What Remote Team Leaders Can Learn From Agile​

Tips for thriving teams in our new normal​

Vinod Sharma
Vinod Sharma’s Articles
8 min readApr 27, 2020


Photo by Mimi Thian on Unsplash

The COVID-19 lock-down has forced many of us to leave our highly engaging and collaborative office environments and work from home.

This article will provide you with a glimpse into how Agile has helped us continue to be just as effective with our teams while working remotely.

In this article, I will cover the following topics.

  • 50,000-foot view of Agile
  • Ideas for collaboration — learning from Agile
  • Ideas for connections

The purpose of this article is to share a few things that are working well for our team. You certainly don’t need to know anything about Agile, Scrum or Kanban. I will provide references as needed. As hard as it is, I will try my best not to use the technical jargon, but instead to just keep it simple.

The photos are blurred to protect the privacy of our information.

At 50,000 feet, what is Agile?

There are hundreds of ways to get work done: Agile is one of them. Agile is a method that emerged in the 80s after it was adapted from manufacturing for software development. Its focus is to deliver value to the customer quickly, and then…



Vinod Sharma
Vinod Sharma’s Articles

I help tech startup founders with product development, strategic planning, and building high-performing teams. https://vinodsharma.co