Our YouTube Channel

We have launched a new youtube channel for Authors & Peeps

Kabir (ko-bir)
Authors & Peeps


We strongly believe that a huge majority of Medium authors are significantly lacking in marketing their work to the world. Many are publishing great fiction, great articles on business, technology, life hacks, and personal experiences, and these contents are all within the ecosystem of Medium. This is great, but imagine if outside people were exposed to the authors and had a taste of their work, so many more will find, join our authors.

So our mission is to amplify the author’s reach by reaching out on multiple platforms — podcasts, youtube and external websites. Our most recent effort is the new YouTube channel.

We only have a single machine-read interview published on our YouTube channel so far. But we are working on 3–5 videos to launch in 2–3 weeks.

Why would this benefit the authors?

