Excerpt from Magic Hands: Book Three


Cori started on Dylan the moment he slid into the passenger seat of the minivan. “Seth thinks I’m jerking off my clients because of you.”

“I didn’t tell him that. I wouldn’t, Cor,” Dylan complained, slamming the door. The words were loose in his drunken mouth, and she smelled the booze on him — beer and something else.

“He at least thinks you want me to. He thinks you might have asked me to.”

“I didn’t ask you to. You wanted to.”

“Is this the place for this, Dylan?” She shifted into drive and pulled away from the front of the bar.

“What did you tell him?”

“I didn’t tell him anything, but he knows I was holding back. He’s always going to suspect I’m doing something, even if I never say anything.”

Dylan smiled, sloppy and drunk. “He knows you too well.”

“That’s not helping,” she replied, cruising toward the exit.

“Go to the back of the parking lot,” Dylan directed.

“Why? We’re not talking about this here. It can wait until the kids are in bed.”

“I don’t want to talk. Go to the back of the parking lot, Cori. Now.”

Normally, she would have laughed at Dylan for trying to order her around, but it was kind of sexy in her current mood and she was happy he was done with the cold shoulder routine, even if Dylan going from not talking to her for three days to wanting to screw in a bar parking lot gave her whiplash.

Dylan didn’t even wait for her to stop but dove between the two middle captain’s seats to the back row bench seat, cursing as he banged his knee on something. Cori threw it into park and followed him. She paused to slide one of the middle seats forward on its track so they would have some room. She dove into the gap between the seats and straddled Dylan, ducking so she didn’t bump her head. He clumsily worked at the buttons on her loose, denim-blue chambray shirt, but moved too slowly. Cori unbuttoned the cuffs and yanked it over her head, bending awkwardly to remove it. Dylan grabbed her ass when she leaned forward to pull at her shirt. The tank top she wore under the shirt followed, leaving Cori in a purple, strappy racerback bra.

“Should I be concerned that hanging out at the bar with Baines got you so horny?” she asked, giggling as she wrestled his shirt over his head.

“It’s you, Cori. It’s always you.”

“Nice to know I get you so horny when I’m not even there.”

Cori was silenced when he franticly kissed her. He held her face in both hands and attacked like he wanted to consume her. His flashes of sexual aggression had always excited her, but it was concerning when it came on the heels of his recent weird behavior. Cori didn’t pause to think about it but went with him. She always had more fun when she didn’t slow down to think about what she was doing. After years of being the family’s planner, she was enjoying sliding back into being the impulsive one.

Dylan shoved his hands into her leggings and grabbed Cori’s tight, naked ass, which was split by a black thong. Her tongue wrestled with his, while she wrestled with Dylan’s belt. It became clear she wasn’t getting his jeans off without moving and slipped down to her knees in front of him. Something crunched under her knee, and she tried not to think about it. Dylan lifted his butt and she yanked his pants and boxers down in one smooth motion, stripping her husband like she was a pro. His cock popped right up, and she was relieved he wasn’t suffering whiskey dick. Dylan’s brain may have wanted it, but that didn’t mean his body was going to cooperate, and she could tell he was hammered.

Cori grabbed his dick and stroked it, staring up at him. His fire for her flashed in his eyes, but she saw something else there too, something dark. It wasn’t quite the way a husband looked at their wife, even during hot sex, and it sent a shiver down her spine. It wasn’t enough to slow her down, and Cori stroked him while grinning evilly.

“Is this for me or some hot bartender?”

“You…” he groaned, pulling her in, pushing her face at him. “Can’t stop thinking about you, Cor.”

She let him pull her mouth down on his cock. Dylan wasn’t gentle. He jammed her down, forcing in as much as she’d take. Cori sucked in air through her nose and sucked him. She should have pushed him away and asked what the fuck, but she sucked him fiercely. Dylan needed to get something out and Cori felt she had to let him. It could be the thing that relieved the pressure between them. Dylan gripped her head tightly and fucked her mouth up and down on him. Cori gagged and dug her nails into his bare thighs, but she stole breaths where she could and sucked him like her life depended on it. The minivan filled with sounds of Dylan’s moans and labored breathing, and Cori’s muffled grunts as she struggled to keep up with her husband. It brought her back to Roger forcing his cock down her throat and Cori did what she did that night, focusing on pleasuring the meat in her mouth, and her breathing.

