What is Robot Framework in the Era of Robots?

Sukhjinder Singh
Automation Testing Easy Way
2 min readJun 20, 2023

Robot Framework is an open-source test automation framework that allows you to write and execute automated tests for software applications. It provides a simple, keyword-driven syntax that enables even non-programmers to create test cases. Now we have power of RPA Framework which is powered by Robot Framework.

Key features of Robot Framework include:

  1. Easy-to-read syntax: Robot Framework uses a tabular, plain-text format that is easily understandable by both technical and non-technical users. Tests are written in a keyword-driven style, where keywords represent actions or operations to be performed.
  2. Test data-driven approach: Robot Framework promotes a data-driven testing approach, allowing you to separate test logic from test data. Test cases can be written once and reused with different input data sets, making it efficient for handling multiple test scenarios.
  3. Extensibility: Robot Framework is highly extensible and provides a modular architecture. It supports both built-in and external libraries, which can be used to extend its capabilities for different purposes such as web testing, database testing, API testing, and more.
  4. Cross-platform support: Robot Framework is implemented using Python and runs on multiple platforms, including Windows, Linux, and macOS. It can be used to automate tests for applications developed in various programming languages.
  5. Built-in reporting and logging: Robot Framework generates detailed and customizable test reports and logs, providing insights into test execution, including test case status, test steps, and any errors or failures encountered.
  6. Integration with CI/CD tools: Robot Framework integrates well with continuous integration and continuous delivery (CI/CD) tools, enabling seamless test automation as part of your development workflow. It can be easily integrated with popular CI/CD platforms like Jenkins, TeamCity, and others.
  7. Active community and ecosystem: Robot Framework has a vibrant community that actively contributes to its development and shares libraries and plugins. You can find a wide range of existing libraries and resources to enhance your test automation capabilities.

RPA — Robot Framework, being a versatile test automation framework, can also be utilized for RPA purposes by leveraging its features and extensibility. It has the power of Keywords driven well-documented libraries and you can use the power of Python programming to scale it as much as you need.

Automation Development — It offers various tools that make automation developer life much easier. Here are some of the tools that we can use:

RPA — Automation Studio: https://robocorp.com/download

IDE — RIDE: https://pypi.org/project/robotframework-ride/

VS Code extensions: https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=robocorp.robocorp-code





Overall, Robot Framework simplifies test automation by providing a user-friendly and flexible approach, making it suitable for both beginners and experienced testers. It's extensibility and cross-platform support make it a popular choice for automated testing in various domains.



Sukhjinder Singh
Automation Testing Easy Way

SDET with 10 years of experience. I have experience in automation of web, mobile and API. BDD, Selenium, RestAssured, Appium are my tools to automate.