Let’s get started!

Quentin McKubich
Autobahn Cowboy
Published in
1 min readJul 22, 2017

There are many things I should have done earlier. And one of them was starting my blog.

There was always a good excuse: “I have no time, bachelor comes first, there are too many bloggers around already, no one will read me” blah blah blah.
Today, under the rainy skies of Normandy, I decided to finally come up with a blog, and as I said, I should have done so earlier!

From now on I shall write about my current experiences, things I see and encounter, my passions and interests, and I shall throwback on some of my travels and experiences.

What to expect? Stories, information, tips, ideas, and other cool stuff on the things I like: traveling -in France or abroad-, vintage, architecture, lifestyle and reflections on life depending of my daily mood.

About me? I’m Quentin, or autobahn_q if you check my Instagram. Imagine a brown-haired youngster with a questionable sense of humor and a love for wacky puns. I’m 23, from Reims, France, and I’m a Msc student in Marketing and Brand Management. I lived two years in Dublin where I started my studies, came back to Reims, and after one gap year moved to beautiful Aix-en-Provence. In addition to interests I mentionned before, I’m also into sports, arts, motors, food, music and fashion.

Why are you writing in English you French wankster? Just to keep my English running and keep on improving! And to reach my international friends!

Come along and ride on a Fantastic Voyage!



Quentin McKubich
Autobahn Cowboy
Editor for

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