A Good Article Takes Time: How Much Time, Well — Beauty is in The Eyes of The Beholder!

Dr. E.R. Báez
Author’s Exposition
5 min readApr 17, 2024


How Beautiful is Your Story?

Photo by Ashni on Unsplash

The Old Proverb, which applies to stories just as much as it does to beauty, states, "Beauty cannot be judged objectively, for what one person finds beautiful or admirable may not appeal to another." To prove this hypothesis, I am writing THIS story. As we all know, not every story gets the readership, claps, or even exposure here on Medium.

Interestingly, this idea was not even fathomable about four decades ago — when our parents used to buy the Sunday News Papers. Do you remember those days? Radio was popular, and family time was a must. Today, the same is not the norm. Today, if lucky, we spend ten minutes as a nucleus family.

Many believed that technology would cure all boredom, but it has been the inception of something much worse—it has created an addiction from which not many recover! Technology can be addictive, and people spend too much time on their devices, neglecting other important aspects of their lives.

Everyone uses technology today. But, technology can lead to social isolation, as people interact less in person and more online. As a result, what had substance in the past no longer does. This includes how people see and read our stories. For some strange reason, meaningless…



Dr. E.R. Báez
Author’s Exposition

Attorney E.R. Báez, MDiv, JD, Ph.D., is a published author who loves to inspire others! Dr. Báez helps former criminals become productive citizens of society.