Excerpt from Magic Hands: Book Two


Cori felt like she’d made a terrible mistake. In her mind, this was a simple transaction. She’d offer herself — her hand anyway — and Steve would be so excited he’d just yank his shorts down. Steve did not yank his shorts down. He stared at Cori like he’d just passed through the looking glass and didn’t understand what she was getting at. Cori thought she was explicit enough. She followed the script Mayde gave her — more or less. Mayde said she should not just come right out and ask the client if they wanted a handy. There should be a vague offer. If the client was interested, she was to make it clear that this was a private arrangement between Cori and the client. Elemental Bodyworks was not involved, and this was just two consenting adults spending time together. The tip was not directly related to that. It was not a transaction. Cori found it amusing that there was so much dancing around to make it seem like it was anything other than what it actually was. She was a much more direct person than that. But Mayde assured her that any guy — any client — would understand what she was getting at.

Steve had to know what she meant. His reaction had to be shock or disinterest. What if he was scandalized or horrified? Would he call Janine, or worse, the police? Cori had spent many a sleepless night tossing this around in her head. She knew the limb she was putting herself out on, and that risk was one of the scariest parts. Mayde told her that she would not be turned down if she chose the right client. Cori should be able to read him and know if he wanted it. She thought she’d read Steve right, but as he stammered, she thought she’d made a terrible mistake. Her lips moved, but no words came out. She had to say something. This was far more awkward than a boy trying to kiss her when she wasn’t interested. In those situations, Cori always kissed the boy just to make him feel better. A kiss wasn’t so bad, and the boy might surprise her. Her upside here wasn’t so obvious.

“Oh my god. I’m so sorry, Steve. If I misread something, if you’re not interested, I’m so sorry. I know this is strange. If you just let me pack up, I can go. Please don’t call the business,” Cori blathered.

The words came out in a rush, tumbling over each other. Her insides turned to ice, the only heat remaining in her body the heat of shame on her cheeks. Cori snatched her hand away from his thigh and began to turn, but Steve caught her wrist. It wasn’t coercive. His shock was gone, replaced with a smile. A hungry smile. Time suspended for a moment as it all fell into place. Cori was in this man’s dark man cave, flirting with him, offering herself for money, and he was buying. She didn’t misread anything. Steve wanted it. She returned his smile, flooded with relief. She wasn’t going to jail. Just as it all went from sexy to disaster in a flash moments ago, it all flipped again, and she felt a new erotic charge. The heat seeped down from her cheeks, thawing her body, and reigniting her core. Cori glanced to an empty recliner, imagining her husband sitting there watching them. It would make her too nervous to really have him there, but it was hot to pretend he was watching her.

“It’s good, Cori. I’m interested. If you’re offering what I think you are, I’m very interested.”

“Only if you’re sure,” she offered, trying to sound seductive and feeling silly for it. Cori was dizzied by the wild emotional whiplash of the last few minutes.

“Is it creepy to admit I’ve played this all out in my head?”

“No, Steve. It’s hot that you’ve thought of me that way.”

“What, uh, how does this work? I’ve never done this before. I’m not that kind of guy,” he said defensively.

“What kind of guy is that? I think every guy wants to have a little fun, but they aren’t all confident enough to go for it. And confidence is sexy if you haven’t heard. You can tip me for the session we just had, and then we can spend some private time together. I’ll give you a special, private massage.”

Cori hoped her intent was clear enough. Private massage should clue Steve in that it was hands only. She didn’t ask Mayde what to do if a client misinterpreted, but Cori was a big girl. She could handle herself.

“What kind of tip is customary?”

“It’s a tip, so I don’t know that I can tell you how much to tip. That would be rude. But have I ever mentioned that Benjamin Franklin is my favorite president?”

“I need to, uh, run upstairs for a second.”

“I’ll be here. I’m not going anywhere.”

It was funny to see Steve adjust himself when he sat up and tried to stand. Cori pretended to avert her eyes, but she had to watch. That hard-on was for her, and she loved it. She spent the couple of minutes pacing the man cave, psyching herself up for the task. She was ready and wanted to do it, but there was still that last bit of morality hanging on, reminding her she was about to officially become a whore. The nuns glared at her over the years through her memory. She imagined her mother — who wanted to pretend Cori was a virgin when she married Dylan — telling her she was punching her ticket to Hell. Cori shook it off. Fuck ’em, she thought. It’s my life and I’ll sell hand jobs if I want to. The only person whose judgment mattered was Dylan, and he was all for it. Cori grabbed her phone and shot her husband a quick text: He said yes! About to do it. Wanted to say I love you before my hands are too sticky to text. She hoped for a quick reply but heard Steve bounding back down the steps like an eager puppy and she put her phone down.

