of friends and felt more connected to her community, improving her overall well-being.

By implementing these lifestyle tweaks, women can support their journey towards better health and well-being, one small step at a time. Each change may seem minor on its own, but together, they can create a powerful foundation for a healthier, happier life.

If you could start a movement that would bring the most amount of wellness to the most amount of people, what would that be?

If I could start a movement to bring the most wellness to the most people, it would be centered around the concept of integrative self-care. The goal would be to normalize self-care before health care, emphasizing the importance of preventive measures and holistic health practices that combine ancient healing wisdom with modern scientific knowledge.

This movement, “Integrative Self-Care for All,” would focus on educating people about the interconnectedness of mental, physical, and gut health. It would provide accessible resources and tools to help individuals take proactive steps in their wellness journey. The movement would include:

  1. Educational Campaigns: To spread awareness about the importance of integrative self-care and the benefits of combining ancient healing practices with modern science.
  2. Community Support Networks: To create local and online communities where individuals can share experiences, support each other, and access expert guidance.
  3. Holistic Health Programs: To offer affordable and accessible programs that include personalized wellness plans, workshops, and courses on nutrition, mental health, physical fitness, and stress management.
  4. Advocacy for Policy Change: To work towards healthcare policies that recognize and support the integration of holistic and preventive health measures into mainstream healthcare.
  5. Corporate Wellness Initiatives: To partner with businesses to promote wellness in the workplace, reducing burnout and improving overall employee health and productivity.

The “Integrative Self-Care for All” movement aims to make holistic wellness accessible to everyone, encouraging a shift in how we view and approach health. By prioritizing self-care and preventive measures, we can create a culture of wellness that benefits individuals and communities, ultimately leading to a healthier and more balanced world.

What are your “5 Things I Wish Someone Told Me Before I Started” and why?

1. The Importance of Resilience and Adaptability

I wish someone had emphasized how crucial it is to be resilient and adaptable. Early in my career, I faced a major setback when an exciting job offer was rescinded at the last minute. This experience taught me that things won’t always go as planned, but it’s essential to adapt and keep moving forward. Being resilient helped me pivot and eventually launch Mira Method, turning a challenging situation into an opportunity for growth.

2. Authenticity is Key

Being genuine and authentic can significantly impact your success. During one of my early virtual wellness workshops, a technical glitch disconnected me from the session. Instead of panicking, I was honest with the participants, which made the session more relatable and engaging. This experience showed me that authenticity helps build stronger connections with your audience and clients, fostering trust and loyalty.

3. Community Support is Invaluable

I learned that having a supportive community can make a huge difference. Whether it’s a professional network, supportive clients, or a community of like-minded individuals, surrounding yourself with supportive people helps you navigate challenges and celebrate successes. The understanding and encouragement I received during my workshop glitch reinforced the importance of community.

4. The Power of Integrative Health Approaches

I wish I had known earlier the profound impact of an integrative approach to health. Combining modern science with ancient healing practices has been incredibly effective for my clients and me. Understanding the interconnectedness of mental, physical, and gut health has allowed me to provide more comprehensive care and achieve better outcomes for my clients.

5. The Necessity of Self-Care

Starting a business is demanding, and it’s easy to neglect your own well-being. I wish someone had told me how vital self-care is for sustaining long-term success. As someone passionate about health and wellness, I realized that I needed to prioritize my own self-care to lead by example and maintain my energy and enthusiasm. Practicing what I preach has been crucial in managing stress and avoiding burnout.

These lessons have shaped my approach to health and wellness and informed the development of Mira Method, emphasizing resilience, authenticity, community support, integrative health, and self-care.

Sustainability, veganism, mental health, and environmental changes are big topics at the moment. Which one of these causes is dearest to you, and why?

Sustainability and climate change are super close to my heart. As someone who’s all about whole-body health, I really believe that our well-being is tied to the health of our planet. It all comes back to Mother Nature, and we need to take care of her.

Our environmental footprint affects not just the planet but our personal health too. We need to start composting, cutting down on waste, and conserving resources. This helps keep our natural ecosystems intact, which supports all life, including us. The depletion of our natural resources isn’t just an environmental crisis; it’s a health crisis too.

One thing that often gets overlooked is the state of our soil. Over the years, climate change and modern farming practices have degraded the nutrient-density of soil. This impacts the nutritional value of the food we grow, directly affecting our health. Healthy soil is crucial for producing fresh, nutrient-rich food. When the soil suffers, so does the quality of our diet.

Tackling climate change and promoting sustainability are key to making sure we keep getting nutritious food. By focusing on better farming practices and taking care of our soil, we can improve the nutrient content of our food and boost everyone’s health.

In terms of holistic health, it’s important to realize that our well-being is deeply connected to the environment. The air we breathe, the water we drink, and the food we eat all come from the Earth. So, taking care of our planet is pretty much the same as taking care of ourselves.

To sum it up, pushing for sustainability and climate change solutions isn’t just about saving the planet; it’s about protecting our health and the health of future generations. By embracing sustainable practices and focusing on environmental restoration, we can create a healthier, more balanced world for everyone.

What is the best way for our readers to further follow your work online?

Website: https://miramethod.kartra.com/page/10daydetox

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/themiramethod/

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/miramethod/

Other: Schedule your free consultation call here: https://calendly.com/themiramethod/discovery-call

Thank you for these fantastic insights! We wish you continued success and good health.

About the Interviewer: Wanda Malhotra is a wellness entrepreneur, lifestyle journalist, and the CEO of Crunchy Mama Box, a mission-driven platform promoting conscious living. CMB empowers individuals with educational resources and vetted products to help them make informed choices. Passionate about social causes like environmental preservation and animal welfare, Wanda writes about clean beauty, wellness, nutrition, social impact and sustainability, simplifying wellness with curated resources. Join Wanda and the Crunchy Mama Box community in embracing a healthier, more sustainable lifestyle at CrunchyMamaBox.com.



Wanda Malhotra
Authority Magazine

Wellness Entrepreneur, Lifestyle Journalist, and CEO of Crunchy Mama Box, a mission-driven platform promoting conscious living.