A collection of tutorials on API automation testing for different frameworks and different development languages

Automation Test Starter
5 min readNov 29, 2023

Implementation of API Automation Projects with Java and REST Assured Framework

REST Assured Framework Tutorial Table of Contents

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Corresponding Articles for REST Assured Framework Tutorial

Reference Documents for REST Assured Framework Tutorial

Implementation of API Automation Projects with JavaScript and SuperTest Framework

SuperTest Framework Tutorial Table of Contents

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Corresponding Articles for SuperTest Framework Tutorial

Reference Documents for SuperTest Framework Tutorial

Implementation of API Automation Projects with Python and Pytest Framework

Pytest Framework Tutorial Table of Contents

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Corresponding Articles for Pytest Framework Tutorial

Reference Documents for Pytest Framework Tutorial

Implementation of API Automation Testing with Testing Tools

Postman API Automation Testing

Postman Framework Tutorial Directory

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Postman Framework Tutorial Articles

Postman Framework Tutorial Reference Documents

Bruno API Automation Testing

Bruno Framework Tutorial Directory

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Bruno Framework Tutorial Articles

Bruno Framework Tutorial Reference Documents

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Automation Test Starter

Test Automation Engineer, 11+ years of experience. Writing about Software Testing and Automation. My blog : https://naodeng.com.cn