A Duck, A Jody walk into a bar…

Jody McAlister

Jody McAlister
Published in
6 min readJan 9, 2020


Humorist Extraordinaire and Obviously a Humble Writer

Who are you?

I only wear a mask when I’m writing. Yes, the one on the right is me. Truth, that actually is a Robin on the left.

I moved enough as a youngster for everybody’s first guess to be that I am from a military family. My father just kept getting different jobs in the Stock Brokerage business. Kinda like the military, I guess.

I was born in Old Hickory, Tennessee and grew up in Cleveland, Detroit and Dayton. My family moved to California when I was coming into my driving age, much to my neighbor’s dismay.

I attended Texas Tech, Sonoma State, and Chico State. Chico State finally made me graduate ten years ahead of my planned schedule, unfortunately. A friend had called Chico State “Never Never Land” and they were right. It was tough to grow up and move on.

I was a bartender during breaks while I changed schools. I’ve slung some pizzas and folded many burritos. I started a web hosting and dial-up ISP business in 1995 before closing…