“How do I… Where do you want it…” he said, shifting from foot to foot and shuffling the money in his hands.

Cori laughed. “You can just give it to me, Steve.” It was endearing that he was as nervous as she was. Cori took the bills from him — 4 twenties, a ten, and 2 fives — and folded them, stuffing the money into her bra like a stripper, even though she had pockets. It felt appropriate and Steve’s pleased look showed it was the right call. She told him, “You can get back on the table.”

“Should I?” he asked, gesturing to his shorts. They were as tented as before.

Cori would have been fine with Steve disrobing himself, but she remembered that Mayde stripped Roger. She said, “Let me take care of that.”

Steve was nervously stiff when she stepped close — very close — and touched his waist. They were close enough to kiss and she didn’t know what she’d do if he tried that. Kissing had never even entered her mind. It wasn’t part of the equation. Standing so close to Steve was uncomfortably intimate. She preferred him on the table. Establishing client and therapist provided a comfortable remove. But he just stood there. He laughed when her touch tickled his sides and it relaxed Cori. She pulled down his shorts and briefs and he sprang right up, slapping against her leg. Cori’s breath caught. It was real now. She resisted the natural urge to just grab him, wanting him on the table. Steve reached for his shirt. Cori didn’t picture him nude for this, but she rolled with it.

“Let me take care of that for you,” she said.

Cori took his worn gray t-shirt over his head and dropped it on the floor and there he was, standing completely naked in front of her. His hair stood up and he smoothed it down. It was a shock she hadn’t prepared for. It had to have been over twenty years since a new man stood naked in front of her. The feeling was familiar, yet alien to her now. Instinct tried to take over. Her body knew what to do when a man stood naked in front of her. Steve was a handsome guy. He had a pleasant gleam to his green eyes, and she liked his easy smile. He wasn’t a man who’d catch her eye in passing, but he was like the sweet boys she happily hooked up with back in the day. He was a few inches taller than her. The perfect kissing height. Cori had to stop thinking about kissing. Why was that the only thing she could think about? Kissing was not on the menu. Dylan would not be happy at all if she made out with a client. That wasn’t the deal. Cori put her hands on Steve’s chest and the temptation only grew stronger. She felt his hands on her waist. Steve was tugging at the hem of her shirt, and it brought Cori back to reality. She lightly pushed on his chest.

“You should probably get on the table, Steve,” she gently said.

He smiled dumbly. “Okay.”

Steve assumed the position and she fetched lotion from her bag. She turned back and there he was, laid out naked on her table. Cori pumped a generous dollop of lotion into her hand and then rubbed them together, thoroughly lubing her hands. She rubbed his chest, fingers playing through his mat of chest hair. She liked a guy with body hair — as long as he wasn’t an ape.

“Still feeling good?” she asked.

“Yeah, great. Maybe a little nervous. As I said, I’ve never done this. I never had to.”

Cori smiled and tickled his chest. “It’s okay, I know you’re an attractive guy. You don’t have to pay for it, Steve. We’re just doing this because it’s fun, so why not?”

“Yeah, why not?”

“Can I admit something? This is my first time too. You know I’ve only been doing massage therapy for a couple of months now, but I’ve never done this. It’s as new for me as it is for you.”

“That’s pretty hot, Cori. It makes me super lucky.”

Cori ran a slick fingertip around his nipple, and he shivered. She flicked it with a nail, and he groaned. She kept teasing his nipple and danced her other fingers along the exposed underside of his cock, which lay up against his stomach. Steve moaned and trembled, his whole body stiffening.

“You need to relax, Steve. This is supposed to be relaxing. Doesn’t it feel good?”

“It…uh…feels…really good, Cori,” he stammered.

“So, I should keep going? As I said, this is my first time too.”

“Yeah…please keep going…”

He twitched under her fingers, and she pinched his girth like she was measuring it, lightly grasping him with her fingertips as she ran them up and down his shaft. She still teased his nipple too, enjoying his expression as she teased. Cori had the strongest urge to bend down and lick his nipple but resisted. It would have been fun, but she wasn’t there for that. She could do that to Dylan next time. Cori was surprised by how much she wanted to do more than just jerk off Steve. The flood of excitement took her breath away and she licked her lips, which Steve watched closely. She could see why Mayde went further than just giving clients hand jobs, but Cori just didn’t want to go there, as tempting as it was.