Dylan’s moves became erratic and his breathing ragged. Cori was sure he was about to fill her mouth with cum and braced herself, but he stopped, ripping her mouth from his shaft. His eyes were wild when she looked up at him and he fumbled to pull her back onto his lap. What is wrong with him? Cori thought. Their encounter was just turning weird, and finally she didn’t know if she liked it. Dylan was behaving like an animal. It was fun to play-act that she was a whore, but it felt like Dylan was really treating her like one.

“Dylan, babe,” she said, hoping to slow him down.

“Cor…come up…I need you…” he pleaded.

Cori wiggled out of her leggings and thong and climbed onto his lap, holding his shaft straight up. She sank onto him with a satisfied moan. It didn’t make all her reservations disappear, but things also felt right when her husband was inside her. Cori would give him what he needed, but then he’d better be prepared to talk.

Dylan couldn’t think straight. He was driven by primal urges. All he wanted was to stick his dick in his sexy wife. He rammed her mouth down on his cock like the paid whore she’d become and was frightened by how much he loved using her that way. He’d never thought of using Cori in all their years together. Even when it was just sex, and not making love, he never felt like he’d used her. They were there for each other. That wasn’t always the case for Cori, he knew. Sometimes his wife just had the itch and just wanted to get off, with Dylan being along for the ride. Sex with Cori was always fantastic, so he never complained about it.

Anger surged through him when he jammed it into her mouth. Dylan thought about how she willingly let Roger fuck her throat for money — except it wasn’t just for money. He knew damn well Cori took it because she wanted it. He was sure she wanted to fuck Roger that night too. It was what he wanted, wasn’t it? Dylan knew it was, which was why he was so confused. Everything about a normal marriage told Dylan he should be angry with Cori for being a slut, but he wasn’t truly angry with her. Cori was being Cori, and Dylan told her that was what he wanted. She would never have just gone ahead and done any of this without his assent. Dylan fucked her mouth because he wanted to turn his anger outward at her, but it was directed toward himself. He had feelings about Cori’s behavior he couldn’t sort, but he knew where he was with himself. He just couldn’t understand why he was this way.

Cori settled down on his cock and tightened around him. Dylan was in heaven. Feeling his wife’s pussy gripping him focused Dylan. She ground her hips against him, and he looked at her in the dark confines of their minivan and he felt nothing but desire for this woman. How could he want to share her? How could he ever risk losing her? But thoughts of sharing her consumed him. He was so out of control that he couldn’t keep his mouth shut and Dylan was pretty sure Baines was convinced Dylan wanted him to fuck Cori. Once that thought rushed into his head, Dylan imagined it was Baines in the backseat of the minivan, Cori riding him right outside a crowded bar. He groaned and his cock surged inside her. It was so easy to picture his best friend and wife doing it like he’d already witnessed the act and was just reliving it. He grabbed her hips and worked Cori on his lap, pushing up from the seat to get deeper inside Cori.

“Babe…feels so good…ahh…” Cori moaned, her hands on his shoulders, nails digging in.

Dylan felt her hot, smooth, toned back, feeling for her bra clasp, but felt none. He wanted to play with her bare tits. He squeezed a hand between their bodies, but it was tough in the tight confines of the vehicle. Cori reached in and flicked her bra open for him. Dylan covered a breast and felt the stiff nub at its tip burrow into his palm. She moaned, thrusting hard onto him.

“Ahh…babe…like you…all fired up…” she moaned.

“Fucking hot…you’re so fucking hot…can’t stop…thinking about…”

“Me and Roger? You don’t hate it?” she panted, slowing down riding him, but working her core harder around him.

