Please Don’t Make The Same Mistake As Me…..

Vijaya Dialani
Vinod Sharma’s Articles
3 min readJan 13, 2022
Photo by NeONBRAND on Unsplash

We live in the age of maximum awareness created by social media. Isn’t it?

Yes, we are here in the 21st century, and it took us quite a while to reach here. I still remember my life at school and the students’ lives currently at school. Believe me, there’s 180 degrees flip, and I assume most of you will agree with me. We had minimal resources, and they were paid as well. My father would frequently use this statement, “Nothing comes free.” Of course, he was right because then money was the only known currency, but now, we have attention and energy.


Don’t be.

Let me try to explain.

Social media has taken over everything probably in the last decade. There’s a competition going on; who’s going to watch what? We are talking in terms of views, likes, comments, etc., and thanks to covid, who hyped the entire media industry. Now, when you watch reels on Instagram, you pay them your attention. When you comment on a YouTube video, you pay them your energy. These two are the new currencies people are talking about.

So many of us unknowingly spend hours watching Instagram reels.

Don’t we?

For us, it releases dopamine, the happy hormone, but for the one who has uploaded, they get your time, attention, and most importantly, your energy.

So, should we not watch reels?

No, I am not trying to say that.

You may watch, especially the useful ones because they give you the knowledge you are looking for, but the problem arises when you blindly imitate. I used to do the same. As a result, I would never reach where I was supposed to, and I would ponder what went wrong. I realized imitating is excellent and easy only if done correctly.

Now try to understand this.

We all are made up of Habits. We have physical habits, and we have mental habits. When you learn something new online, the person who is training you has already made that thing a part of their schedule, but that’s not where they started. They started with where you are today. They started with zero and then learned step by step to reach where you are seeing them today.

Try out tiny things in life that require little or no motivation because in the initial stage, if you give yourself something challenging, you might not do it at all. The moment your brain feels overwhelming, it’s not going to take any action. Research says many people procrastinate because they find the task at hand very difficult. And maybe if you have plenty of willpower, you might do it for a day or two or perhaps a week but if you want to do it for the rest of your life, START SMALL because consistency is always more important than intensity.

Next time you learn something new, make sure to take baby steps, unlike me, who always tried to leap and then fell on my head.



Vijaya Dialani
Vinod Sharma’s Articles

Mental and emotional well-being Coach, NLP Practitioner. Writer, podcaster and a healer.