How to make a reservation in Autolevi platform?
Published in
4 min readNov 15, 2018

In this post, we will describe how to make a reservation on the Autolevi website. Autolevi is continuously improving to make car rental even more convenient and safe, and now the system has been so automatic that everything depends on Autolevi users themselves once they have filled out their profile information and it has been approved by our team. When you select the suitable cars and make a reservation, the car owners will receive text messages and e-mails asking them to either approve or reject the reservation. You will also see each car owner’s response time on our website and, if the car is needed as soon as possible, you can book the car from those owners who answer in just a few minutes’ time.

Once the reservation has been approved, you just need to make a payment through our system and arrange the meeting time and place with the car owner.

Searching for a car

It is possible to make a reservation on every device with an Internet connection. To make a reservation, you need to connect to the Autolevi system. Once you have registered and logged in, go to the section “For car renters” or check out the range of cars from your profile. When selecting a car, pay attention to the information provided to make sure that it is the right car for the intended use. Once it has been done, you can make a reservation by indicating the start and end dates and the purpose of the rent. Keep in mind that the car should be used for the purpose indicated!

After that, the owner of the car will receive a message about the reservation and will be able to either approve or reject it. If the car owner will approve the reservation, you will receive a text message that you need to make a payment. Log in and approve the reservation by making the payment. To pay for the rental, click “Pay”, connect with your internet bank or fill out your card information and accept the prepared payment. You will also be able to read our agreement again or, in case you have found a different car, reject the reservation.

Other users will be able to make a reservation of your selected car before the payment is done, but, once the payment is done, our system will automatically sign an electronic agreement, the transaction will be done and the car will be waiting just for you. If due to some unforeseen reason the rental will be canceled from either party, we will pay the money back, so make sure that the bank account in your profile is the correct one! We make a payment to car owners once a month for all the successful rentals of the previous month to make sure that the procedure in such situations is fast and as convenient as possible for all Autolevi users.

Reservation in simple steps:

  1. Log in the website and select the cars. We advise you to make a reservation on 1–11 cars since a car might be already taken or needed for the car owner himself.
  2. Make a reservation and we will send a text message and an e-mail to the car owner.
  3. Receive a text message when the car owner has approved or rejected the reservation.
  4. Make a payment through the website and contact the car owner about picking up the car. We also accept Mastercard and Visa debit and credit.
  5. Pick up the car in the arranged time and place and enjoy the drive!
  6. Review the car and its owner after the rental.
  7. Repeat the steps 1–6 for your next adventure and enjoy our service!


We kindly request our users to leave feedback after each rental to make sure that Autolevi can ensure a high-quality service. You can leave feedback simply by logging into the website. Just as we want to improve the experience for our users, we also want to grow ourselves, so we encourage you to send all suggestions or complaints to us on the website or by e-mailing

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