[Facebook] Exploring the Types of Facebook Ads: A Marketing Goldmine for Authorpreneurs

Authorpreneur Launch
4 min readApr 10, 2018
Facebook Ads In-Depth. Pure Gold.

Now that we have a better idea of how to use Facebook’s marketing platform in line with our own marketing strategy, we are going to take a more in-depth look into the different types of Facebook ads that Facebook offers. Ads can be customized and used with specific goals in mind, and knowing the options can help save on unnecessary spending in the wrong areas. Which ad you choose to use always ties back to your overall marketing goals, which is why it is so important to always have a marketing strategy in place before kicking off your business!

Facebook Ad Types

Let’s start off with the best way to expand your reach and attract people to your business: Lead Generation Ads. The aim of Lead Generation Ads is to capture your public’s attention and enable you to grow your list of sales leads. You can add a form to a Lead Generation Ad which can then be used to create a mailing list, or just as a way to follow up with potential clients. There are many reasons for using a Lead Generation Ad: newsletter sign-ups, ebook downloads, interest in further information, coupons, pre-orders, quotes, event registrations, and the list goes on. Facebook guides you through a step-by-step creation of your ad, allowing you to customize your audience to make sure you are targeting the right people. If you are in the throes of creating a pre-order list for your next book, why not use a Facebook Lead Generation Ad to further interest?

The Facebook Pixel is a fantastic tool you can use to retarget your ads. Once you have added the Pixel to your website, you will use the tracking data to help remarket and retarget ads to gain a maximum of conversions. When you retarget people who have clicked through an ad once before, you can push them to convert their interest into a sale or allow existing customers to revisit your website. The Pixel also helps to remarket ads by using custom and lookalike audiences.

You can also develop Dynamic Ads on the Facebook platform: a fantastic tool for ecommerce clients. A Facebook Dynamic Ad campaign allows you to use your book product catalog and customize your audience so that each time the Ad appears on a targeted feed, it will display the right product to the right person. Think about it this way: you can promote several books using one ad, and make sure that each book is promoted to the person who is going to be interested in it. These Dynamic Ads work really well for all types of businesses, especially those with a larger, dynamic product catalog (travel websites, for example).

There is a handy feature in your Facebook Ad Manager that allows you to create an ad for Facebook and simultaneously promote it on Instagram. Instagram has become a massive haven for readers, with users creating beautiful accounts with the sole objective of reading and reviewing books on them. Bookstagrammers have the power to get people to read your books, so why not use your Facebook Ads to target these accounts? If you are new on the scene and looking to get your name out there, you could create a Lead Generation Ad that will be promoted on both platforms.

Also, if you use Facebook Messenger you may have recently noticed the appearance of Ads popping up between conversations. This is another Facebook feature that you can use to connect with millions of people who use Facebook Messenger every day. You can customize your Ad and market your business to a new target crowd, with the advantage of doing it all through Facebook’s advertising platform. These ads fit seamlessly into the flow of the Messenger app and attract attention without being distracting. It’s a very efficient way of adding another layer to your overall marketing plan!

You may also be interested in providing your target market with a promotion or a discounted offer. This can be done by developing an Offer Ad through the Facebook platform and customizing the target market according to the demographic that will click through and make a purchase. The point of Facebook Offers is to entice people with a promotion that feels like it has been created just for them, as well as to give it an expiration date — that way clients are more inclined to use it before it expires. This is yet another cost-effective way to not only convert interest into sales but also widen your sphere of influence.

Facebook has created an ad platform that is diverse and efficient, allowing businesses to customize and develop all types of ads depending on their end goal. It is a big advantage being able to advertise across different platforms, all the while continuously tracking demographics and conversions.

For an authorpreneur, this is a marketing goldmine: a way for you to really dig down and use your precious marketing dollars to get your work in front of the kind of people who will want to see it.

I hope you try creating lead generation ads or ads in messenger.



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Originally published at Authorpreneur Launch.

