How I Read 41 Books Last Year

How I overcome my reading problem and read 41 books in 2018, 58 books in 2019

Vinod Sharma
Vinod Sharma’s Articles
3 min readMar 27, 2019


Photo by João Silas on Unsplash

I would like to share my story of reading 41 books last year. I think the main trigger was joining the Goodreads reading challenge and then keeping a log of my readings.

Background of my reading problems

Since my childhood, I loved reading books. Somehow along the way, I lost the rhythm and stopped reading. I suspect computers and cell phones have a lot to do with this change. I swapped reading for browsing the Internet, Facebook, and Whatsapp messages. Computer programming is a super fun career choice but requires continues learning of new things and a lot of internet browsing.

What changed?

During this time, I joined the Goodreads reading challenge and started keeping a log of my readings. This simple activity made a big impact on my reading. You may have heard of the phrase “You become what you measure” which is what I experienced in my case. The end result, I was able to finish 41 books, the highest number of books I ever year read in one year.

Mixing up the genres

To boost my reading further, I started mixing up the genres. Prior to this, I was extensively reading…



Vinod Sharma
Vinod Sharma’s Articles

I help tech startup founders with product development, strategic planning, and building high-performing teams.