“God…fuck…can’t believe…you did it…he fucked…”

“My throat, babe. He fucked my throat like he owned me because he paid for me…”

“Because you’re a whore…”

“Yeah…ahh…a dirty whore…you love it…”

“Fuck, Cor…I do…all I think about…”

“You don’t want me to stop?” she teased.

“Uhn…no! Cori…”

“You want me sucking more dick?”

“Uhn…fuck yes…”

“Mmm…seeing Steve tomorrow…”

“Fuck…Cori…yeah…do it…”

Dylan pushed both his hands between them and palmed both her tits. He pinched her nipples and Cori trembled on top of him. Her head was cocked at a weird angle until she leaned all the way back and held onto the two seats behind her to keep from falling back. Cori was stretched out like she was on display for him. The way she displayed herself for Roger on that massage table, with Mayde’s face buried between her legs. Dylan’s body sizzled.

A flash of headlights illuminated the interior of the minivan and Dylan froze, but Cori moved her muscles around him, like the chance of being seen excited her. That was the Cori he always wanted to know. It was the same Cori who came into their family room and dropped down right next to Baines in her sexy outfit and flirted with him. Dylan put Baines in his place again, saw Cori impaled on Baines in the minivan. His balls tightened.

“Has to be our secret, babe,” Cori moaned. “Seth knows you want me to handle clients, thinks I might be doing it.”

“You want him to know,” Dylan groaned, surprising himself. It was a weird time for his old insecurities about Seth to pop up.

“Ahh…babe…no…” Cori moaned. The tightening of her pussy around him suggested otherwise.

“You like him thinking it…like the attention, Cori,” Dylan pressed.

“Mmm…no babe…no one…can know…”

“But you like them thinking about it.”


“Baines knows something’s up. He thinks I want you to fuck him.”

Cori’s eyes flew open, and she looked as confused as he felt. Dylan wasn’t the one on his back heel for once. He could see Cori torn between desire and logic, just like he’d been.


Dylan smirked. “He sees the change in you. I denied it, but he saw right through me. He sees it because he wants it, just like Seth,” Dylan taunted, pulling her back into him. Cori’s body slapped back to his and her snatch squished around him when their position shifted. She was drenched. Her pussy told the truth, even when she denied it.

“They know you…they see you…they want it to be true…they want it, Cori…”

“Ahh no…babe I can’t…”

“Baines wants to fuck you. You know it. Don’t you?” His voice took a hard edge, not anger, but determination. Dylan was determined to make Cori come with him and confess the truth while she did it.


“The way he looks at you…flirts with you…how he looked at you the other night…”

“Yeah…I saw it…”

“He wants to fuck you,” Dylan demanded.

“Yes! Ahh, fuck yes! You want it… Say it!” Cori growled, too loudly for such a public place. That hardly mattered, though, as the minivan was rocking around them. Dylan forcefully jammed Cori up and down on his prick.

“Yeah…Cor…yeah I do…” His answer spilled out. He was too drunk and horny to keep it in.

“You want to whore me to Baines…”

“Yes…” he hissed.

“I’ll fuck him if you want it…”

“Uhn…god Cor…”

“I’ll be such a good little whore for you…”


“Do you want it?”

“Yes! Fuck yes!”

“Anything for you babe. I love you,” Cori moaned, bouncing so hard her head banged into the roof.

“You love whoring,” he groaned.

“Yeah…so hot…when Mayde and Roger…”

Cori came first, which pleased Dylan immensely. He couldn’t recall the last time she came before he did. She squealed and locked around him. Dylan kept hunching his hips up at her and Cori’s spasming pussy drew the jizz up out of his balls. He grunted into her shoulder as his essence jetted up into his wife. He locked his arms around her and clung as tightly as she did.

Later, after Cori cleaned up with tissues from her purse and pulled her clothes back on, she asked, “How much of that was real?”

“Of?” Dylan asked, uneasy. He wasn’t comfortable with everything he admitted. Honestly was usually best in a marriage, but he confessed dangerous fantasies.

“You know what I mean. You didn’t really tell Baines you want him to fuck me, did you?”

