How to Be a Leader Everyone Loves to Work With

Leading the team towards the success

Osanda Deshan Nimalarathna
Test Automation Master
3 min readJun 19, 2021



“The best leaders are the best learners. You have to believe that you (and others) can learn to lead, and that you can become a better leader tomorrow than you are today. Leaders are constant improvement fanatics, and learning is the master skill of leadership.” – Jim Kouzes, Co-author of The Leadership Challenge and The Student Leadership Challenge

If you think about an good organization, everyone regardless of their titles or positions is encouraged to act like a leader.

Here, I am explaining about The Five Practices of Exemplary Leadership to improve your leadership skills.

1. Model the Way

Model the Way
  • Leaders should establish how the team members should be recognized or treated and goals pursued.
  • Leaders should be examples for the team members.
  • If you think that some task cannot be completed within a given period of time, then you should not give that task to a team member. If you did that, it would be a bad model for the team members and your image will be bad for them.

Important points for modeling the way

  1. Titles are granted, but your behavior earns you respect.
  2. Words and deeds must be consistent.
  3. You must affirm the shared values of the group.

2. Inspire a Shared Vision

Inspire a Shared Vision

Leaders envision the future, see what the organization can become, and get others to see those possibilities.

Important points for modeling the way

  1. You have to inspire commitment, not command it.
  2. Visions seen only by leaders are insufficient to create change in a company.

3. Challenge the Process

Challenge the Process

Look for innovative ways to improve organizations and accept disappointments as learning opportunities.

Important points for modeling the way

  1. Leaders venture out; they don’t sit idly by.
  2. Create a climate where good ideas are supported.

4. Enable Others to Act

Enable Others to Act

Leaders foster collaboration and build spirited teams by actively involving others.

Important points for modeling the way

  1. Giving power to mentees grants them ownership, making them more capable.
  2. Seeking opinions of others builds up their capabilities.

5. Encourage the Heart

Encourage the Heart

To keep hope and determination alive, leaders recognize contributions that individuals make.

Important points for modeling the way

  1. Create a culture of celebrating values and victories.
  2. Celebrations and rituals can carry a group through tough times.

A leader is a dealer in hope.
Napoleon Bonaparte



Osanda Deshan Nimalarathna
Test Automation Master

Founder of MaxSoft | RPA Solution Architect | Open-source Contributor | Automation Framework Developer | Technical Specialist