Don’t Make Earning Plans, Make Learning Plans

Neera Mahajan
Published in
5 min readJul 20, 2021


Photo by Annie Spratt on Unsplash

Do you know what we writers lack?

A proper curriculum to do develop writing skills.

Most of us have embarked on writing without any proper training. Some like me got into it because our writing sucked, and we wanted to get better at it.

No wonder writing is such a hard skill to master.

Every other artistic field has a way of teaching the basics. Two years ago, I learned how to draw cartoons. I followed a curriculum for six months that taught me all the basics. Once I learned that all I needed to do was practice every day. Today I am a confident cartoonist.

Every professional invest in the continuation and enhancing of their skills. Doctors, Accountants, Teachers, Insurance, attorneys, and every other professional — all spend a ridiculous amount of time and money training each year to stay on top of their professions.

There is no such requirement when you are a writer and working for yourself.

Shouldn’t writers be staying on top of their profession?


Some of us do online courses and seminars in a haphazard way which, rather than enhancing our skills, leaves us baffled and frustrated.



Neera Mahajan

Author of Dare To Create, Eight Steps To Be An Authorpreneur, and How To Write an eBook In One Week | Write Your Book with me in 30 days.