Her full attention turned to his cock. Steve had a nice, thick one. Cori hadn’t thought much about what she might encounter, but now that a strange cock was in her hands, she carefully considered it. She’d seen more than her fair share of dicks, but it had been a long time. She’d seen Roger’s, of course, and from her vantage point, that one had been very average. Dylan compared favorably to Roger. But now she had another one to evaluate. Steve was nice and thick. April had to enjoy that, she thought, immediately pushing that thought away. She did not want to think about Steve’s girlfriend while she played with him. Cori lifted him and he felt heavier, hotter than she expected. He filled her hand more than Dylan but wasn’t as long. Cori loved her husband’s cock and didn’t want or need another, but Steve did have a nice cock and she enjoyed handling it. A prominent vein ran along the underside, and she traced it with her thumb up to the ridge of his helmet. Steve moaned when she fingered him there. She covered the head completely with one hand, rubbing while stroking him with the other. Steve trembled and moaned her name. Cori hoped he wouldn’t come too fast. She was having fun.

The heat built between her own thighs, surprising her with its intensity. Cori squeezed her thighs and the pressure surged pleasure through her. Her feet shifted as she squeezed her thighs tighter and she was so wet she felt her pussy squish. God, she was hot. That was unexpected. Not being aroused, she knew herself too well for that. But the intensity of it surprised her. Cori did not expect that playing with a stranger’s cock would be so invigorating. Her skin felt tingly hot and her nipples thickened. It wasn’t just that the sight of a cock made her lose control — like some porn movie floozy — but feeling Steve’s desire for her, and her power over him, was enthralling. He was wholly hers in that moment. Cori was in full command with his dick in her hand. Steve’s face was flushed, his eyes wide, his forehead sweaty. He moaned and panted through parted lips and watched her with fervid intensity. His eyes moved from where she touched him to rove over her body — the curve of her ass and her rising and falling breasts as her aroused breathing became deeper. Cori didn’t want Steve to see how aroused she was but knew he had to. Being discovered was dangerous, which only fed her excitement. She needed to touch herself so badly but couldn’t. Cori smiled, thinking Steve would love that, but she’d have to charge much more for that kind of show.

Steve’s hand twitched, moving toward her leg. Cori recalled how Roger touched Mayde, and she wanted that too. Dylan would be okay with that, as long as the touch was limited. She softly told Steve, “It’s okay. Go ahead and touch me, Steve.”

He touched the back of her leg and then her hip, pausing like he didn’t know what to do now that he had been given the go-ahead. The shyness of his touch was sweet. Cori liked to be manhandled, but she didn’t want that from Steve. His light touch was nice, and it made her tingle in the right places. He went for her butt but didn’t have the nerve to squeeze it, instead rubbing like he was trying to polish it. Cori would have liked a squeeze but felt slutty asking for it. This wasn’t supposed to be about her. Steve went higher and he played with the hem of her shirt. He really wanted her topless! Cori was tempted to let him, but she wasn’t going to jump to that on her first job — if she ever got there. She lightly shook her head.

“Uh-uhn. Over the clothes, babe,” she gently admonished.

“Middle school rules?” he joked.

Cori laughed. That sense of humor was why she liked Steve. “Yes, middle school rules. Over the sweater only.”

Steve ran his fingers up her back, tracing her bra strap.

“You’re not going to snap my bra, are you?”

“I had a pretty good one-handed technique back in the day,” he said, smiling.

“I bet you did. I bet you had lots of practice.”

“I did okay,” he replied, fingering her bra strap like he was contemplating doing it.

“Leave it hooked for today, babe.”

“Just for today?”

“We’ll see how it goes, okay?”

Steve smiled, liking that answer. Cori had always been a good tease.

Cori stroked Steve faster. Playing with him was fun, but it was too much fun. The quicker she ended it, the faster she would be out of the danger zone. She needed to get home to her husband and demand he fuck her. Yes, that was what she needed. Cori wanted Dylan to throw her down and take her the second she walked through the door. If he didn’t, she’d throw him down. That might be even more fun. She rolled Steve’s balls in one hand while the other tightened on his shaft as it slicked up and down his length. Steve’s breathing grew labored and raspy. He pushed up, fucking her hand the way Dylan did when he got close.

