Autobahn Network Testnet “Blankenese”

Christian Eichinger
5 min readMay 29, 2020


*** Update: In a token split done in 2020, MTXLT became TXL with a split ratio of 1:1,000. The MTXLT mentioned in this article migrated to TXL.***

We are proud to announce one of the most important milestones of 2020 for Tixl. Under the codename “Blankenese” — named after a beautiful district of Hamburg close to Altona— we have released the first version of the Autobahn Network core as Testnet. This article focuses on the improvements to Testnet. In June we will present our 5th Major Status Update, with details about how we are progressing toward a Mainnet in the coming weeks and months.

Hamburg’s beautiful district “Blankenese” — Name of the current Testnet version

TL;DR How can I use it?

  1. Go to
  2. Click on the RECEIVE button and copy your address
  3. Click on the link below your Tixl balance - this will take you to our Telegram bot. Send your Autobahn Network Testnet address to the bot and wait a moment


  • You can see transactions on
  • You can deposit and withdraw Testnet BTC using the Autobahn Network Gateway. We have prepared an article about How to deposit Testnet BTC
  • You can use another browser (or incognito window) to launch a second wallet to test the SEND feature.

What is contained in Blankenese?

Blankenese is a refinement of the Altona release, which already had all the basic functionality and proved the feasibility of the Tixl concept. To find out more information about the Altona release please follow this link:

With the Blankenese Release, we have improved on many of the features of Altona and added even more. A major focus was placed on the support of Bitcoin.

Transaction speed

We were able to speed-up the time to a final transaction. What was taking up to 25 seconds with Altona, we have managed to reduce to just 10 seconds with this release.

  • We have modified the wallet to use a Websockets connection for new transaction notifications, as opposed to polling (where the server is repeatedly interrogated)

We are working on ideas and concepts to further reduce the transaction time in future releases. There is the option to have the send-block bypass the Validator Network via the existing web socket connection, where it is then transmitted to the network (together with the corresponding receive block). Using this system, we can save a whole consensus round. The result is that transactions feel instantaneous and they only need to wait for a consensus round to get finally verified.

Bitcoin Support

The Tixl concept has the ideal properties needed for payments: Speed, zero transaction fees, and privacy. It makes complete sense to provide these advantages to the transfer of other digital assets, as a service. This positions Tixl as the preeminent next-generation payment network, focused on transferring digital assets quickly, cheaply, and privately.

By adjusting the core, we were able to make the improvements necessary to support other assets. The most exciting part was building a decentralized BTC Gateway for the Autobahn Network.

One of the most important requirements for us was that the decentralization of Bitcoin — and other digital assets — should be preserved when using our Second-Layer Solution (as long as the supported asset itself has this feature).
In real terms, this means that neither the Tixl company, nor any person or group will be able to access the Bitcoin in the Autobahn Network and — in a worst-case — steal it.

Trust in the custody of the Bitcoin must therefore not rely on trust in the organization but must be guaranteed purely by cryptography and a truly decentralized consensus algorithm. Since our aim is to stay decentralized, no single validator should be able to spend Bitcoins from the shared pool where the Bitcoins are deposited. The Autobahn Network can achieve this by using a threshold signature scheme (TSS).

You can read the article below to get a deeper insight:

Blankenese Wallet

The Wallet has been completely revised. We have introduced shorter addresses for better usability, redesigned the user interface and improved various views. In addition, the private key is now displayed during wallet creation and an existing wallet can also be restored with a private key.

To achieve a better transaction speed, we incorporated a WebSocket connection and - for the first time - the Stealthchain concept was used in the wallet at a very early stage of implementation.

You can claim some free test tokens through our special Telegram bot. The bot needs your address, which you can copy after clicking the RECEIVE button of the web wallet. The amount of test tokens is random, and tokens can be claimed every 60 minutes. When you have the tokens, play with the wallet and send some test tokens to your friends and family 🙂

The picture below shows a screenshot of the Autobahn Network Testnet web wallet. It can be accessed both in a desktop browser and on mobile devices:

Autobahn Network Web Wallet “Blankenese”

Blankenese Explorer

To make what happens on the Autobahn Network more transparent, we have launched the Testnet explorer. Although Explorers are not ideal for providing detailed information in relation to private transactions, we will offer optional transparent transactions in the future - so it makes sense to have one. In addition - for your personal transactions, and for the network health - the explorer supplies valuable information on the status of the consensus.

The Explorer has changed little from the Altona release. The signature is now represented by an emoji hash consisting of three emojis and should help you find your transaction faster. In addition, the asset symbol is now displayed, which is an important feature as assets other than TXL can be sent over the network.

Autobahn Network Testnet Explorer

All tokens on the Testnet are worth nothing as real-world currency. Given the Testnet is under active development, we may reset the entire network to restart without warning. A network restart will reset all funds, but you can claim new test tokens via the Telegram faucet at any time.

About Hamburg-Blankenese

Blankenese is a western district of Hamburg in the district of Altona and belongs to the Elbe suburbs. Blankenese has a long history as a fishing village along the Elbe River. Supposedly, the name Blankenese comes from the Low German ‘blanke Nees’ (‘shining nose’), meaning white promontory in the Elbe river. These days, Blankenese is one of the richest districts of Hamburg. The average income here is about three times the overall Hamburg average. Worth seeing is the stair quarter, which formerly formed the village center of the old Blankenese. This part of the village lies on the steep slope of the Elbe with many winding stairs and narrow alleys. Read more about Blankenese on Wikipedia or take a look at some pictures.

