Excerpt from Sexy Tumbles


Author’s Note: My latest book is about two couples, Kris & Dave and Lisa & Emilio, longtime neighbors and close friends who decide to play a sexy version of Jenga called Sexy Tumbles. In this except, we join the game already in progress…

Lisa sidled up to the tower and plucked block #43. Someone feeds you small candies and after each one, you must say, “Thank you, Daddy.” Male player? Feed someone else. Kris was relieved she didn’t get that one. She’d be laughing too hard to get the words out. The die paired Lisa with Dave.

“Everything’s coming up Dave this round,” he said, laughing.

Lisa fetched a little bag of M&Ms from her duffle from the table and handed it to Dave while kneeling in front of him. Just seeing her friend kneeling before her husband made Kris tense. Dave was grinning like a madman, but Kris knew her husband too well. She saw the fear in his eyes. He wanted it but knew this could all be dangerous. Lisa leaned forward with her hands on his knees and opened her full, ruby lips. His hand trembled as she kissed his fingertips while taking the candy.

“Thank you, Daddy,” she said, in a low sultry voice. Dave looked like the blood drained from his face. Kris knew where it was headed.

Lisa extended her tongue and Dave almost dropped the green M&M when he placed it there. She seemed to curl her tongue back into her mouth and slowly chewed it. Dave was beginning to sweat. Was it wrong that Kris enjoyed his discomfort?

“Thank you, Daddy,” Lisa cooed, batting her eyes. Even Kris felt that one. She shifted in her seat and squeezed her thighs together.

The room was incredibly still when Dave extracted another green M&M and held it out. Lisa moved up between his legs, pressing her tits to his crotch and tilting her head back. Her mouth opened wide, and she licked her lips like she wanted something more than candy. Dave groaned and Kris gripped her armrest. Lisa was too good at this.

Please, Daddy. Can I have another? I need more, Daddy,” Lisa moaned.

“Fuck,” Dave whispered, drawing out the word. Kris didn’t think he realized he’d said it aloud.

Lisa wrapped her lips around his thumb and pointer finger, cheeks hollowing as she sucked the candy away from him. Lisa kept on sucking and Dave looked like he was going to pass out. Kris could only imagine how hard he was. Lisa mashed her boobs into him as she sucked. Dave looked like he was going to collapse when she withdrew.

“Mmm, thank you, Daddy. That was so good,” Lisa cooed, rubbing his legs. “Can I have another, Daddy?”

Hearing Lisa call Dave daddy should have been funny or creepy, but it was incredibly erotic. Kris had never understood women who called their men daddy and suspected it was one of those things that only happened in porn. Lisa cast a spell with it, and Kris was just as captivated as her husband. She wanted to see where her friend might take the role play. She was also jealous. Kris didn’t think she could ever be as sultry as Lisa was in that moment.

“I think that’s enough, baby. Poor Dave looks like he’s about to have a heart attack,” Emilio said chuckling.

Kris was so focused on Lisa and Dave that she’d forgotten he was in the room. Emilio looked proud of his wife, without a hint of jealousy. Kris couldn’t understand it. She couldn’t believe how jealous she felt, as if she’d just watched Lisa go down on Dave. She was burning up too, her pussy buzzing, and it was like the touch of jealousy only made Kris hotter.

Lisa slinked back to her seat and Emilio took his turn with the tower. It was good that Dave had a break. He would have knocked the tower over for sure. Emilio drew block #18. Take an article of clothing off someone. Kris was scared and excited when he rolled her.

“Who gets to pick?” she asked. Emilio took her hand and pulled her out of the chair.

“It doesn’t say, so I guess I do.”

Kris could have argued but didn’t want to. He stood close, with his hands on her hips, and her heart felt like it was going to pound out of her chest. His rich brown eyes gazed into her clear blue ones like he was trying to seduce her with a look, and it was working. Kris rested her hands on his arms. The rule-follower in her was ashamed, but she desperately wanted him. She hoped Dave couldn’t read it on her face.

Emilio stepped back and assessed her like he was trying to decide what should come off. Kris wasn’t thrilled with any of the remaining options. After starting out as the most dressed, she was somehow down to just her bra, panties and skirt. She feared he would reach under her skirt and take her panties, but maybe that wouldn’t be so bad. It would still leave most of her covered. Emilio grinned and knelt in front of her, but then he stood. He was toying with her.

“It’s so hard to choose. Everything is so tempting,” he said.

“There are only three options,” she replied.

“Do you have a preference?”

Kris shook her head. “No way. You’ll do the opposite.”

Emilio moved behind her, his hands glancing over her hips and up her sides. Excitement and trepidation battled in her as she was sure he was going to take her bra. Kris didn’t know how she was going to sit there with her boobs exposed to the group. She thought she was ready for this, but it didn’t feel that way now. But Kris was not going to chicken out. She would not be the wimp of the group. His hands glided over her breasts, and she bit her bottom lip. Kris gasped and moaned when Emilio kneaded her tits through her bra. It had been decades since anyone but Dave had touched her so intimately. The hands were so obviously not her husband’s, smaller but stronger, more possessive than Dave ever touched her anymore. His thumbs circled, seeking to feel her nipples pop, but her push-up bra was heavily padded. They still tingled and thickened with excitement, but he couldn’t feel them. Her eyes closed because she didn’t want to see how Dave looked at her while another man groped her. It felt so wrong to let Emilio touch her like that, but it was so exciting. Kris didn’t know why she’d waited so many years to step out and be bad.

