ACHE | Author | Interview | Erotica

Get To Know… Kirsten McCurran

My latest interview is with an all-time great hotwife writer and this time, I’m conducting the chat in greener surroundings than my usual coffee shop haunt. We discuss ACHE, the forthcoming collaboration which is destined to be the erotica event of the summer and the unique writing relationship which has led her to be the pre-eminent author in the genre…


It’s spring and who says that cuckolding can’t be romantic?

This is the ninth in The ACHE Sessions, a series of interviews with a story running through from interview #1 to the end. Check out the complete list here: THE ACHE SESSIONS

It’s a Friday, late in May and the weather has been unseasonably warm. But now, with the sun recently retired below the tree tops in the gardens where I am relaxing with my laptop, a slight chill rides on the evening breeze.

“You’re not cold, are you?” asks the young lady that I’m with, noticing as I fasten an extra button on my crisp, white shirt.

“Of course not,” I lie. I can’t let her think I’m nesh. (Nesh is a Yorkshire dialect word for someone that feels the cold and…

