Creating The Perfect “About Me” Page + 20 “About Me” Samples

Published in
12 min readFeb 14, 2023

This article was originally published on Authory’s blog.

With AI entering our online and offline lives in very real ways, it’s safe to say that we’re more comfortable interacting and working with machines than ever before. However, that does not mean your next employer is comfortable hiring a machine as a teammate (freelance or full-time).

Why am I saying this? Because this is an article of the best “about me sample” or samples you can find out there, I’d like to start off with why you need a great “about me” section in the first place.

I’ve also included examples of “About Us” sections, as usually seen on brand websites, in the interest of serving a larger readership (individuals and brands).

📖 What you’ll get out of this article:
Learn why you need a phenomenal “About Me” section
A look at 11 excellent “About Me” and 9 “About Us” examples to draw inspiration from
Learn what it takes to build an amazing “About Me”
Explore how you can easily make an online portfolio (if you’re looking) along with your new “About Me”

Why care about creating a phenomenal “About Me” section?

As I mentioned before, prospective employers usually only want to hire people they can relate to or know a little about. This is true even if you’re a great worker with all the necessary skills.

Yes, I know. We’ll need proof of that statement.

So, take a look at this Reddit thread. In it:

… an ex-recruiter for some of the top companies in the world… screened tens of thousands of résumés, and… published my preferred résumé format, free to download as a Word doc, along with some general resume advice.

I highly recommend you look through the thread and use that résumé format. I did, and it helped me land quite a few freelance gigs.

He also offers a few tips on making a résumé shine, one of which is:

Interests are important because it gives the interviewer something to connect with you on, and it makes you more than just a faceless résumé. If you put Seinfeld, I promise someone will ask you what your favorite episode of Seinfeld is (mine’s the Soup Nazi).

Still, how important could interests be to recruiters, right? I’ll leave a couple of comments (from the same thread) in place of an answer.

Ever since I put a personal section on my résumé, my interviews seem to have gone smoother. A lot of hiring managers have brought up one of my interests and it feels like it becomes more of a conversation than an interview.

I had an interview with an engineering manager where we mostly just talked about paintball because I listed I was in the paintball club.

(This person landed the internship).

I do the hiring at an IT company. I think that interests are vital, they separate you from the other candidates, especially for graduate positions where you don’t have interesting work experience to make you stand out from the crowd.

Recruiters care about who you are beyond your work samples. Your interests, temperament, and experience (professional and personal) do play a role in recommending or disqualifying you as the right person for a job.

When it comes to your portfolio, it should reflect your interests and personality as effectively as your résumé. And usually, it should do better than your résumé. Most people will click on your “About Me” section to get their first understanding of who you are and what you’ve done so far.

This is why a well-written and well-rounded “About Me” section is essential. Most people put their best work samples on their portfolio, website, or résumé. Unless you’ve won a couple of Putlitzers, you still need to stand out by virtue of who you are AND what you can do.

11 “About Me” page examples that hit the mark

Liz Fong-Jones

Liz Fong-Jones’ “About Me” section

Liz Fong-Jones’ “About Me” section is the epitome of craft. She mentions her current role, her previous experience, and even her beliefs, hobbies, and political inclinations all within a couple of hundred words. She does so without ever coming off as too rushed or self-congratulatory. She just tells her personal story and builds a personal brand while also showcasing work successes.

Brian Clegg

Brian Cleggs’ “About Me” section

Much like Liz, Brian Cleggs puts across his point (that he is a wildly talented and accomplished professional) in a few words. He is a much-published author and is comfortable writing about popular science or just penning fiction. He went from working at British Airways to creating his own company.

If a client or publisher is in the same industry as Brian, this “About me” gives them every reason to want to engage his services.

Bruce Kasanoff

Bruce Kasanoff’s “About Me” section

Bruce Kasanoff really stands out with this sentence, “He helps each client discover what matters most to him or her, and then share it on social media.”

This paints him as a person who doesn’t just want number-driven results but also cares about what his clients want to represent. There’s an indication that he values authenticity, a massive asset, especially nowadays.

He’s also socially involved: “a member of Marshall Goldsmith’s 100 Coaches program, and fully embraces its mandate to be of the greatest possible service to others (read his personal credo).” 10/10!

Marijana Kay

Marijana Kay’s “About Me” section

Two long-ish sentences and she has perfectly introduced herself and her work — you immediately know Marijana Kay is comfortable with marketing jargon and that she cares about giving back to her professional community.

