I’m not broken

Nicki Samuels
Autism & Aspergers
Published in
3 min readSep 9, 2014


Lately there seems to be a lot of interest in finding the causes for Autism and Aspergers. I was looking at an article this morning that claims that brain injury while either in the womb or very shortly after birth. This injury is what makes the brain form differently and cause Autism. I have heard loads of theories prior to this one over the years. Some blaming the MMR jab, some blaming premature birth (both of which have happened to me) and there has been some people looking at some kind hereditary condition. There have been some claims that parts of the brain have formed differently or wrongly, some people believe that the brain is missing a part all together. Because of my sensory issues I believe that to some extent, it makes sense. I however don’t care about any of this if I am honest, myself and other Aspies have no interest into where it came from, the cause is the cause. It worries me that more and more professionals are looking into the causes this says to me that they are looking for a way to stop it all together. I don’t think they are going to find the cause and leave it at that, they would look for a way to reverse it, or stop it all together. Why? what’s the big deal? Also how do you find one cause for everyone on the spectrum, as the levels are autism are on a massive scale.
Making it sound like a deformity or a default in the brain can cause prejudice. I have seen loads of bullying lately against the autistic community especially children, for some reason the more awareness so far has caused a few isolated incidents of extreme bullying. One example being the child who had bodily fluids thrown over them while participating in an ice bucket challenge. It was a horrible thing to do and shows me that certain groups haven’t accepted the autistic mind. I have heard many people talk about Aspergers and Autism as a disease, I have met people who have thought the D in ASD meant just that.

Why does knowing the cause or trigger for autism matter? If a cure was created or if it could be stopped I don’t think that this would be a good idea. Some of the best minds that have made huge contributions to the world were on the spectrum. I haven’t come across anyone with AS or ASD who would want rid of it or wished it had never happened to them. At most I have wished that I had been diagnosed as a child so my life was easier and not the struggle it was. To me it seems the need for a cure or to wipe out Autism is with wish of the NT world, I have spoke to parents who would like their child cured because they see it as an obstacle. All that money that is being used to find a origin or a cure should go into just raising awareness or creating a way to make diagnosis easier for all ages.
AS and ASD shouldn’t been seen as a disorder or some kind of problem, I just see it as a personality type. A few years ago 1 in 100 were known to have Aspergers, now I think the figures are more in a 1 in 78. As the years go by it will probably go down again.The results are in “You have an Autistic personality, here are some adjustments you may need, but don’t worry the world understands”. In a past post of mine “Do I want a time machine or a cure?”I wrote about not wanting a cure and if your on the spectrum and reading this I bet you wouldn’t want one either.