“I should take your bra,” Emilio whispered.

Kris shivered.

His hands glided back down her sides and she squirmed and fought back giggles from the ticklish move. She was almost disappointed Emilio didn’t take her bra. She wanted to feel his hands on her naked flesh.

“Ticklish. Good to know,” he said.

Emilio came around in front of her and knelt. He wasn’t taking her skirt. His hands pushed up under the skirt, raising it until he almost exposed her sex. His face was right there. He’d be staring into her pussy. Kris trembled. Emilio showed mercy and only hiked her skirt up high enough to reach up and work his fingers under the edges of her panties. His thumbs brushed across her lips when he felt around up there, and he had to feel how wet she was as she gasped. His digits teased, but only for a moment before he rolled her panties down her hips. They were a flimsy scrap of pink lace that matched her bra. Kris stepped out of her panties, and he smoothed her skirt down before standing and leaning in to whisper in her ear.

“I love how wet you are, Kris. I can’t wait to really feel it.”

Kris went weak in the knees, as aroused as if he’d slipped his fingers inside her. And god, did she wish he had. When Emilio stepped away from her. She finally looked at Dave and his face was unreadable. That was worse than if he’d looked angry. She refused to let it worry her. He wanted to do this just as much as she did.

Emilio told Dave, “Your turn, big guy.”

Dave’s hands shook as he removed his block and he almost tumbled the tower, even though it had hardly been touched yet. He took his time reading the number off his block, as if he was afraid of what it might tell him. #6. Have your partner lift their shirt then lightly rub your lips all over their chest, no licking or sucking. Dave rolled Lisa and hissed, “Yes!” Kris was piqued by his excitement at landing Lisa. She understood it, but it didn’t feel right that her husband was so excited to be with another woman.

Rather than Dave going to her, Lisa jumped up and went to him. She straddled his legs and untucked her blouse from her skirt. It was tight enough over her tits that she had to open more buttons to lift it over them. Her black bra was sheer, and Lisa’s thick, dark nipples stared back at Dave. He was essentially seeing all of her tits through her bra. Dave stared at her chest like he’d found the promised land. He was so eager that Kris found it hysterical and had to suppress a laugh, her tension draining away. Dave put his hands on her hips and leaned in toward her.

“Remember, you have to be a good boy. No kissing or sucking,” Lisa warned.

“What if I can’t help myself?” he asked, not looking away from her massive orbs.

“Then you’ll lose a point and I’ll have to punish you.”

Dave maintained control, but Kris could see it was a struggle. He pressed his face into Lisa’s deep cleavage and inhaled her perfume. Lisa looked down with an encouraging smile that made Kris’s jealousy ignite again. These seesawing emotions were driving her insane. His hands moved up Lisa’s side when he started moving his face, rubbing his lips all over the spacious valley between her boobs. He had a lot of territory to explore. Lisa held his head and cooed encouragingly. Dave followed the lines of her bra, going up and down the deep V to linger at the gold charm where it closed in front. A diamond pendant hung low between her breasts, and it looked like he was trying to eat it when he came back up. Dave didn’t lose control, but it slipped. His lips glided over the smooth microfiber cups of her lingerie and circled over each of her nipples. Lisa trembled and what escaped her lips was somewhere between a sigh and a moan. Dave moistened his lips and kept circling her nubs. Lisa dug her nails into his smooth scalp and released a hearty moan.

Kris felt inadequate seeing her husband fawning over her best friend’s tits. She objectively had a nice rack herself, but it didn’t compare to Lisa’s, which brought home old insecurities. She wanted to whip off her bra and flash Emilio. He didn’t look jealous at all but excited to see Lisa being teased by his best friend. His hand rested in his lap, lightly rubbing, signaling his arousal at their spouses’ display. It was hot if she could be objective. Lisa obviously loved the attention, and Kris was oddly proud to see Dave so ably teasing her friend. Kris didn’t know what to do with her jealousy, but as she watched Dave smother himself with Lisa’s tits, her feelings began to shift, and her own heat rose. Still, Kris was relieved when a shaky Lisa peeled away from Dave as time ran out.

Lisa looked rather pleased with herself when she strutted back to her seat. Kris’s jealousy bloomed. Not only was she jealous about the way Dave panted for her friend like a lovestruck cartoon wolf, but now Kris was jealous of Lisa’s confidence. She channeled that jealousy into her competitive streak. It was just the boost Kris needed to get into the game as her turn came around again.

Kris tried to project Lisa’s sexy swagger as she drew her block and read it aloud. #34. Stand in front of a mirror with him behind her. She must keep her arms over her head while his hands explore her body for 30 seconds while they both watch in the mirror. Kris’s new swagger faltered as she read the card and tried to imagine doing something so intimate with anyone other than Dave. She wanted Emilio, but now that she was faced with doing this intimate thing with him, she was scared. Kris took up the die and secretly hoped she rolled Dave. It came up Lisa. She didn’t know whether to be relieved or even more frightened.

