Best practices to get higher fill rates

nelliyat anjali
Automatad, Inc.
Published in
2 min readNov 20, 2017

The speed at which online marketing approach is making an impact is perplexing. Strategies that work at present may not have the similar progress tomorrow. Brands teaming up with publishers are one of the most effective marketing strategies to boost revenue these days. This way, not only brands get benefitted by posting ads on publisher website but also the publishers get profit out of it.

Many believe that driving traffic to their websites is the only way for publishers to earn revenue. But more and more advertisers get attracted to the most popular website. Nevertheless, it is very much likely to capitalize from ads by having a constant traffic flow.

There are numerous websites on internet that allow publishing advertisements and in turn gaining profit out of the same. As this is the primary source of revenue for many, they need to get more out of each ad impression efficiently. Here comes the term “fill rates”.

Before finding the ways to improve fill rates, let’s first understand what exactly the “fill rate is and why is it essential?

Every time there is an ad prospect, an ad request is created towards the ad source (any publishing website or ad network) which can either be filled or not. The percentage of ad requests that are effectively filled to the number of ad requests raised is termed as “Fill Rate”. As impressions achieve profit on basis of CPM, it may seem reasonable for any publisher to yearn for a fill-rate near to 100%, entailing that the publisher takes benefit of every profit occasion. Although, this metric correspond to only maximizing revenue side, which does not always denote the highest number of ads possible. Sometimes, lesser “fill rate” is really is more.

Fill Rates assist publishers in deciding the utilization of their inventory.

When there is a good fill rate percentage, this means that the website is yielding efficiently with greater profitable earnings. Fill rates also help in determining the site efficiency and improvements required for performance.

Click here to see the factors that effect the fill rates and also to find the best practices to increase the fill rate.

