Best reviews from your best customers

Wil Chung
Automation Cookbook
3 min readOct 2, 2020

Running a business has many moving parts. The more you can automate, the more it frees you up to address higher level and strategic problems of your business. This is a newsletter about automating aspects of your business.


E-commerce stores thrive or die based on customer reviews. But it’s well known people are more motivated to write negative reviews when things go wrong, than to write positive reviews when things go right. It’s a good idea to actively solicit reviews from your best and happiest customers.

One way to measure happy customers is through the Net Promoter Score Survey. It simply asks two questions to your customers (three if they’re not logged in):

  1. On a scale of 0–10, how likely is it that you would recommend [the product] to a friend or colleague?
  2. What is the primary reason for your score?
  3. How can we reach you if we have questions?

How do we create an NPS Survey to find our best customers to solicit their review?


We can use any survey software, like Qualtrics or Typeform to create a NPS survey on our web site. For this guide, we’ll use Typeform’s tutorial on NPS surveys.

Once you have your NPS survey up on Typeform, we can send an email to the customer when they answer a 9 or 10 asking them to write a review for our product.

Now we can set up the automation on Zapier:

Note that you may have reviews on Amazon or Shopify, so you’d tailor your own email accordingly.

This is one of many ways that you can build a following to help you on your way to expanding the customer base for your business. Good luck!

Photo by Jean van der Meulen from Pexels

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