Chris Gorski

Chris Gorski’s “About Me” section

By introducing himself in the first person, Chris Gorski emanates more openness and builds up quicker rapport. I include this one to show that it doesn’t matter if you describe yourself in the first or third person. You can be personable and interesting either way.

Joe Nyaggah

Joe Nyaggah’s “About Me” section

Designer Joe Nyaggah is a clear iconoclast, as emotes his “About Me.” He is brief, almost aloof in describing personal accomplishments. He only mentions one degree and doesn’t namedrop any major customers. A quiet confidence, would you say?

He blends his words with a stark yet memorably designed home: his personal website looks like a stylish IDE or console. This man clearly knows his target audience.

Lena Axelsson

Lena Axelsson’s “About Me” section

Dr. Lena Axelsson has the ideal “clinical” about me section. This might not work in other scenarios, but for individuals looking to make an informed decision when choosing a therapist, detached clinicism might work.

She has listed her expertise in alternative therapies, making it clear that she is widely knowledgeable and comfortable with handling different patient situations. Additionally, the nonpartisan expression might be what patients look for when confessing their problems — a neutral diagnostician rather than another human who might react negatively.

The heavily academic nature of her prose also helps her appeal to industry journals and publications. Even a blog post from her would add much value to an audience of peers.

Josh Funk

Josh Funk’s “About Me” section

A software engineer who writes kids’ books. Is this not the perfect description for something with such unpredictable talents?

The vibe is sprightly, almost a little messy, and characteristically upbeat. These are probably some of the qualities that also help Josh Funk translate coding to kidspeak.

Mo Willems

Mo Willems’ “About Me” section

Someone who claims to write “funny books and plays for people who have not learned how to be embarrassed yet” would have an equally whimsy-laced page. A single line is enough to realize the kind of wonder Mo Willems seeks to offer.

Marcia Cocco

Marcia Cocco’s “About Me” section

I’m deeply in love with Marcia Cocco’s artistic representation of herself. When she says she is a “visual storyteller,” her “About Me” page backs her up. Scroll through it, and you’ll see that she brings her characteristic bright, sprightly eye for design to every section (work samples, content form, client requirements) of the page.

Linas Thoemke

Linas Thoemke’s “About Me” section

Another example of easy confidence! Linas Thoemke is not a man of too many words, probably because he does not need them. As a fashion photographer, he lets his images do the talking, which is what you’ll find if you scroll through his “About Me” page.

9 “About Us” page examples that hit the mark

I’ve included examples of brands that succeed in making themselves look as sharp, unconventional, and remarkable as the individuals listed so far.

The following “About Us” sections showcase authenticity, disruption (the good kind), and trustworthiness — qualities your individual “About Me” section can also benefit from. Treat the following as examples of how a group of individuals can inspire goodwill and trust from clients.

Grain and Mortar

Grain and Mortar’s “About Me” section

Small business owners, in particular, can do a lot to appeal to potential customers with a smart and earnest “About Us” writeup.

Grain and Mortar have a stripped-down blend of text and image serving as their “About Us.” It’s got a natural Southern sunshine feel to it — laid back but not unfocused.


Ginza’s “About Me” section

When you’re as highly demanded as a reservation at Ginza, you don’t need much text to define who you are. However, polite society requires introductions, and Ginza manages to get it done with a choice few words and two meticulously selected images. A true testament to the efficacy of brevity.


Hubspot’s “About Me” section

When you’ve got the credentials of HubSpot founders, feel free to lead with it. As leaders within their industry, the HubSpot folks comment not just on the company’s creation but also on their place in the domain.


Fontpair “About Me” section

Normally, I wouldn’t use as much text at one go as Fontpair does, especially for an “About Us” section. But given how niche this company is, I’d say it was a good call. To establish why someone needs Fontpair, they decided to talk about why their offering, i.e., typography, is necessary in the first place.

This is a bit of a traditional approach to talking about oneself, but if it works, don’t change it.

Yellow Leaf Hammocks

Yellow Leaf Hammocks’ “About Me” section

This obviously isn’t their entire “About Us” section, but I wanted to highlight this particular section. Yellow Leaf Hammocks humanizes the brand with a story about altruism. Given the contemporary popular approval of indigenous rights, marginal communities’ rights/upliftment, and empowerment of women, a story like this is very likely to get people more curious about your operations and offerings.

