How-To Submit Your Interview

Kabir (ko-bir)
Authors & Peeps
Published in
2 min readFeb 3, 2020


How to submit an interview

Your very first interview with us is really a simple way to extend your Medium profile. Once you follow the steps below to create your very first interview article and it gets published, we will follow up with you from time to time with additional interview requests to discuss and promote your work. So lets get started today! Here are the simple steps to create your very first AMAZING interview:

  1. Copy the nine questions from here and create a draft interview (story) in your account. Please use your full name as the title of the interview
  2. Email with a link to your draft interview and mention your Medium username
  3. Our team will add you as a writer to Authors & Peeps. You will get notified if you are added as a writer
  4. Once you are added as an author to Authors & Peeps, you will be able to submit the interview to Authors & Peeps from your account. If you need help, check this page
  5. We will review and edit your interview to fit our publication style and formatting standards. If it meets our criteria, we will publish it
  6. We will create a unique link for your interview, such as that you can link in your Medium profile page to promote it and also…

