Lindsay Lohan: "You’ve Got To Know Who You Are Before You Can Appreciate Nature & Life, Future & Present"

An Interview With Marco Derhy


“You know, life is not always about the party. It’s about knowing who you are. If you don’t know who you are, you don’t get the right to have fun. You’ve got to know who you are before you can appreciate nature and life, future and present. You know, life is as good as we make it. Sometimes we mess it up and that’s okay. I mean, I’ve been there, I’ve messed things up in my life.”

As part of my series called "Exceptional Female Leaders," I had the pleasure to interview Lindsay Lohan of "Mean Girls" fame. Lindsay recently opened a Beach Resort in Mykonos, Greece, and has been quite busy with several entrepreneurial ventures.

Thank you so much for joining me today. Please tell us what brings you to Mykonos?

I came to Mykonos several years ago when I was in a relationship and when I was coming out of one. I found solace and peace here. I loved being here, and I found something really sacred about the land here. So I wanted to stay here, and I came back every year after that for six years.

On my 30th birthday, I was here with a guy that I was actually engaged to. I didn't know what was happening with the engagement, and he was very young and lost in himself. He was also lost in all of the hype and the fame of life that comes with being with someone like me.

So I chose to take it upon myself to take control of my life. My first thought was, if people are going to judge me, what's the best thing I can do? Please give them a better way of life and say that it's not wrong to have fun and be happy. You don't have to hurt anyone or be aggressive with anything in life. You can love life and live it the way that you are meant to live it. There's something bigger that tells us that we should do that.

How did you decide to create this new beach club?

The backstory is, I started a club with a friend of mine in Athens. I said, what's the one place that people will judge me at — a club. So let's make it better. Let's make a beach. Let's make a healthy place where it's fun, but it's also healthy so you can have a good life and a fun life in a place where you least expect it.

I said, you know what? I'm not too fond of Ibiza because it's all based on drugs. Let's fix it. Let's make Mykonos the place where you can be healthy and happy, and you can have a beach and have a party but have fun, and you don't have to take drugs and no judgment. So I did it. I did it on a whim in Athens, and it's a beautiful place, and people love it, and they're happy. They have fun.

What is your backstory?

My story was basically when someone made me feel very weak, and I was terrified. I felt something that became something much bigger than that. It took that occurrence to figure out who I am and who I will be, and what I want from my life.

Sometimes it does take that. I didn't have my family, and my siblings weren't there for me. It was just me, but I figured it out. Now I want people to come here and be happy, healthy, and fun and have a beautiful time.

You know life is not always about the party. It's about knowing who you are. If you don't know who you are, you don't get the right to have fun. You've got to know who you are before you can appreciate nature and life, future and present. You know life is as good as we make it.

Sometimes we mess it up, and that's okay. I mean, I've been there. I've messed things up in my life. But on purpose, I knew that I wanted to know how my dad felt when he had problems in his life.

I've lived the life of everyone that I know in my life, and I want to give back to people as a responsibility to myself and the world, wherever I can.

I can give. I can give back. I don't have to listen to anyone. I want to be able not to have anyone judge me.

I have so much that I can give that it will happen. There's no question. If you say it's not going to happen, then it's not going to happen. If you want it to happen, you make it happen. That's what I'm doing. I'm making things happen.

Marco: How can our global readers follow you on your social media?


Thank you Lindsay for joining me and for these great insights!



Inspiring True Stories with Marco Derhy
Authority Magazine

Entrepreneur | Author | 20 years in publication | Content Creator & Interviews w/media Impact | Writer |Film producer|Founder @ Derhy Enterprises.“God is First”