Eight Hour Day

Eight Hour Day’s “About Me” section

Great images and no-nonsense text. Is it any wonder why Eight Hour Day is on this list? If you do decide to go minimal, take notes from this creative studio. Their tone is open, informal, and inviting. They’re not saying that they’ll do great work for their clients; they’re inviting their clients to collaborate to create something entirely new and beautiful.


Moz’s “About Me” section

Moz’s clientele comprises no-nonsense folks who probably want to cut to the chase and see some numbers. They clearly know this, which is why their “About Us” is as business-ready, and get-down-to-brass-tacks as it can be. Obviously, if you have an idea of your clients’ general preferences, it’s a no-brainer to cater to their sensibilities like this.

Bulldog Skincare

Bulldog Skincare’s “About Me” section

Sometimes, you don’t need to try to be funny. Sometimes, you just are by stating the obvious.

This “About Us” is super straightforward, but the highly relevant image of the bulldog serves to make the whole thing cute, hilarious, and light-hearted. I don’t know why I like this company already; I just do.

Sweet Loren’s

Sweet Loren’s “About Me” section

A single mission statement, if written well, can encapsulate your or your brand’s entire approach to the world. Sweet Loren’s does this beautifully.

Adding a video to your “About Us” page can be a great idea, given that people are more engaged by moving imagery many times more than by text.

What goes into a great “About Me”?


Keep things as concise and to the point as you can. Obviously, sometimes this isn’t possible, especially in cases like Dr. Lena Axelsson, where people do want to know about all her qualifications. But if you’re working in non-technical fields (like marketing), it might be best to think of your “About Me” section as a written elevator pitch.


This isn’t a set-in-stone necessity, but you’ll always stand a better chance of being selected/appealing to your target visitors if you can make them chuckle. However, only try to be witty if it’s part of your regular personality and creative projects. Don’t force humor; your clients will see through it.

Inject creativity, whenever possible

Again, the necessity of visually striking creativity varies with industry/domain. Joe Nyaggah has to showcase his designer chops to make a bold statement, which is why his “About Me” page is a visual treat. Clients who want him onboard will prioritize aesthetic appeal, and he’s the kind of person who can make a page announcing a company’s achievements memorable with design alone.

You don’t need this as much if you’re working as a science reporter (Chris Gorski) or Marijana Kay (freelance B2B SaaS writer). That said, creativity can always help you stand out.

Present social proof, if possible

Mention awards, honorable mentions, a particularly successful blog with actual numbers on engagement, publications in esteemed journals/websites… anything that illustrates your expertise.

Be authentic

When desperately looking for a job, I made the common mistake of trying to be what I thought recruiters in my industry would want from a potential employee. It went terribly. I cannot pretend to be more formal than I am, no matter how much I want a job. I wouldn’t fit into company culture either, which would make working that much harder, even if I did get the job.

So, while this entire process of creating the “perfect” About section is an exercise in putting your best foot forward, remember to be authentic. And you’ll find your people. Or they’ll find you. And both your worlds will be all the richer for that.

Are you trying to create an online portfolio?

If you’re looking for “About Me” section samples, I’m assuming that you’re either trying to spruce up your current writeup or trying to create a new-and-improved online portfolio with a new-and-improved “About Me.”

In case it’s the latter, I’ll leave a quick overview of Authory as your next portfolio builder. At a high level, here’s what you get when you use Authory to create your portfolio:

  • Automatic importation of ALL content from any digital source. Enter the URL of the source publication, and all bylined content will be imported. This includes your past and future content, i.e., anything you’ve published in the past and any new publications added to the source site. Everything you’ve ever written will automatically be collated into a single dashboard.
  • All imported content is automatically and permanently backed up, even if the source site goes down, is deadlinked, or faces any issues whatsoever.
  • Content is backed up in its original format, i.e., the real text and/or media, not screenshots.
  • Download your content anytime as high-quality PDFs or export them as high-quality PDFs.
  • Email notifications every time Authory imports a new article.
  • Robust in-built SEO features.
  • All portfolios are optimized with responsive design for mobile device screens.
  • Analytics support for all your imported content. You can check how your content is doing across popular social media sites in terms of readership, engagement, shares, etc.

If you’re curious, try Authory’s 14-day free trial. Cancel at any time; you have nothing to lose and a great portfolio to gain at just $8/month.



Editor for

Protim is a startup founder & marketer with over a decade of experience in content marketing, content writing, SEO, and more. He loves dogs, D&D, and music!