I Am Your Wife’s Lover

A Confession Of A Sinner

The HashTag Magazine


Dear John,

As I write this, I am acutely aware of the gravity of my words and the turmoil they are bound to cause. This letter is a confession, a revelation of a truth that has been a shadow in my life for too long.

I am the man who had an affair with your wife.

I understand that no string of words, no matter how heartfelt or remorseful, can undo the hurt and betrayal you must feel.

This letter is not an attempt to seek your forgiveness or to offer excuses.

It is, instead, a candid acknowledgment of my actions and the impact they have had on your life, your marriage, and your family.

Our affair was not something I had ever envisioned for myself.

It began in the most mundane of ways — a conversation, a shared interest, a laugh. But as time passed, these innocent interactions evolved into something more, something that should never have happened.

I want to be clear: your wife is not solely to blame.

We are both responsible, both guilty of crossing lines and breaking vows.

In our moments together, she often spoke of you.



The HashTag Magazine

Hashtag Magazine is for thought-provoking stories, inspiration, curious things, entrepreneurship, and a little bit of everything interesting around us.