“No, I didn’t tell him that. But our conversation got weird. I drank too much, I had too much on my mind. I said some things I shouldn’t have.”


“It’s kind of a blur, honestly, Cor. But I think I got him to admit he’d fuck you if I was out of the picture.”

“Why would you do that? I think we all already knew that, but why would you press it?”

“I haven’t been in my right mind since the other night. You know that. It’s a lot to process, and I think it all came tumbling out.”

“All of it?” Cori crossed her arms and stared at him. She was back in the driver’s seat, but Dylan remained in the back, trying to avoid the wet spot on the seat.

“No, not all of it, but probably too much.”

“You need to talk to me and stop saying strange things to our friends. How am I going to face anyone if they figure this out?”

“I know. I need to lock it down. Sorry, Cor.”

Dylan realized that while he was so consumed with the fear Cori would lose control, he was the one who was out of control. He was just flailing. Dylan wanted Cori to keep going, but maybe he just couldn’t handle it.

“If this is too much for you, I can stop.”

“You don’t want that.”

“I don’t,” Cori said. Her admission made his spent balls tingle. “But your sanity is more important. I don’t want to see you lose it, babe.”

“I won’t. I see things clearer now.”

Cori laughed. “Because you made Baines tell you he wants me, and then fucked me in the minivan.”

Dylan smiled wryly. “Something like that. I do think this is one of the most honest moments we’ve had. You’re not just doing this for the money, Cori.”

“No, I’m not. I like how it makes me feel. I love feeling the desire and the power when I make these men come. And I don’t know why, but I like the feeling of being bought too. Maybe I need therapy.”

“Or you just need more clients to satisfy your cravings.”

“It sounds like you don’t want me to limit it to clients. I asked how much of all that was true, and you didn’t really answer.”

Dylan looked away. He knew what she was asking.

“Do you really want me to fuck Baines?”

“Christ, Cori, I don’t know why, but when I think about it…”

“You know that’s a terrible idea. Like, the worst idea ever.”

“I’m well aware. I know it’s something I just need to flush from my system.”

“Would that happen if I really did it?”

“Did what?” he stupidly asked.

“If I fucked Baines, would that get it out of your system?”

Dylan stared at Cori. She couldn’t have just said that. If she did, she had to be screwing with him. He chuckled and said, “Yeah, sure, if you fuck Baines, I think I’ll get over it.”

“And you know what an awful idea it is? We should not be mixing my business with our friends.”

“It’s insanity. I know that, Cor.”

“But knowing that you still want me to do it?” The intensity came off her in waves, like sheets of wind-driven rain in a hurricane.

“The idea has taken hold in my head, but I know it’s not something that should ever really happen. I can just deal with it.”

“We both know it’s reckless and the worst idea ever, but if it’s something you truly want, I’ll do it. If you think it’ll cure your obsession, I’ll do it.”

“Cori, you can’t be serious,” he replied, knowing damn well she was serious. Her posture was stiff, her blue eyes blazing. “Are you? Would you?”

Cori cracked a smile. “I’m not going to pretend it would be a chore, but I’d be doing it for you, to get this insanity out of your head. You really want this to happen.”

“There are so many reasons it shouldn’t, Cori. So many very, very good reasons, and no good reasons why it should.”

“Except that you want it. Me being with clients gets you hot, but you keep coming back to this. This is what you want, I think.”

“Wouldn’t it change everything?”

“Probably, hopefully not. We’re all adults. You know I can just enjoy sex for what it is. It doesn’t have to mean anything more than the moment. And Baines is the same way. I think he could be cool about it, especially if it was just part of a treatment.”

“You want to do the massage thing with him?”

Cori smiled wilder. “Think of how it would blow his mind, after all that teasing.”

“Yeah, he wouldn’t know what to do,” Dylan said, but he didn’t believe it. Baines would know exactly what to do if he ever got his hands on Cori. Letting that happen was colossally stupid, like inviting the wolf right into the sheep pen.

“What do you want, Dylan?” she asked.

“Fuck, Cori,” he groaned.

The full Magic Hands Trilogy is available at Amazon

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