James Paterson’s Formula For Success

Stop boring your audience

Neera Mahajan


Photo by Jamie Street on Unsplash

​“James Patterson is a terrible writer who became very, very successful.” — Stephen King.

Could this statement be true?

How can a terrible writer become so successful that he has sold over 400 million copies of his books? Today, out of every 100 hardcovers sold, 6 are his. Is James Patterson really a terrible writer? And if so, how did he hoodwink the world to buy his books?

Is there something he knows and others don’t?

After all, James Patterson sells more books every year than any other living writer. Even more than Stephen King.

But what made him a success?

Patterson always wanted to become a writer.

Even when he was working as a copywriter for J. Walter Thompson, he would find time in his busy schedule to write every day. He would write during lunch breaks, or on flights during his business trips, or at midnight on a busy day.

His first book was rejected 31 times before it was published. However, when it was published, Patterson won the prestigious Edgar award for a best debut novel from the Mystery Writers of America. The Thomas Berryman Number was critically acclaimed, but it sold less than 10,000…



Neera Mahajan

Author of Dare To Create, Eight Steps To Be An Authorpreneur, and How To Write an eBook In One Week | Write Your Book with me in 30 days.