“It’s okay, babe. Just let it go, do it for me. Let it go for me,” she cooed.


Steve’s grunts were husky. She swore he was trying to hold back and prolong it. He moved that hand to her chest, coyly tracing the underwires in her bra. He could touch her boobs all he wanted. Steve wasn’t going to feel much, just the firm, padded cups of her push-up bra. She hoped he wouldn’t be disappointed, but then would he be disappointed by how small she was if he’d really been feeling her? He didn’t seem to be. Steve touched her tits and squeezed like he was feeling the real thing. Cori was disappointed. She didn’t feel much through the bra and wished she could. She loved having her tits played with, but a lot of guys didn’t give them the proper attention because they were small. She would skip the padded bra next time and let Steve feel the real thing. Funny how she’d already decided there would be a next time.

“Let it go…come for me, babe…do it, Steve…do it…”


It was sudden, like an overwhelmed dam bursting. The first shot came flying out, arcing so high that it almost hit Cori in the chin. She laughed and took a step back. That was unexpected. He blasted again while she was distracted, and that one stained her shirt, globbing on the underside of her tits. Cori wised up then and pointed Steve at his own chest, stroking hard as two more spurts popped out onto him. He groaned and shuddered and began to shrink in her hand. Steve was finished. Cori was impressed. His load was thick and plentiful. She had to admit it, that load put Dylan’s to shame. But to be fair, they’d been screwing like hormonal teenagers and Dylan had little time to replenish. Cori kept stroking Steve, even as he shrank. She liked the feel of his slick, malleable meat in her hand. His body slowly deflated like his cock, and he grinned like an idiot. A very satisfied idiot.

Now do you feel relaxed?” she asked.

“You have no idea, Cori. I don’t believe that was your first time. You’re a talented woman. Wow.”

“My first time with a client. I may have done that once or twice before,” she admitted.

Steve winked. “Yeah, just once or twice.”

“I’ll be right back. Just relax.”

“I don’t think I could move if I wanted to.”

Cori fetched a washcloth from her bag and soaked it in warm water in the powder room off the man cave. She washed her hands and dabbed at the stain on her shirt. The wet spot couldn’t be avoided. She’d been branded as the whore she was and decided to wear it as a badge of honor instead of a scarlet letter. She purposely avoided the mirror. She didn’t want to see how flushed she was. The urge to shove a hand into her panties for a quick orgasm was overwhelming, but she could not do that with a client right on the other side of the door. She at least had to wait until she got to the car.

Steve was right where she left him, and Cori lovingly cleaned the lotion from his cock and then the jizz from his stomach. He sighed and moaned as she wiped him, enjoying her gentle touch. He was one satisfied customer.

“I’d let you lay there all day, but I do need to get going. Can you at least move over to one of those big, comfy chairs?”

“Sure, yeah,” he said.

Cori offered a hand and pulled him upright. He was wobbly when he climbed down from her massage table and almost toppled when he bent over to grab his shorts. Steve dressed while Cori packed up her gear in a rush. She was ready to go, unsure how to interact with a client after she jerked him off. Cori didn’t want to make it awkward. In her rush, she almost forgot the last bit of business. He still had to sign off on her work tablet. Cori smiled apologetically when she asked him. It felt like a mood killer. Steve was happy to do it. He would have done anything she wanted.

Steve walked her to the door, and she hugged him like she always did. Cori was a hugger. He hung onto her this time, holding her tight, their whole bodies pressed together. The contact made her heart race as if she needed another reminder of how horny she was. Steve promised to book another appointment soon through the app.

Cori didn’t masturbate at the curb in front of his house. She waited to touch herself until she was out of his neighborhood, rubbing through her leggings and feeling a warm, wet spot. Her pussy throbbed and she was panting before she even made it two blocks. Cori whipped the minivan into a strip mall and parked at the back, away from all the other cars. Her hand shoved into her tights, but didn’t make it into her panties — there wasn’t time. Cori bit her lip, but still shrieked when she came. It was a sharp, violent climax that ripped through her like a sudden summer storm. Cori was left breathless, the windows fogged around her. She began laughing and couldn’t stop.

Magic Hands: Book Two is available on Amazon now!

Magic Hands: Book One is also available for purchase at Amazon. Make sure to leave a review if you love the book!

