Maggie // 1.7


An ash tree in a planter at the edge of the street acted as a canopy, stretching across the mouth of the alley. Pale yellow leaves rustled on its branches in the breeze, some giving up for the season early and fluttering down to the ground. He led his Maggie down the alley.

During dinner, while they ate and drank, the dirtiest of thoughts slithered through his head. The things he had witnessed today; other things, too. Things he should never want to see. Maggie pulling down Cole’s zipper, her little hands working the pull, his cock tumbling out and then putting his best friend’s penis inside her mouth…the way her eyes tracked the spurts of Jay’s semen…Maggie’s legs spread like a frog’s only she wasn’t masturbating she was watching Jay plunge that weapon into her hairy sex…spitting in Jay’s hand so he could stroke himself, making it seem like she was reluctant; even from the closet he knew she would. How well did Jay know her? Did he see through her, too? Was it fun for him? This cute girl engaged to be wed, knowing what she saw in him, knowing his appeal…did he enjoy trying her resolve, knowing he could turn her No into Yes? It must be a game to him. That excited him too. Another man dominating his Maggie. Bending her will, prying her open with his size, making her heart pound with his beauty and his muscle.

He had a steel bolt between his legs right now and his Maggie had a hot wet hole and she would be ready. He’d even like it if she thought of Jay.

“Maggie,” he gasped, and he pushed her up against a brick wall in the dim dark. Light from the street played along her jaw and her nose, a wet white spot glimmered in her eye. He kissed her again, his hands clutched both her breasts through her shirt and she moaned excitement into his mouth. Her nipples pushed the fabric out and he could feel their hardness against his palm even through her flannel pockets. She lay her arms against the wall and thrust her chest to him, wanting to feel his rough hold.

They were between two aluminum kitchen exhausts. Pale metal drums stuck out from the brick wall on either side of them, thin metal rattling loudly as fans pushed warm air around their shoulders, smelling like garlic and cheese.

“Fuck me outside, Max…fuck me in this alley,” she whispered into his ear.

He groaned and gripped her breasts tightly. She was turned on. Turned on by Max, but turned on by what she’d done today. That aroused him. What did she think about? What were his sweet Maggie’s dirtiest thoughts? She could be thinking of Jay right now. Max’s hands on her, her eyes rolled up, watching some movie play on a big screen in her brain…Jay’s hands on her, Jay’s mouth on her…Jay’s erection splitting his pants and digging into her tummy right now.

That’s what he wanted her to be thinking about.

His mouth still on hers he dipped at the knees, his hands going up and down her cold bare thighs, then cupping her bottom and hoisting her to his waist. She clung to him, arms around his neck and he shuffled to his right, found a set of four concrete steps that led to a wooden enclosure built onto the side of the brick of the restaurant. He lay his Maggie back on the concrete, setting her butt down on a step.

She wasted no time, kissing him still, her hands worked his pants open, tugged them, her hand wrapped around his exposed cock and stroked him, balls still tucked in his boxers. Her hand slipped all over him, his eager cock pumping out clear lubrication.

What did she think of it now, that thing in her hand? She’d seen one today that was a monster. Did she feel disappointment at his feel in her greasy hand? Did she think less of him now…now that she’d seen a real one?

His hands dove between her legs and he fumbled with her shorts, tugging and wrenching. Excitement blasting through him and ruining his dexterity. Button undone and zip half pulled he pushed her to her side, making her grunt.

“Yes, Max,” she gasped.

She was on her knees now, her elbows on the concrete step two above. He ripped her shorts down. Panties went with them. Her bare ass and her hairy sex were completely exposed to him. He smelled her. She smelled aroused. His Maggie musk, strong and wet, rolling up from between her legs. His little slut got herself worked up today. This little pussy had sweated for another man. She’d got wet watching Jay. Fucked her own pussy with her fingers while she thought of a handsome black kid with a huge cock.

“Oh, fuck,” he gasped, grabbing a handful of her wet flesh. Her pussy was soaking, his fingers played through her folds, made her groan like a cat as his bunched fingers smacked through her hot flower. Her pussy was begging for it. Wide and soft and receptive. Maggie wanted to get fucked. He grabbed a handful of her hair, held his cock in his other hand and he stroked himself inside her like a knife in butter. No resistance, tip to balls in one easy stroke that made her gasp, “Yes!”

He clenched his eyes, thought how Jay would make her cry out more than that. Jay would make her scream. His cock would stretch that tight little thing she had. She would love every inch of Jay.

He fucked her wildly. Pulled her hair, each thrust was as deep as he could go. He gave her every inch he had. Full bore strokes that pounded her like a machine. He had her grunting and crying, urging him, telling him she wanted more. He had no more. She’d need Jay. Jay had what she wanted. If she wanted more, she wanted Jay.

“More, oh, Max,” she grunted. “Oh, you feel so…good.”

“You want more?” he growled in her ear.

“Ah…yes…fuck me…”

“I know what you’ve been up to,” he said, his hand gripping her hair tight and pulling her ear close to his mouth.

“What?” she squeaked. Her pussy tightened on him.

“I saw…”

“No…Max, what? …”

She tried to turn from him but he pinned her. He thrust his cock deep and dropped his body weight onto her. Flattened her to the steps.