“Ooo, this will be fun. You guys brought a mirror down, right?” Lisa asked.

“I didn’t think of that,” Kris confessed.

“You guys could use a phone,” Emilio suggested. “Just put it in selfie mode. I’ll hold it up for you.”

“Let’s use the iPad instead. It’s bigger,” Lisa said, producing one from her bag of tricks. Kris didn’t even want to ask Lisa why she thought she’d need an iPad tonight.

Kris tried to keep a brave face as she and the neighbors moved round to the open space over by the bar. She felt Dave watching them, but he stayed in his seat. Lisa unlocked the iPad and handed it to Emilio who held it out in front of them. Dave leaned in his chair so he had a view around Emilio. Kris noticed the iPad was recording and was about to complain when Lisa’s touch made her jump. Lisa took the blonde’s arms and pulled them straight up over her head, holding Kris’s wrists together. It felt like she was bound and restricted, and she felt an electric tingle down below.

“Remember to keep them up there or I’ll have to punish you,” Lisa warned.

“You seem to really want to punish someone,” Kris said, laughing uneasily.

“It can be fun, but I like receiving better.”

Lisa was close behind her, mashing her big tits into Kris’s back. Her fingers trailed down Kris’s arms and then her sides. The blonde giggled and wiggled from the tickle, finding it strangely erotic in that context. Lisa scooted back enough to grab her butt, squeezing and bouncing her cheeks with both hands. It felt silly rather than sexy.

“You really do have a great little ass, Kris. I’m jealous of your ass,” Lisa said.

“Thanks, but it’s not the ass I wish I had.”

“It is a great ass, Kris,” Emilio agreed.

“They’re right, honey. You do have an amazing ass,” Dave chimed in.

Kris was thrilled that Lisa was jealous of her for a change and loved Dave complimenting her. He didn’t compliment her ass nearly enough so many years into their marriage. It relaxed her and she leaned back into her friend.

“You have a great everything, hon,” Lisa complimented, nuzzling past Kris’s blonde hair and brushing her neck with her lips. “I really wish this bra wasn’t in my way. Don’t you?”

Kris didn’t answer because she was trying to keep her breathing steady and disguise how excited she was by her friend’s touch. Lisa firmly massaged her breasts, feeling for her nipples through her push-up bra, just as her husband had. But Lisa didn’t limit herself like Emilio. She scooped her hands inside Kris’s bra and grabbed her warm, soft mounds with both hands. Her long, painted fingernails glanced across Kris’s throbbing nubs and the blonde couldn’t contain her moan. Kris closed her eyes and surrendered herself to Lisa’s skilled hands. Kris couldn’t help feeling slutty because everyone was freely feeling her up. More people had touched her breasts that night than had in over thirty years. Kris was a little ashamed that she enjoyed the slutty feeling.

Lisa snapped Kris out of her reverie by pinching her nipples. Kris whimpered. Lisa gleefully admonished, “Keep those arms over your head.” Lisa didn’t linger there. She only had thirty seconds to play with Kris. Lisa kept one hand in her bra and shoved the other down the top of Kris’s skirt. Kris had no panties to protect her. Her mound was hot and her lips slick. Lisa’s fingers slipped through that humid furrow. Those slender fingers pressed deeper between her lips and Kris’s knees almost buckled when Lisa tickled her clit. Kris moaned and melted into her friend.

“Open your eyes,” Lisa ordered. “You’re supposed to be watching us.”

Kris did open her eyes, but the image on the iPad screen hardly made sense. She never thought she would be in the arms of another woman. She certainly never thought she would be watching it on video. Kris thought she looked helpless, while Lisa looked completely in control. Seeing herself submissive like that made Kris’s sex tighten around Lisa’s fingers and sent a tremor through her. This was totally outside her experience, yet it felt so right. Kris saw she and Lisa looked beautiful together. She wanted to touch Lisa back, but she dutifully kept her arms held high like a good girl.

Emilio clearly agreed they looked beautiful together. He leered over the iPad, looking thrilled to see the two women together. He looked from where Lisa touched her to gaze deep into Kris’s blue eyes. His message was clear. I see you. I see how much you want this. You play the good girl, but there’s a dirty girl inside you, waiting to break free. Emilio looked eager to get his hands on that dirty girl.

“Time,” Dave called out, sounding testy. When Kris tried to look at him, he looked away. Worry gnawed at her, but Kris was just too horny and dazed to really dwell on that. Maybe it made her a bad wife, but she was too consumed by her own dirty thoughts. Kris was panting when she stumbled back to her seat. Lisa looked triumphant, which both irked and aroused Kris.

If you enjoyed this sample of Sexy Tumbles, you can hop on over to Amazon and buy the full ebook: https://amazon.com/Sexy-Tumbles-Seductive-Party-Couples-ebook/dp/B0B7BB5C1L. And remember, indie authors need your support. If you enjoy the book, please leave a rating and a review!

