Analytics & KPI’s that will help you make your Facebook Chatbot Successful

Benjamin Merritt
Automated Conversations
3 min readFeb 20, 2018


Chatbots deliver fast and easy conversational experiences, everything happens very quickly. In order to optimize your chatbot, you need to understand how people use your bot.

  • What are the most asked questions?
  • How many subscribers are you gaining every day?
  • How much time to users spend on your bot?
  • How often do they come back?
  • Are my users coming from my ADS or my Homepage?
  • Who has replied “I love you” to the weekly quiz?

It’s been in the works for a while, but it’s finally here!

We’re giving all our users access to their bot’s performance via a brand new page called “analytics”. Premium users, of course, get access to detailed, richer data and KPIs.

It’s available right now on your account and most of the data goes back to your bot’s creation.

Bot Overview

This is the best way to have a quick overview of your bot’s performance: you have access to the current month, as well as figures dating back to since your bot was launched.

Number of users, Number of subscriptions, Number of messages, Number of sessions and average time spent per user.

Graphically visualize your bot’s performance over a specific period.

Users insights (Premium)

Gather interesting insights from your users: how many messages, unanswered recipes, session length, the first and last times they visited your bot. And, notably, where they came from.

Recipes (Premium)

Discover the most popular recipes, optimize the recipes that are important and find another solution for the recipes that aren’t triggered often enough.

​Broadcast (Premium)

​Get all the details you need when broadcasting messages to your users using one of the following triggers:

  • RSS Feeds
  • Scheduled post (every day / week / month)
  • Instant notifications (manual)

Check how many invitations (if users haven’t opted-in) and messages (if users have opted-in) have been sent.

Variables & Quick Replies (Premium)

When using quick replies, you can save the answers to use as triggers or just for analytics purposes. You can now have a quick overview of how many times a quick reply has been selected. This is great for polls, UX improvements or quizzes.

Here is an example with recipes using variables: (q1) question 1, (q2) question 2, (q3) question 3 and number of people that won and lost.

Just a click on a variable gives you the exact details of the answers.
Here 305 people chose the correct first answer.
You can also access the detailed answers per user.

(q2) question 2 got 305 replies for NTM, 16 replies for Arsenik and 9 for IAM.

Referers (Premium)

Track where people come from using a specific tag ( with the URL you use for sharing your chatbot.

Links (Premium)

Get KPI’s on the number of external clicks your bot has generated.

If you want more information, just ask us in comments below, I’d love to have feedback on what are the KPI’s that are missing for your bot.



Benjamin Merritt
Automated Conversations