“Max,’ she cried.

He fucked her still. Had her stuck on the concrete and still his hips pressed his cock into her wetness.

“I saw your sketch book,” he said.

“Oh, no, oh, Max…”

“Beautiful drawing, Maggie…”

“Max, don’t…” she said, an anxious pitch to her plea.

“I love you, Maggie…”


“Don’t struggle,” he said, “Stop.” He held her, an arm went around her neck, his forearm pressed to her throat.

“What are you doing?” she said fearfully, her hands gripping his arm.

“I want you to think about him.”

“Max, don’t…”

“I want it, Maggie…”

“No, she said.”

His other hand slipped down her flat belly and tucked through her thick pubic hair. He kept his thrust sliding through her, in and out, slow and steady now. His fingers found her button, swollen large and full, blossoming out of her hood and her folds.

“I feel your clit, Maggie…”


“Yeah, he turns you on…”

“No, Max…”

“Of course he does, I saw him,” he whispered, his cock stroking through her, his fingers pressing her clit against his grinding shaft.

“Max, please…”

“Maggie, you’re so fucking wet now, your pussy is running all over my balls, down my legs…”

She squeaked in protest but her nails dug into his arm where she gripped him.

His cock slid deep, he said, “Do you want to feel him inside you?”

“No, Max, no.”

“I know you do. Tell me…”


“You don’t think about how he would feel, how his muscles move when he fucks you?”

“Ah,” she gasped.

“Tell me…Tell me Yes…”


“You think about it?”

“I do.”

“Ah, fuck, Maggie, you’re so bad. You little slut…”

She stiffened. “Get out of me.”

He said, “What?”

Her voice firm now, she said, “Get your cock out of me…”


“I mean it, stop…”

He gripped her tighter, his arm around her neck shaking her. he growled, “Picture him, Maggie…”


“This is his cock inside you, you want it…”


“Picture him fucking you like I’m fucking you…hard, bent over concrete steps, fucking you with that horse cock…”

“Mm…no, Max.” Her protest had softened to a quiet breathy sound.

“Yes, Maggie… Feel his muscle against you…you want it…tell me you want it.”

“No, Max,” she whimpered weakly.

“Tell me you want him.”

“I don’t Max…don’t make me say it.”

“Say it…say it for me…I want to hear it…”


“Tell me you think about him.”

“…I think…about him…ah…”

“That’s it…tell me you imagine how he would feel.”

“Oh…I think about how he would feel, Max.”

“That’s it…Fuck, Maggie, you’re so hot.”

“You’re so hard, Maxy,” her breathy voice sliced from her.

His thumb and forefinger gripped her clit, shook it and teased it, so slippery it wanted to squirt away from him. She cried out an animal sound, something high and all-girl and he worried someone would get the wrong idea watching them from the mouth of the alley. She sounded like she was out of control, gasping and gulping for breath and crying and squawking, thrusting her rump into him, eager for penetration. The arm across her throat pulled her, raised her up so they were both on their knees.

He growled close to her ear, the curled ridge of her auricle tickling his nose, “How big do you think he is when he’s hard?”

She moaned, “I don’t know.”

“You’ve never seen him hard?”


“Do you want to?”


It soared his heart, the idea that this sweet little girl would want to do something so devious, it seized him, made him hurt and love all at once. “Tell me…”

“I want to see him hard.”

“Dirtier, Maggie, dirtier…”

“I want to see his big hard cock, Max…”

“Oh, fuck, that’s it, Maggie…do you want to suck it?”

She cried, “He’s too big…”

“Would it hurt your little pussy?”

“He’d destroy my pussy, Max.”

“You want it anyway…”

“I want him to destroy my pussy, Maxy…”

“I want it, too…”

“No, Max.”

“I want you to fuck him…”

Her neck struggled and turned against his arm, she said, “What?”

“I want you to fuck him…I want to watch you fuck him…”

“No…Max, wait — ”

“Don’t stop, Maggie…we’re close…I feel you’re so wet…”

She let out a low sound, a mournful erotic note. Her nails scrabbled at his arm again. “Tell me again.”

“I want you to fuck him.”

“Yeah, tell me.”

“I want to see you with him…I want to see you fuck him, ride him…”

“Oh fuck, Max, oh shit, oh…don’t stop…”

He fucked her fast and she met his thrusts, banging her jiggling ass against the drive of his hips. The wet slaps of their bodies carried over the rattle of the exhaust fans. He tumbled on top of her as she collapsed in ecstasy against the steps again, banging her elbows. He squeezed her hard and fucked her like a dog. “I want to see your perfect…little, mm, pussy swallow what he’s got between his legs.”

“Oh, ah…more…” she panted wildly, her insides gripping him with the strength of her hand.

“I want to see your face…ah, when he puts it into you…I want to see your nails scratch his back…when he fucks you, I want…uh, to see how you come with another man.”

“Ah, ah,” she cried out, her head whipping around, her hair thrashing the concrete. She came on him, she had a wild orgasm under him. Her body tightened and twisted, her pussy clamped his cock as tight as a vice and he stuck it deep. She milked him, her desperate insides gulping and flexing on him as she came and came and she made high and soft Maggie sounds into the concrete.

