Ache / Erotica / Interview

Get To Know… Delores Swallows

On Good Friday, I interviewed one of my favourite authors and it was, indeed, good. There was no last supper or Judas kiss, just talk of filthy books, dictionary disappointments and hamsters. Oh, and cricket. In fact, it was a quintessentially British interview (apart from the hamsters. They’re from Syria, apparently.)


My first interview featuring tea

This is the sixth of The ACHE Sessions, a series of author interviews with a story running through from interview #1 to the end. Check out the complete list here: THE ACHE SESSIONS

It’s Easter weekend and there’s a happy vibe in the warm April air. Because a lot of people aren’t working today, my favourite coffee shop is busy when I walk in, but as requested, my barista friend has kept my regular table free.

“You’re late,” she points out, flicking a lock of dark brown hair out of her eyes as she wipes the table over with a dry cloth.

“I was waiting for my friend,” I reply, signalling towards the tall, pale-haired man following me through the door after parking his Volkswagen Tiguan outside.

